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Cardiac and Respiratory Motion-Resolved Free-Running Whole-Heart Coronary MRA of Patients Using 5D XD-GRASP Reconstruction.
Giulia Ginami1, Simone Coppo1, Li Feng2, Davide Piccini1,3, Tobias Rutz4, Ricardo Otazo2, Daniel Sodickson2, Matthias Stuber1,5, and Jerome Yerly1,5

1University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Division of Cardiology and Cardiac MR Center, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland


Free-running self-navigated techniques have been introduced in order to allow for time resolved three-dimensional whole-heart MR acquisitions. A more recently proposed free-running 5D (x-y-z-cardiac-respiration) XD-GRASP (eXtra-Dimensional Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Parallel MRI) approach enables acquisition and reconstruction of cardiac- and respiratory-motion resolved 3D volumes. In this study, we investigated the potential of 5D XD-GRASP in a clinical setting.


Three-dimensional whole-heart MRA is a promising tool for comprehensive coronary characterization and detection of luminal narrowings. Free-running self-navigated techniques have recently been introduced (1-2) to enable the simultaneous time resolved evaluation of both cardiac function and coronary anatomy throughout the entire cardiac cycle. These techniques, however, intrinsically suffer from streaking artifacts due to undersampling and from sensitivity to respiratory motion. In order to address these hurdles, 5D (x-y-z-cardiac-respiration) XD-GRASP (eXtra-Dimensional Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Parallel MRI) has successfully been applied to reconstruct cardiac and respiratory motion-resolved 3D volumes in healthy adult subjects (3). In this study, we extended our investigations to evaluate the potential of the 5D XD-GRASP approach in patients with confirmed coronary artery disease.


Data acquisition: Data acquisition was performed in N=4 patients with myocardial infarction using a prototype free-running (non ECG-triggered) bSSFP 3D golden-angle radial trajectory (2) on a 1.5T scanner (MAGNETOM Aera, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). An additional superior-inferior (SI) projection was acquired at the beginning of each data segment (4), and was used for respiratory motion detection (Figure 1a). Data were acquired during free-breathing (acquisition time ≈14 minutes) and during slow infusion of contrast agent (Gadovist, 0.03 ml/sec, 0.1 ml/kg). Imaging parameters of the free-running, fat-saturated acquisition were as follows: TR/TE 3.1/1.56ms, FoV (220mm)3, voxel size (1.15mm)3, matrix dimension (192)3, radiofrequency excitation angle 90°, data segments 5’749, lines per segment 22, total acquired lines 126’478. Image reconstruction: A 1D respiratory motion signal (Figure 1b) was extracted using the self-navigated respiratory motion detection algorithm described in (5) and images were reconstructed using two different approaches: a) For the first approach, hereafter referred to as “4D reconstruction”, the 1D respiratory signal was used to correct for respiratory motion in the SI direction (5). Then, the recorded ECG signal was used to sort the data into 15-20 3D cine frames (duration 100ms, view sharing 80%, ≈12’000 radial lines per frame). Finally, images were reconstructed with a standard re-gridding algorithm (2). b) For the second approach (“5D XD-GRASP”), the 1D respiratory and ECG signals were used to sort data into 6 different respiratory phases or bins (Figure 1c), ranging from end-expiration to end-inspiration and into ~20 cardiac phases (80ms duration, 50% view sharing), respectively. The cardiac- and respiratory-resolved images with dimensions of 192×192×192×20×6 were then reconstructed by solving (3): arg minmFCms22+λ1D1m1+λ2D2m2 where F represents the NUFFT operator, C the coil sensitivity maps, m the 5D image set to be reconstructed, s the sorted radial k-space data, D1 and D2 the finite difference operators applied along the cardiac and respiratory dimension, respectively, and λ1 = 0.02-0.04 and λ2 = 0.02-0.04 the regularization parameters, which were empirically selected after normalizing the signal intensity from 0-1. Image quality assessment: A diastolic 3D cine frame was selected from the 4D reconstruction and compared with a diastolic 3D cine frame selected from an end-expiratory position of the images reconstructed with 5D XD-GRASP. Two experienced reviewers scored the reconstructed volumes with grades ranging from 0 (non visible) to 4 (sharply defined), by considering overall image quality, sharpness of the myocardium, and coronary delineation. Subsequently, visible coronary vessel length was quantified by using the software described in (6).


Data acquisition and reconstruction was successful in all cases; 5D XD-GRASP provided 3D volumes resolved for both cardiac and respiratory motion (Figure 2). All the quantified results, as summarized in Table 1, confirmed the improvement in image quality, sharpness of the myocardium, and coronary visualization when the 5D XD-GRASP approach was used for image reconstruction, with respect to the 4D reconstruction.

Discussion and Conclusion

5D XD-GRASP has been successfully applied in a clinical setting to a small cohort of patients. A major advantage of the 5D XD-GRASP approach is that it reconstructs images in different cardiac and respiratory phases, and does not require any model for motion correction as is the case for the 4D reconstruction. While 1D SI motion correction performs well for some subjects and specific locations of the anatomy, it only corrects for respiratory motion in the SI direction and does not account for the more complex 3D respiratory motion of the heart. Furthermore, 5D XD-GRASP enables the reconstruction of cardiac- and respiratory-motion resolved datasets at the same time (Figure 2). Investigation in a larger number of patients is now warranted, in order to further corroborate our preliminary results, and ventricular volume, ejection fraction and mass will have to be quantified using a 2D gold standard breath-held comparison.


The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Florian Knoll from NYU School of Medicine for support with the GPU implementation of the 3D NUFFT. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation grants 320030_143923 and 326030_150828, and by the US National Institutes of Health, via the Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research at NYU School of Medicine (P41 EB017183).


(1) Pang J, Sharif B, Fan Z, Bi X, Arsanjani R, Berman DS, Li D. ECG and navigator-free four-dimensional whole-heart coronary MRA for simultaneous visualization of cardiac anatomy and function. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2014;72(5):1208-1217.

(2) Coppo S, Piccini D, Bonanno G, Chaptinel J, Vincenti G, Feliciano H, van Heeswijk RB, Schwitter J, Stuber M. Free-running 4D whole-heart self-navigated golden angle MRI: Initial results. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2015;74(5):1306-1316.

(3) Feng L, Coppo S, Piccini D, Lim PR, Stuber M, Sodickson DK, Otazo R. Five-Dimensional Cardiac and Respiratory Motion-Resolved Whole-Heart MRI. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 2015 #23.

(4) Stehning C, Bornert P, Nehrke K, Eggers H, Stuber M. Free-breathing whole-heart coronary MRA with 3D radial SSFP and self-navigated image reconstruction. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2005;54(2):476-480.

(5) Piccini D, Littmann A, Nielles-Vallespin S, Zenge MO. Respiratory self-navigation for whole-heart bright-blood coronary MRI: methods for robust isolation and automatic segmentation of the blood pool. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2012;68(2):571-579.

(6) Etienne A, Botnar RM, Van Muiswinkel AM, Boesiger P, Manning WJ, Stuber M. "Soap-Bubble" visualization and quantitative analysis of 3D coronary magnetic resonance angiograms. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2002;48(4):658-666.


Figure1: 5D XD-GRASP framework. Data acquisition (a) is performed in free-running mode. The series of collected SI projections (red lines in a) is used to estimate the respiratory position of the blood pool (blue signal in b). The acquired k-space data are binned in both respiration and cardiac phases (c).

Figure 2: 5D XD-GRASP reconstruction in one patient; the used framework allows for the reconstruction of 3D volumes (left) which are resolved along both the cardiac (center) and respiratory (right) dimension.

Table 1: Quantitative results, which confirm a trend for an improvement of both myocardial delineation and coronary depiction when 5D XD-GRASP is used when compared to the 4D reconstruction.

Figure 3: Improved vessels visualization in 3 different patient datasets when the 5D XD-GRASP approach is used (b,d,f) in comparison to the 4D reconstruction (a,c,e). Sharpness of both the left system (white arrows in a, b), and the distal (white arrows in c,d) and middle RCA (zoomed version in e, f) is visibly enhanced with the 5D XD-GRASP framework.

Figure 4: Comparison between X-ray coronary angiography (a) and 5D XD-GRASP (b) in one of the patients. The signal void in b (green and red arrows) confirms the presence of two stents in the RCA.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)