Response of degarelix treatment in human prostate cancer monitored by HR-MAS 1H NMR spectroscopy
Basetti Madhu1, Greg Shaw1, David Neal1, and John R Griffiths1

1Molecular Imaging (MRI & MRS), Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Absolute concentrations of metabolites were measured in samples of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH) and high grade prostate cancer tissues from intact and castrate patients (Degarelix treated). Lactate, alanine, choline compounds concentrations were significantly elevated in high-grade prostate cancer biopsies when compared to BPH samples. Castration resulted in the significant decrease of lactate and t-choline concentrations in high grade prostate cancer biopsies. The reduced metabolite concentrations of lactate and t-choline observed in this study due to Degarelix shows that there is a potential application of in vivo 1H MRS to monitor non-invasively the effects of castration in prostate cancer .


Human prostate cancer is the second commonest cause of cancer death in males in the UK1. NMR spectroscopy methods have been used to differentiate between benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) and malignant prostate cancer samples Spermine, which is found to be reduced in prostate cancer tissue samples, when measured by High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS) 1H NMR showed a linear correlation with the volume percentage of normal epithelial cells that were quantified by histopathology methods2. These studies along with others were aimed at establishing non-invasive magnetic resonance methods either to distinguish normal from benign (and also from malignant) tissue or to follow the metabolic changes with the progression of malignance/aggressiveness (factors such as malignancy, cellularity and Gleason’s grade) of the prostate cancer3-7.

There is no data available as to how the metabolism of prostate is affected by the Degarelix treatment in human prostate cancer tissues. In this context, HRMAS 1H NMR spectroscopic method was used to analyse surgically resected human benign and high grade prostate cancer samples with and without Degarelix treatment (removed surgically 7 days after administration of degarelix with confirmed castrate levels of serum testosterone) in order to evaluate the metabolic changes associated with medical castration.

Material and Methods

Full ethical approval was obtained for all elements of the study. Twenty three post-surgical prostate samples were snap frozen in cryogenic vials and preserved at -80°C until the NMR analysis. One tissue sample was analysed at a time by transferring it on the dry ice. Sample was cut to the size to fit into the 4mm plastic insert. The capped insert was inserted into the HRMAS rotor. The top screw of the rotor was fitted and placed into the NMR spectrometer. In this study, HRMAS 1H NMR data from benign (n=10), high grade (n= 7) and Degarelix treated HG (n=6) were obtained.

Metabolite data acquisition and analysis HRMAS 1H NMR data acquisition was performed on a Bruker 600MHz, with a 4mm HRMAS probe. All the spectra were obtained using TOPSPIN 2.5 Bruker software and at a spin rate of 3000Hz and a sample temperature at 4°C. Water suppressed pulse sequence (Bruker Topspin refers it as zgpr) with acquisition parameters of a repetition time of 8sec, 128 transients, 64K time domain points were used to get the metabolite spectrum. Corresponding water spectrum was acquired with 8sec repetition time, 8 transients and 64K time domain points. A water suppressed CPMG pulse sequence with acquisition parameters of 8sec repetition time, 128 transients and 64K time domain points was used with a T2 filter (TE= 50ms, 100ms and 200ms) to acquire metabolite spectrum with the suppression of the broad lipid and macromolecule signals. The total analysis time for each sample was about one hour thirty minutes.

We analysed the metabolite profiles, obtained by using a water suppressed CPMG pulse sequence with a T2 filter of 200 microseconds from samples, with Principal Component analysis (PCA) and Orthogonal projections to latent structures – discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). The spectra were binned from 0.5ppm to 4.5ppm with 0.01ppm intervals. Binned data was exported to SIMCA (Umetrics®) software for multivariate analysis. All the bins were mean centred (with pareto scaling). Scores plots were used for classification of the samples and loadings plots to identify the metabolites responsible for the separation of samples in the scores plots.

Results and Discussion

Elevated lactate and alanine observed indicates the enhanced glycolysis in high grade tumour samples compared to BPH samples. These samples showed “Warburg effect”, which has been exhibited in many of the cancer cells and malignant tumour tissues8-9. Increased levels of choline and choline containing compounds have frequently been observed, both by MRS in vivo and by ex vivo studies on cancer biopsies and cell extracts4,10-12. Similarly, the t-choline and (PC+GPC) contents observed the high grade prostate cancer samples were significantly higher than in benign prostate. Reduced lactate levels due to Degarelix might be an indication of lower glycolysis. Total choline levels also significantly reduced due to the Degarelix treatment, indicating significant effect on the membrane phospholipid metabolism.


Lactate, alanine, t-choline and PC+GPC) concentrations were significantly elevated in high-grade prostate cancer biopsies compared to BPH samples. Degarelix treatment resulted in the significant decrease of lactate and t-choline concentrations in high grade prostate cancer biopsies.The reduced metabolite concentrations of lactate and t-choline observed in this study due to Degarelix shows that there is a potential application of in vivo 1H MRS to follow the androgen deprivation therapy non-invasively on standard clinical MRI scanners.


This work was funded by Cancer Research UK.


1.Thompson JC, Wood J, Feuer D. Prostate cancer: palliative care and pain relief. British medical bulletin. 2007; 83: 341-54.).
2. Cheng LL1, Wu C, Smith MR, Gonzalez RG. Non-destructive quantitation of spermine in human prostate tissue samples using HRMAS 1H NMR spectroscopy at 9.4 T. FEBS Lett. 2001 Apr 6;494(1-2):112-6.
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6.Swanson, M.G., Keshari, K. R., Tabatabai, Z. L., Simko, J. P., Shinohara, K., Carroll, P. R., Zektzer, A. S., Kurhanewicz, J. (2008). Quantification of choline- and ethanolamine-containing metabolites in human prostate tissues using 1H HR-MAS total correlation spectroscopy. Magnetic resonance in medicine 60, 33-40.
7.Ratiney, H., Albers, M. J., Rabeson, H., Kurhanewicz, J. (2010). Semi-parametric time-domain quantification of HR-MAS data from prostate tissue. NMR in biomedicine 23, 1146-1157.
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11.Bertilsson, H., Tessem, M. B., Flatberg, A., Viset, T., Gribbestad, I., Angelsen, A., Halgunset, J. (2012). Changes in gene transcription underlying the aberrant citrate and choline metabolism in human prostate cancer samples. Clinical cancer research, 18, 3261-3269.
12.Selnaes, K.M., Gribbestad, I. S., Bertilsson, H., Wright, A., Angelsen, A., Heerschap, A., Tessem, M. B. (2013). Spatially matched in vivo and ex vivo MR metabolic profiles of prostate cancer -- investigation of a correlation with Gleason score. NMR in biomedicine 26, 600-606.


LC Model fittings of water suppressed HRMAS 1H NMR spectra from Prostate tissue samples. Residuals between the observed and fitted spectrum are also shown on the each of the spectrum. (Glx – Glutamine and Glutamate, Cit – Citrate, Cr – Creatine, PCr – Phosphocreatine, Cho – Choline, PC – Phosphocholine, GPC – Glycero-Phosphocholine, Tau – Taurine, myo-Ino – myo-Inositol)

Lactate, t-Choline, t-creatine and citrate metabolite changes in BPH, control and Degarelix treated patient prostate cancer biopsies.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)