Dixon fat-water imaging based variable flip-angle T1 mapping quantification for breast cancer
Dattesh D Shanbhag1, Parita Sanghani1, Reem Bedair 2, Venkata Veerendranadh Chebrolu1, Uday Patil1, Sandeep N Gupta3, Scott Reid 4, Fiona Gilbert 2, Andrew Patterson 2, Rakesh Mullick1, and Martin Graves2

1GE Global Research, Bangalore, India, 2University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 4GE Healthcare, Leeds, United Kingdom


In DCE-MRI, T1 map is necessary for signal to concentration conversion. In highly fat-water mixed tissue such as breast, contrast uptake primarily changes T1 values of water protons. Therefore, DCE quantification in breast cancer must reliably measure water T1. We evaluated T1 maps obtained using Dixon based fat-water separated VFA method and compared values in fat, fibro-glandular tissue and tumors. We observed that T1 mapping with Dixon based VFA method and non-linear fitting recovers T1 values for tissue in breast by reducing partial volume. We conclude that water only T1 mapping will improve accuracy of PK modeling in breast cancer.


In breast tumor characterization, DCE-MRI is commonly used for understanding the vasculature changes associated with neo-angiogenesis [1]. For DCE-MRI, pre-contrast T1-relaxation mapping is necessary for converting signal to contrast concentration for pharmaco-kinetic (PK) modeling. However, contrast uptake primarily affects T1 relaxation rate of water protons only, and not fat protons [2]. Hence, in breast tissue with a high density of fat and water mixed voxels, generating water-only T1 relaxation maps is necessary for accurate PK modeling [3,4,5]. In this study, we evaluated T1 relaxation maps obtained using traditional non-fat-suppressed variable flip angle (VFA) data with those obtained from Dixon based fat-water separation VFA method. Results are presented in fat, fibro-glandular tissue (FGT) and breast tumors.


Patient database: Six breast cancer patients were scanned on a GE 3T MR750 scanner using an 8-channel breast coil. An appropriate IRB approved all the studies. Imaging: T1 mapping consisted of two different acquisitions: a. Conventional 3D SPGR non-fat suppressed variable flip angle (T1-VFA) method: TE/TR = 2.1/5.28 ms, five FA= (2, 3, 5, 10, 15)º, matrix size=256×256×112 (1.36mm×1.36mm×1.4mm resolution), axial orientation; b. VIBRANT-FLEX-VFA : Dixon based method to generate fat-only and water-only images with TE/TR = 1.2, 2.3 / 5.3 ms, and flip angles and geometry as described in a above. Fat-only images were available in four cases, while water-only and conventional (T1-VFA) images were available in all six patients. c. Bloch-Siegert [6] based B1 map acquisition using a body receive coil with 2D-GRE and TE/TR = 13.5/30ms, FA = 20º, matrix size=128×128×22 (2.73mm×2.73mm×7mm resolution). Fat fraction was computed using FA = 2º fat and water images. T1 mapping: An in-house tool developed within the Insight Toolkit (ITK) framework was used for VFA based T1 mapping [7]. Bloch-Siegert based B1 data was processed to obtain spatially varying scaling factor for FA correction. No significant geometrical distortions were observed between B1 data and VFA data and hence only an identity transform was used for geometric matching of B1 map to T1 data. The flip angle corrected VFA data were processed to obtain T1 map using: linear fitting and non-linear Levenberg–Marquardt fitting. To assess goodness-of-fit for T1 mapping, coefficient of determination (R2) was computed. Analysis: A trained radiologist marked representative ROIs in both left and right breast for fat (on fat-only, 2º,N=4), FGT (water-only, 15º, N=6) and tumor lesion (water-only, 15º, N=2). Only those voxels with R2 > 0.5 for T1 model fit were retained.

Results and Discussions

Figure 1 demonstrates well-known variation of transmit B1 in breast imaging at 3T (left breast scaling ~= 1.2, right breast scaling ~= 0.8) [8]. Fat T1 values from fat-only images are lower (337±50 ms) compared to those with T1-VFA (442±35 ms) (Figure 2) and match with literature values [4,9]. For FGT, T,1 values were elevated with water–only images (1489±265 ms), compared to T1-VFA images (1238±138 ms) and similar to previous literature values for FGT (1444ms) [3,9]. R2 values for water-only images were lower (~0.82±0.08), compared to T1-VFA based images (~0.9±0.06) (Figure 3). For tumor lesions (Figure 4, A and B), in one case where fitting accuracy was higher (R2 = 0.82), there was a 10% increase in T1 with water-only (2780 ms) compared to T1-VFA (2523 ms). However, in other tumor case, with relatively poor fitting (R2 = 0.77), we noticed reduction (26%) in the T1 value with water-only (1638 ms), compared to T1-VFA (2216 ms). Further investigation indicated that motion across FA volumes was responsible for this apparent reduction in T1 values (Figure 4C). Lesion mask was drawn on FA =15º water-only image, while other FA images had moved from this reference. As a result, the fat-voxels (fat fraction in lesion = 0.29±0.3) from surrounding region (patient had very fatty breast) were counted in tumor ROI and reduced the tumor T1 (See Fig 4C). Matching FA = 15º to FA = 2º using dense registration and warping tumor mask accordingly increased T1 value for tumor to 2038 ms. With water-only images and in FGT and tumor regions, non-linear fitting produced slightly elevated T1 values compared to linear fitting (Fig 5A), as well as marginally higher R2 with non-linear (0.8) compared to linear fitting (0.78, p < 0.01) (Fig 5B). Bland-Altman analysis indicated a mean bias of 17 ms (limits of agreement = +84 to -118 ms) (Fig 5C).


We demonstrate that T1 mapping with Dixon based VFA method and non-linear fitting recovers the T1 values for tissue in breast by reducing partial volume effects. The Dixon water only T1 mapping will improve the accuracy of PK modeling in breast tumors.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Turnbull LW. NMR Biomed 2009;22:28–39.

2. Erlemann R, et.al; Radiology 1989;171:767– 773.

3. Bedair R, et.al, Proc of ISMRM, 2015, Toronto, Canada, p. 1088

4. Singh A, et.al., Proc of ISMRM, 2015, Toronto, Canada, p. 1085

5. Schmidt M, et.al,, Proc of ISMRM, 2015, Toronto, Canada, p. 1079.

6. Sacolick LI et al, MRM. 2010; 63(5):1315-22.

7. Chang MC, et.al., Proc of ISMRM, 2013, Salt Lake city, USA, p. 2199.

8. Sung K, J Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 August; 38(2): 454–459.

9. Rakow-Penner et.al, J Magn Reson Imaging. 2006 Jan;23(1):87-91


Figure 1. VFA based T1 mapping with conventional and Dixon based fat-water separation method. The last row shows the flip angle scaling across right to left breast derived from B1 map.

Figure 2. T1 mapping in fat regions with conventional VFA and Dixon-fat VFA images (N =4). Dixon-fat T1 estimates are lower than those obtained with conventional VFA data in both left and right breast. Fitting R2 value is high for both methods.

Figure 3. T1 mapping in fibroglandular tissue regions with conventional VFA and Dixon-Water-only VFA images (N = 6). Dixon-Water-only based T1 estimates are larger than those observed with conventional VFA data. There is however a decrease in fit R2 with Dixon-Water-only based T1 map.

Figure 4. T1 mapping in tumor regions with conventional VFA and Dixon-Water-only VFA images (N = 2). A and B panels indicate the T1 and R2 estimates. Panel C provides an explanation for why the tumor T1 decreased in one case (red line in A and B).

Figure 5. Effect of linear vs. non-linear fitting for Dixon-water-only images in FGT and tumor regions. (A). Non-linear fitted values are slightly higher to linear fitted T1 values and (B).improved R2 with non-linear fitting. (C).We notice that overall mean bias is 17 ms between linear and non-linear fitting.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)