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Breast MRI for early prediction of residual disease following neoadjuvant chemotherapy: optimization of response cut-point by tumor subtype
Wen Li1, Vignesh Arasu1, Ella F Jones1, David C Newitt1, Lisa J Wilmes1, John Kornak2, Laura Esserman3, and Nola M Hylton1

1Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Surgery, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


This study demonstrated the effect of changing the cut-point of the functional tumor volume measured in breast MRI on the prediction of pathologic complete response (pCR) for breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The study was performed using the retrospective data of a multi-center clinical trial as a full cohort and in subsets defined by clinically-relevant breast cancer subtypes. Optimal cut-point was selected by minimizing a penalty equation that considered different relative consequences of false negative and false positive predictions. Results showed that the optimal cut-point chosen in subtype had superior negative predictive value than using the one chosen from the full cohort.


To study the effect of cut-point on biomarker performance of breast MRI for prediction of pathologic complete response (pCR) after one-cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and to optimize the cut-point by clinically-relevant breast cancer subtype.


Two hundred and thirty seven patients with tumors ≥3cm were consented and enrolled in the multi-center ACRIN 6657/I-SPY 1 clinical trial. Participants received anthracycline-cyclophosphamide (AC) alone or followed by a taxane (T)-based regimen before surgery. pCR was defined as having no invasive tumor present in either breast or axillary lymph nodes at the time of surgery. Functional tumor volume (FTV) was calculated from DCE-MRI by summing all voxels with an early enhancement exceeding 70% from pre-contrast within a manually defined volume of interest. Early FTV response (%ΔFTV2) was defined as percent change in FTV from MRI1 (before NACT) to MRI2 (after one cycle of AC). % ΔFTV2 greater/less than a given cut-point were considered test-negative/test-positive (Figure1). The range of the cut-point was from -100% (FTV2=0cc) to 100% (doubled FTV) after one cycle of AC. For this work we investigated the effect of changing cut-point on positive and negative predictive value (PPV/NPV) as described in the contingency table shown in Figure 1.

For any non-perfect test, the trade off between false negatives (FN) and false positives (FP) can be considered when choosing an optimum cut-point. This can be handled by defining and minimizing a penalty function based on the probabilities of false test results. We investigated the penalty function based on FN and FP that can be expressed as:


where FP is the number of false positives, FN the number of false negatives, N is the number of patients in the study cohort, and β is a user-specified weight factor between 0 and 1 determining the relative importance of avoiding FP and FN results. To simulate a treatment response evaluation setting we chose β =0.2 to more strongly penalize false negative tests, which could result in unnecessary or harmful treatment changes.

Breast cancer subtype was defined by hormone receptor (HR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status. The full cohort was divided into three subsets: HR+HER2-, HER2+, and HR- HER2- (TN = triple negative).


One hundred and forty two patients with %ΔFTV2 measurement and pCR status were included in this study. Penalty values vs. all cut-points tested are plotted in Figure 2. The number of patients and pCR rates in the full cohort and in subtypes are listed in Figure 3, in which the optimal cut-point for the penalty calculation was shown as -22%, along with optimal cut-points for subtypes and comparison to that from the full cohort by calculating NPVs. For instance, when cut-point was set to be optimal (-77%) in the HR+HER2- subtype, the NPV was 94% (CI: 82−99%); whereas it was 95% (CI: 74−100%) when using the full cohort optimized cut-point of -22%. The cut-point of -22% led to 18 out of 50 non-pCRs being tested negative while the cut-point of -77% resulted in 44 out of 50 non-pCRs being tested negative. NPVs/PPVs and number of pCRs/non-pCRs predicted correctly using corresponding cut-points are plotted in Figure 4.


The NPV of the early percent change of FTV was improved by choosing a cut-point by minimizing the penalty which incorporates proportions of false negatives and false positives. In this study, the weight β was chosen to be 0.2 after a limited number of tests. A better strategy is needed to estimate the optimal value of β. HR+HER2- showed distinctive trend and optimal cut-point from other two subtypes, which could be related with the small pCR rate (6 out of 56 patients).


This study investigated the effect of varying cut-points for percent change between volume MRI1 and MRI2 on the ability of MRI to predict patients with residual disease. Cut-point analysis demonstrated tradeoffs between false negatives and false positives and these tradeoffs substantially differed in the HR+HER2- subtype. This work is ongoing and will consider alternative clinical outcomes such as residual cancer burden (RCB), a histopathologic endpoint that further stratifies extent of residual disease.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the patients and investigators who participated in the ACRIN 6657 and I-SPY 1 Trials.


No reference found.


Figure 1 2x2 contingency table for prediction of pCR using %ΔFTV2. PPV is the probability of the patient achieving pCR when %ΔFTV2 is less than the cut-point CP (positive test) while NPV is the probability of the patient not achieving pCR with a negative test.

Figure 2 The plot of penalty values versus cut-points in the full cohort and in breast cancer subtypes. Penalties were calculated by Eq. 1 with β=0.2.

Figure 3 The table of pCR outcomes and NPVs at chosen cut-points. The numbers in blue show results using the optimal cut-point calculated by the penalty equation (Eq.1) and the second row in each subtype shows results using the optimal cut-point from the full cohort.

Figure 4 The plot of NPV/PPV versus cut point in the full cohort. The number of non-pCRs (nPCR) predicted as test-negatives were shown as the number of blue circles to the right of each cut point and the number of pCRs predicted as test-positives were shown as the number of red circles to the left of each cut point.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)