The purpose of this study was
to minimize echo planar imaging (EPI)-related distortion artifacts while
maintaining the time-efficiency for prostate diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) using
a reduced field of view (rFOV) readout-segmented EPI (RESOLVE) technique. Image
distortions in clinical standard DW single-shot (ss) EPI (5:52min) were
compared with a matched RESOLVE protocol (seven segments, 7:03min) and rFOV
RESOLVE (five segments, 4:59min) using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) on
forward and reverse phase-encoded images.
DSC was significantly higher (0.91±0.05) in rFOV RESOLVE compared with the
other protocols, indicating that rFOV RESOLVE can improve DWI quality and
visualization in the prostate compared with ss-EPI, with higher time efficiency
than regular RESOLVE.Purpose
Diffusion-weighted imaging
(DWI) is a key component in multi-parametric MRI (mp-MRI) characterization of
prostate cancer. However, geometric distortions, image shifts, and image
artifacts are significant problems for conventional DWI using single-shot echo
planar imaging (ssEPI
1, Fig.1a). The distortion and artifacts may not
only degrade the diffusion information, but also obstruct direct alignment of
DWI with complementary T2-weighted (T2w) MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI.
Multi-shot EPI sequences, e.g., readout-segmented EPI (RESOLVE
Fig.1b), have shown promise in reducing geometric distortions in prostate DWI
but are limited in clinical practice due to comparatively long scan times. In
this work, we develop and evaluate a new prostate DWI technique that combines
RESOLVE with reduced field-of-view imaging (rFOV RESOLVE) to reduce geometric
distortion and improve scan time efficiency.
Sequence: To acquire rFOV RESOLVE (Fig.1c) while
eliminating aliasing artifacts, two outer volume spatial saturation (OVSS)
bands were placed coronally, anterior and posterior to the FOV in the axial
plane. The rFOV allowed data acquisition with fewer segments, achieving higher
scan-time efficiency than RESOLVE.
Experiments: Eleven healthy male volunteers (age = 32±8
years) were scanned on a 3T system (MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens) with three DWI
protocols: standard clinical single-shot EPI (1 segment), RESOLVE (7 segments)
and rFOV RESOLVE (5 segments). The majority of imaging parameters were matched
(Table 1). The readout durations and total scan durations for ssEPI/RESOLVE/rFOV
RESOLVE were 42/39/23 ms and 5:52/7:03/4:59 min, respectively. Phase-encoding
(PE) direction was anterior-posterior (A-P). High-resolution T2w turbo spin-echo (TSE) images
were acquired with matched slice locations for anatomical reference.
Quantitative Analysis: To assess geometric distortion and shift,
all three DWI protocols were acquired with forward
(A-P) and reverse (P-A) PE directions. The forward and reverse PE images were
each manually segmented on a central slice of the prostate using a free-form
polygonal region of interest (MATLAB, The MathWorks) to comprise only the
prostate. Geometric distortion/shift was measured by the overlap between the
prostate segmentation boundary from forward and reverse PE images using the
Dice similarity coefficient5:
where A and B denote the
forward and reverse PE images, respectively. DSC is an index between 0 and 1,
with higher values indicating greater overlap between two images. Mean and
standard deviations of DSC were calculated from
n=11 volunteers, and pairwise
p=0.05 to indicate significance)
were performed to determine statistically significant DSC differences between
Visual inspection of all
images showed differences in the shape of the prostate using the three prostate
DWI protocols (Fig.2), and within the same protocol in forward and reverse PE
directions (Fig.3). Figure 2 shows images from a representative volunteer at
the full FOV (a-d) and zoomed in to the rFOV (e-h), with anatomical reference
(Fig.2a,e) for the diffusion images. ssEPI (Fig.2b,f) shows characteristic blurring,
distortion and artifacts in the PE direction. In general, the prostate is
better delineated using either RESOLVE protocol (Fig.2c,d,g,h), although some stretching
and compression was observed on RESOLVE images (Fig.2c,g). The prostate outline
in rFOV RESOLVE (Fig.2d,h) closely matched the ROI from the T2w anatomical
The forward (Fig.3a-c)
and reverse (Fig.3d-f) PE images were used in DSC quantification (Fig.3g-i). Mean
DSC increased from 0.74±0.18 in ssEPI to 0.77±0.18 in RESOLVE and 0.91±0.05 in
rFOV RESOLVE. The differences between ssEPI and rFOV RESOLVE were statistically
significant (p<0.02). No
significant differences were found between RESOLVE and either ssEPI or rFOV
RESOLVE, although the DSC difference between RESOLVE and rFOV RESOLVE was also comparatively
large (p=0.08).
Discussion and Conclusions
Geometric distortions,
image shifts and blurring are extremely common in the PE direction in conventional
prostate DWI using ssEPI due to long readout durations. RESOLVE can reduce
spatial distortion effects and image shift; however, RESOLVE cannot always be
acquired within a clinically feasible scan duration. Our results in
healthy volunteers (
n=11) indicate
that rFOV RESOLVE can improve the geometric fidelity of DWI in the prostate
(DSC = 0.91) compared with ssEPI (DSC = 0.74). This improvement in image
quality is accompanied by higher scan time efficiency than RESOLVE due to fewer
acquisition segments (7 vs. 5 in the current design), with less than 5 minutes
scan duration for this specific protocol. Future work aims to explore the
relative advantages of alternative rFOV strategies to OVSS, such as inner-volume
imaging and two-dimensional RF excitation pulses. In conclusion, rFOV RESOLVE
was shown to have significantly lower distortion than ssEPI and higher time efficiency
than RESOLVE, and may be a promising new technique for DWI in the prostate.
Siemens Medical SolutionsReferences
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