Erica Markiewicz1, Xiaobing Fan1, Devkumar Mustafi1, Marta Zamora1, Suzanne D. Conzen2, and Gregory S Karczmar1
1Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Medicine, Hematology/Oncology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
Contrast media injected directly into mammary
ducts clearly shows mammary gland structure with 3D-MRI. Development of in situ cancer causes changes in the leakage
rates and contrast agent distribution in ductal lumens and surrounding tissue. Differences
we describe here between FVB/N mice and the SV40Tag mammary cancer mouse model,
indicate that in situ cancer
significantly changes the permeability of the ductal epithelium. Information
gained from imaging these glands following intra-ductal injection can be used
to develop new MRI-detectable biomarkers for early detection of in situ cancer, improve understanding of
mammary cancer biology, and guide the design of new therapy.Introduction
Ductography is an important clinical tool for
imaging the breast and finding small lesions (1). Mouse models of breast cancer
can provide useful information about the development of breast/mammary cancers
(2). Here we report 3D in vivo MRI
ductography of FVB/N mice and the SV40 mammary cancer model to evaluate
contrast media distribution and to evaluate the permeability of normal mammary
ducts and ducts with in situ cancer
(3). The results suggest that increased ductal permeability may be a biomarker
for early in situ breast/mammary cancer
Five 19-week old female FVB/N mice and eight 15-week
old female SV40Tag mice were studied. After mice were anesthetized, a 34G, 45° tip Hamilton needle attached to a 25uL Hamilton
syringe was inserted into the tip of an inguinal gland nipple. Approximately
15uL of a Gadodiamide and Trypan blue solution was slowly injected over one
minute. Immediately post injection the animal was placed into a 30 mm
quadrature coil inside a 9.4 T Bruker scanner. 3D T1W FLASH images with fat
suppression were acquired (TR/TE = 22.2/4.4 ms, flip angle = 15°, FOV = 25.6×19.2×38.4 mm, matrix size =
256×192×192, partial Fourier factor = 1.5, NEX = 1) repeatedly for ~90 min to
follow the contrast washout with temporal resolution of 9.13 min. Acquisition
of the first T1W image began approximately 10 min after intra-ductal
injections. Axial multi-slice RARE T2W images with fat suppression (TR/TEeffective
= 4000/20.3 ms, FOV = 25.6×19.2 mm, matrix size = 256×192, slice thickness =
0.5 mm, number of slice = 41, RARE factor = 4, NEX = 2) were acquired at the
end to provide anatomic information. The non-parametric
Mann-Whitney U-Test was used to determine whether there was a statistically
significant difference between FVB/N mice and SV40 mice for calculated
parameters. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Figure 1 shows (a) FVB/N and (b) SV40 mouse 3D
volume rendered T1W image of the mammary duct and aorta acquired between 10 and
20 minutes post intra-ductal injection. The FVB/N has a larger enhanced ductal
volume (yellow circle) than the SV40 mouse. Signal enhancement in the aorta (red
box) is greater in the SV40 mouse than in the FVB/N mouse, probably due to increased
leakage of contrast media from the ducts in the SV40 mouse. Figure 2 shows a
box plot of the total volume of signal enhancement in the first post-injection
scan for the FVB/N and SV40 mammary gland. On average the total volume of
significant enhancement was 5 times higher (p <0.005) in FVB/N mice than
SV40 mice. Figure 3 shows a box plot of the average contrast agent washout rate
in (a) the mammary gland and (b) aorta for the FVB/N and SV40 mice. The washout
rate in the mammary gland was 20% faster (p <0.05) in SV40 mice than the
FVB/N mice. The rate of washout from the aorta was slower in the SV40 mice than
in the FVB/N mice, but this difference was not statistically significant.
Nevertheless, the ratio of washout rate between mammary gland and aorta for the
SV40 mice was significantly higher (p <0.05) than the FVB/N mice (Figure 4).
These preliminary results suggest that the walls
of mammary ductal lumens in SV40 mice with in
situ cancer are more permeable to low molecular weight contrast agents than
the ductal lumens of control FVB/N mice. The volume of enhancement measured in
FVB/N mice is much greater than the volume of enhancement in SV40 mice at 10 –
20 minutes post-intraductal injection; this is consistent with more rapid washout
from ductal lumens in SV40 mice. In addition, the measured contrast media washout
rate is significantly more rapid in the SV40 mice than the FVB/N mice, and the
enhancement in the aorta at 10 – 20 minutes is greater in SV40 mice than in
FVB/N mice. This is also consistent with more rapid leakage from ductal lumens
in SV40 mice. These results are consistent with previous XFM (X-Ray
Fluorescence Microscopy) work that suggests increased permeability in mouse mammary
ducts with in situ cancer (5).
Increased ductal permeability may be a new
MRI-detectable biomarker for early in
situ cancer. In this study, we measured leakage from lumens into the
surrounding epithelia, stroma, and eventually blood vessels following
intra-ductal injection. The results
imply that in conventional clinical DCE-MRI leakage occurs in the reverse
direction, from blood vessels to stroma, and epithelia, and into ductal
lumens. This is consistent with previous
XFM studies from this laboratory, and has implications for the design and
analysis of clinical DCE-MRI scans.
This research is supported by NIH 1R01CA133490,
The Florsheim Foundation, The Segal foundation, and a VPH-PRISM grant from the
European Union.References
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