Ethanolamine Kinase-1 as a Potential Therapeutic Biomarker in Pancreatic Cancer
Tariq Shah1, Balaji Krishnamachary1, Flonne Wildes1, Jannie Wijnen2, Kristine Glunde1, and Zaver M Bhujwalla1

1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Utrecht, Netherlands


In understanding the aberrant choline metabolism of cancer, significant effort has been focused on phosphocholine (PC) but the role of phosphoethanolamine (PE) is relatively underexplored, even though tumors show increased PE as consistently as increased PC. Our previous findings in breast cancer cells have led us to expand our study to understand the role of ethanolamine kinase-1 (EtnK-1) and PE in pancreatic cell lines. We have demonstrated that EtnK-1 is the major contributor to PE levels in these cells and may be a potential therapeutic target.


Introduction: Although increased phosphoethanolamine (PE) has been observed consistently in tumors, understanding the role of PE in cancer is relatively unexplored. PE is synthesized from ethanolamine either through the dual choline/ethanolamine kinase activity of choline kinase (ChK)-α or β or the ethanolamine kinase activity of ethanolamine kinase (EtnK)-1 or 2. We have previously shown that EtnK-1 has a major role in maintaining PE levels in vivo in breast cancer cells (1). Here we have further investigated the role of ethanolamine kinase-1 (EtnK-1) and its contribution to PE levels in pancreatic cancers. We have examined the effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) downregulation of ChK and EtnK on cell viability as a potential therapeutic strategy in these pancreatic cancer cells.

Materials and Methods

HPNE-hTERT (HPNE), Panc-1, Pa02c, Pa04c pancreatic cell lines were cultured in their culture medium supplemented with 50µM ethanolamine. While HPNE is an immortalized pancreatic cell line, Panc-1 is a primary adenocarcinoma cell line. Pa02c and Pa04c were derived from liver and lung metastasis of adenocarcinomas, respectively. High-resolution 31P MR spectra from water soluble cell extracts of the pancreatic cell lines were obtained. Water soluble fractions were collected, lyophilized and dissolved in 0.6 ml deuterated water containing phenylphosphonic acid (PPA) that served as a concentration standard as well as a chemical shift reference. 31P MR spectra were acquired on a Bruker 11.7T MR spectrometer using composite pulse proton decoupling. qPCR was carried out to determine the basal EtnK1 message level in these pancreatic cells lines. ΔCt cycles of EtnK1 were determined relative to 18S rRNA as an internal control. For assaying cell viability, 4000 cells per well were plated in a 96 well plate and transfected with 50nM siRNA and viability assessed 96h post transfection using the Cell Counting Kit-8 according to the manufacturer’s protocol. While 50nM siRNA was used in all individual siRNA treatment, for combination siRNA treatment 50nM of each specific siRNA was used. All siRNAs were custom designed using the Thermo Scientific siRNA design center.

Results and Discussion

Representative 31P MR spectra of the PC and PE regions obtained from pancreatic cancer cells cultured in ethanolamine containing medium are shown in Figure 1A. Quantitative PC and PE levels obtained from the spectra are presented in Figure 1B. Variable levels of PE were observed in these pancreatic cell lines. Pa04c showed the highest level of PE, followed by Panc-1 and HPNE. Pa02c did not show any detectable levels of PE. ΔCt cycles of EtnK1 obtained from pancreatic cell lines are shown in Figure 1C. While Pa04c cells took the least number of cycles to form a product showing an abundance of EtnK1 message, Pa02c took most number of cycles to form a PCR product. Figure 2 shows cell viability data following treatment with ChK and EtnK siRNA in pancreatic cell lines. Pa04c and Panc-1 showed a significant reduction in cell viability compared to untreated condition (p<0.05) on ChK-α or EtnK-1 siRNA treatment. Pa04c, which showed the highest levels of PE, also showed the most reduction in cell viability. Interestingly, HPNE, which is a non-cancerous pancreatic cell line also showed dependency on PE in their growth, together with a significant reduction in cell viability following EtnK-1 down-regulation (p<0.05). EtnK-1 siRNA treatment in Pa02c did not show any reduction in cell viability compared to D-FECT that corroborates the low EtnK-1 activity in these cells. EtnK-2 siRNA treatment did not show any significant effect on cell viability in these pancreatic cell lines. Combined treatment with ChK-α+EtnK-1 siRNA carried out in Panc-1 and Pa04c was not more effective than treatment with the individual siRNA alone, suggesting that both siRNA act through the same pathway in decreasing cell viability. The reduction in cell viability caused by treatment with EtnK-1 siRNA indicates its therapeutic potential that warrants further investigation. Further studies are underway to investigate PE levels in pancreatic tumors in vivo.


This work was supported by P50 CA103175.


1. Shah et al., ISMRM, 523, 2015.


Figure 1: (A) Representative 31P MR spectra showing expanded regions of PC and PE metabolites obtained from water soluble extracts of pancreatic cell lines (B) Quantitative PC and PE values obtained from 31P spectra obtained from pancreatic cell lines. (C) ΔCt cycles of EtnK1 relative to 18s rRNA obtained from qPCR data on different pancreatic cell lines.

Figure 2: Cell viability obtained 96h post transfection with various siRNA treatment conditions pancreatic cell lines cells compared to untreated condition (* p <0.05).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)