Peng Lai1, Ann Shimakawa1, Joseph Yitan Cheng2, Marcus T Alley2, Shreyas S Vasanawala2, and Anja C.S Brau3
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany
Cardiac 4D Flow suffers from blood signal saturation due to whole-volume imaging and limited accuracy if acquired without contrast agents. This work developed and investigated a new multiple thin slab scheme for non-contrast whole-chest 4D Flow. With in-flow enhancement and bright blood, the new sequence provides higher SNR and motion robustness than conventional 4D Flow. The proposed radial golden angle view order ensures smooth slab merging that is insensitive to cardiac and respiratory variations during the scan.Purpose
Flow (Time-resolved 3D phase-contrast MRI) has demonstrated potential for
assessment of hemodynamic-related cardiovascular pathologies in the entire
chest [1-3] and possesses the advantage of reformatable volumetric imaging of
flow in all directions compared to the conventional 2D technique. However, its
whole volume acquisition saturates blood signal and generates dark blood images.
Typically, contrast agent is needed for reliable flow measurements, creating
workflow difficulties with other post-contrast sequences (e.g. MRA, perfusion and
LGE) and making the sequence inaccessible to patients with renal insufficiency.
Also, due to its free-breathing acquisition, 4D flow is sensitive to residual
respiratory motion artifacts. In this work, we investigated the feasibility of a
multiple slab acquisition scheme for bright-blood motion-robust 4D Flow without
contrast agents.
conventional Cartesian 4D Flow sequence [4] was modified as shown in Fig. 1 for
this study.
Multiple thin slab (MSLAB) [5] acquisition: whole-chest imaging is divided into
acquisition of multiple thin axial slabs. The thin slabs are acquired sequentially
from the most inferior to the most superior with small overlaps (shaded
regions) between adjacent slabs for volume merging. Though blood flow in the
chest wall region is not unidirectional, the overall flow is primarily along
superior-inferior (SI) in the blood pool and vessels of interest (e.g.
intra-ventricular flow and flow along aorta and main pulmonary arteries). Thus,
each thin axial slab is constantly replenished with unsaturated blood during
acquisition and the resulting bright blood feature should provide higher SNR
and reduced sensitivity to residual motion artifacts.
Variable density (VD) radial sampling: repeated acquisition is used to suppress
respiratory motion and k-t sampling is used for spatiotemporal correlation-based
reconstruction. For scan efficiency, a VD sampling scheme is used with linearly
decreasing sampling rate and NEX (number of excitation) from the highest at
center k-space toward outer k-space. The k-space is acquired with a radial
vieworder in ky-kz using golden angle increments. Such a vieworder
revisits central k-space repeatedly during the acquisition of each slab.
Therefore, the effect of any heart rate variation or respiratory drift is spread
in the entire k-space of each slab and propagates smoothly across slabs, which should
yield continuous anatomy and flow in the whole volume without slab
misregistraton of a conventional linear vieworder.
reconstruction, first, each slab is processed separately using kat ARC – a k-t
auto-calibrating parallel imaging method with cardiac motion adaptive temporal
window selection [6]. Then, the reconstructed slabs are merged into a
whole-chest volume and the overlapping slices are averaged with weights based
on their off slab-center distance.
healthy volunteers were scanned without contrast agent on GE 3T (MR750,
Waukesha, WI) using both the MSLAB and the conventional 1-slab (1SLAB) sequences.
Typical imaging parameters were: 380×260 mm2 FOV, 2.2×2.2mm2
resolution, 2.4mm slice thickness, VPS of 3, 8× acceleration and NEX of 4 on 10%
central k-space data. The entire chest is covered by a single slab with 68
slices in ~7min for the conventional sequence and by 4 thin slabs (20 slices in
~2.5min / slab) with 4 overlapping slices for the modified sequence. The
reconstructed images are processed on Arterys (San Francisco, CA).
provides smooth anatomy and flow on all volunteers without slab misregistration.
As shown in Fig.1, conventional 4D Flow generates dark blood with apparent
motion artifacts at aortic (AO) root and pulmonary artery (PA) even at systole
with peak flow, while MSLAB provides bright blood anatomy without visible
motion artifacts. The velocity maps reveal that 1SLAB suffers from low SNR, motion
artifacts (solid arrows) and missing vessel depiction (dotted arrows). In
comparison, MSLAB provides more complete vessel depiction with higher quality
flow. Slab boundaries introduce visible shading across slabs on reformatted
MSLAB anatomy, but do not impact phase-difference-based flow maps. Table 1
shows the blood enhancement of MSLAB over 1SLAB at aortic arch (AO
and descending aorta (AO
d), PA and left ventricle (LV). The highest
blood enhancement is obtained at cardiac phases with peak flow, while significant
enhancement is also observed at low flow.
work demonstrated a new non-contrast 4D flow method. Our preliminary results
show that MSLAB can take advantage of the dominant SI flow and generate high
quality whole-chest 4D Flow with improved SNR and reduced sensitivity to
residual motion. The proposed VD radial acquisition provides high acquisition
efficiency and robustness to cardiac and respiratory variations.
No acknowledgement found.References
Wigstrom L, MRM 1996; [2] Markl M, JMRI 2007; [3]
Hsiao A, AJR 2012; [4] Lai P, ISMRM 2015; [5] Parker DL, MRM 1991; [6]
Lai P, ISMRM 2009