Detecting BOLD vasomotor contrast in healthy breast parenchyma and breast carcinoma
Tess E. Wallace1, Andrew J. Patterson2, Oshaani Abeyakoon1, Reem Bedair1, Roie Manavaki1, Mary A. McLean3, James P. B. O'Connor4, Martin J. Graves2, and Fiona J. Gilbert1

1Department of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom


Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) MRI with hyperoxic/hypercapnic gas stimuli has potential to non-invasively probe vascular function, which could help characterize tumors, predict treatment susceptibility and monitor response. This work evaluates BOLD contrast changes in healthy breast parenchyma in response to air and oxygen interleaved with 2% and 5% carbogen gas mixtures, relative to an all-air control. We found that oxygen vs. 5% carbogen was the most robust stimulus for inducing BOLD contrast in the breast. Measurements may be confounded by physiological fluctuations and menstrual cycle changes. Response in breast carcinoma was variable and may indicate underlying differences in vascular function.


Angiogenesis in solid tumors gives rise to a relatively high fraction of immature blood vessels, which represents an attractive therapeutic target. Non-invasive methods that probe vascular function would have potential in characterizing individual tumors, predicting treatment susceptibility, and monitoring response. Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) MRI in conjunction with hyperoxic/hypercapnic gas stimuli has been proposed as a functional biomarker of vessel maturity1–3. Immature vessels lacking appropriate smooth muscle vasculature should be unable to dilate or constrict in response to vasoactive challenges, whereas surrounding healthy mature vessels should respond3. However, previous optical imaging studies have suggested that these measurements may be confounded by the body’s low frequency hemodynamic fluctuations4. In this study we evaluated BOLD response to carbogen interleaved with air and oxygen, relative to an air-only control experiment in healthy breast parenchyma. We also tested the relative efficacy of carbogen (5% CO2, 95% O2) and ‘carbogen-light’ (2% CO2, 98% O2) in inducing a BOLD vasomotor response. The optimal stimulus design was evaluated in a small patient cohort.


Data Acquisition: MR imaging was performed at 3T (MR750, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) in 19 healthy premenopausal volunteers (aged 22–39 years) using a multi-phase single-shot fast spin echo sequence to acquire sequential T2-weighted sagittal breast images at a single slice location. Imaging parameters were as follows: TR 4s, TE 58ms, bandwidth ±83kHz, matrix size 128x128, FOV 20cm, slice thickness 5mm. The modulated gas stimulus design consisted of 2% (n=9) and 5% (n=10) carbogen gas mixtures interleaved with either medical air or oxygen in two-minute blocks, for four cycles (Figure 1). A twelve-minute medical air breathing period was used to determine background physiological noise. Gases were administered to the subject via an OxyMask™ (Southmedic Inc., Barrie, ON) at a flow rate of 14L/min, with switching controlled by an in-house gas delivery system. The number of days from participants’ last menstrual period at the time of the MR examination was noted. Five patients (aged 29–59 years) with histologically proven breast cancer were scanned using the same BOLD MRI protocol, but only the optimal stimulus design was delivered. Tumor ROIs were delineated by a radiologist on slice-matched post-contrast images. Data Analysis: A non-rigid registration algorithm5 was employed to mitigate respiratory motion artifacts. The first cycle of data was discarded to allow equilibration of the gas inhalation regime. Baseline subtraction of the line of best fit through the data was performed to eliminate linear drift. Signal intensity response for each pixel meeting a certain signal-to-noise threshold was then cross-correlated with a sine and cosine function at the stimulus frequency (0.0042 Hz), yielding pixel-wise measures of the correlation and phase lag between the delivered stimuli and measured BOLD contrast. The same frequency was used for the baseline air-only data, even though there was no imposed periodicity in the stimulus. Paired (across subjects) t-tests were performed to compare response to the alternating stimuli and the air-only state. The ratio of median correlation coefficients was calculated for the oxygen/carbogen stimulus relative to each subject’s all-air control. This metric was compared between two groups of volunteers scanned in different phases of the menstrual cycle to explore the effect of hormonal changes on BOLD response.


Activation maps and histograms of pixel-wise correlation coefficients and phase lags for the air/carbogen and oxygen/carbogen stimuli, compared to air-only breathing are shown in Figure 2. Of the four stimulus combinations tested, oxygen/carbogen produced a response that was significantly stronger (p<0.05) than the air-only control in volunteers (Table 1). Subjects imaged during the follicular phase of their cycle (~days 10-20), when estrogen levels typically peak6, exhibited a significantly smaller BOLD response (p=0.011), compared to those in the menstrual or luteal phases of their cycle (Figure 3). Response to the oxygen/carbogen stimulus in malignant tissue was variable, with two lesions exhibiting a significant response to the gas stimulus, whilst three showed a diminished response relative to surrounding parenchyma (Figure 4).


A measurable BOLD effect was observed in healthy breast parenchyma in response to oxygen vs. 5% carbogen, above the demonstrated level of normal physiological fluctuations seen with air. This is consistent with the opposing vasomotor effects of these two gases. Our results suggest changes should be characterized with respect to normal air variations to help account for inter-subject variations in background physiological noise. Additionally, higher estrogen levels appear to suppress vasomotor response. The diversity of response seen in tumors suggests this technique may be sensitive to the underlying vasculature, which warrants further investigation to correlate BOLD contrast changes with histological markers of vessel maturity and with therapy response.


This work was supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, the Cambridge Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre and the CRUK-EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre in Cambridge and Manchester (C8742/A18097).


1. Neeman M, Dafni H, Bukhari O, et al. In vivo BOLD contrast MRI mapping of subcutaneous vascular function and maturation: validation by intravital microscopy. Magn. Reson. Med. 2001;45:887–98.

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5. Rueckert D, Sonoda LI, Hayes C, et al. Nonrigid registration using free-form deformations: application to breast MR images. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 1999;18:712–21.

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Gas timing diagram for the respiratory stimuli: initial air-only control scan followed by two modulated gas stimulus paradigms. Sinusoidal waveform depicts the model used to fit the signal intensity response.

Top row: activation maps showing magnitude of correlation of response (p<0.05), superimposed on an anatomical image. Bottom row: histograms of correlation coefficients (left) and phase lags (right) for air/carbogen and oxygen/carbogen stimuli, relative to the all-air control.

Distributions of response to each stimuli combination and statistical inferences comparing each stimulus to the baseline air-only state. Median correlation coefficient calculated over all pixels for each subject and stimulus design. 'Activated' pixels defined as those exceeding a certain p-value threshold (p<0.05).

Boxplot showing ratio of median correlation coefficient for the oxygen/carbogen stimulus compared to each subject’s all-air control, grouped by phase of menstrual cycle.

BOLD response in two patients with (top row) 2.6cm grade 1 mucinous carcinoma and (bottom row) 2.3cm grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. Left: reformatted sagittal post-contrast images (arrow denotes tumor). Middle: activation maps superimposed on an anatomical image. Right: signal modulation extracted from tumor ROI (model fit overlaid in red).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)