A recent proposed technique called four dimensional, multiphase, steady-state imaging with contrast enhancement (MUSIC) enables detailed anatomical assessment of cardiovascular system. However, limited available cardiac phase prevents accurate functional assessment of the heart. In this study, we compared original MUSIC with an improved MUSIC technique that generates double cardiac phases. Initial results suggest a more accurate left ventricular volume measurement and better appreciation of cardiac wall motion can be achieved with more cardiac phases.Introduction
Recently, a 4D non-breath-hold
multiphase, steady-state imaging technique (MUSIC) was proposed using Ferumoxytol
as an intravascular contrast agent [1] to address the issue of poor intra-cardiac definition and the
necessity of breath holding in conventional CE-MRA. MUSIC provides accurate
anatomical assessment of the heart and related blood vessels in children with
congenital heart disease (CHD). Although left ventricular volume measured from
6-9 cardiac phases (temporal resolution: 80-50ms) of MUSIC correlates well with
standard 2D CINE [1], we suspected that MUSIC with
limited cardiac phases may miss the true
end-systolic (ES) and end-diastolic (ED) phase, resulting in less
accurate volume measurement. Also, cardiac wall motion assessment may be
constrained. In this study, we compared ventricular volume measurement and
cardiac wall motion assessment between MUSIC and an improved acquisition
strategy that generated more cardiac phases. We hypothesized that increased
number of cardiac phases on MUSIC would provide better functional assessment of
the heart.
Data Acquisition: The original MUSIC sequence was
modified in such a way that ky-kz plane was sampled with (ky,kz) phase encodings grouped in
spiral-like arms with rotating gold-angle ordering (Fig.1a). Each spiral arm
started at k-space center (ky=ky=0) and represented a superior-inferior (SI)
projection of imaging volume. These frequently sampled SI projections enabled estimation
respiratory and cardiac motion through self-gating (Fig.1b) [2].
Data Binning and Image Reconstruction:
Based on estimated respiratory and cardiac signals, acquired data were
retrospectively binned into 18 cardiac phases that doubled the temporal
resolution of original MUSIC. Images were reconstructed jointly for
all cardiac phases by minimizing the following cost function [3]:
argminx||DFSx−y||2+μ1||Wx||1+μ2||Rx||1, where
S is the coil sensitivity map
estimated using ESPIRiT [4],
F and
D are Fourier transform and under-sampling operations,
x and
y represent the reconstructed
images for all cardiac phases and k-space measurement. Randomized shifting
W and Total Variation (TV)
R along cardiac dimension were used
as the regularization term.
Experiment Setup: 8 pediatric CHD
patients were scanned under general anesthesia and controlled ventilation. Each
patient received a Ferumoxytol bolus injection (4 mg-Fe/kg). Original MUSIC and
the modified sequence were performed during the steady-state distribution phase
of Ferumoxytol. Sequence parameters included: TR/TE: 2.9/0.9ms, FA: 25°, isotropic
resolution: 0.8-1.0mm without interpolation, 6-9 cardiac
phases for original MUSIC. Due to concerns about likely blood oxygen desaturation during
ventilator controlled breath-hold, 2D CINE was not performed in these 8 critically
ill patients with possible cardiopulmonary instability.
Image Evaluation: Based on manually picked ES and ED phase from
all available cardiac phases, ES volume (ESV), ED volume (EDV) and ejection
fraction (EF) were derived directly from the 3D segmented left ventricle using
Mimics (V17.0, Materialize). An error percentile of ESV, EDV and EF between
original MUSIC and 18-phase reconstruction were also calculated. Subjective
score of myocardial border and cardiac wall motion using criteria listed in
Table 1 were visually assessed on both sets of images by an experienced
radiologist. The reported scores represent mean
deviation, and a paired student's t-test was used for statistical analysis,
P<0.05 suggested statistical significance.
Results and Discussion
Fig.2 shows selected cardiac phases of reformatted short-axis
view from original MUSIC and 18-phase reconstruction. Manually picked ES and
ED phases are also highlighted. Due to the limited cardiac phases available,
cardiac contraction on original MUSIC is less continuous compared with the
18-phase reconstruction. Table 2 summarizes calculated ESV, EDV, EF, error
percentile and reader’s score. Due to the absence of 2D CINE, we were not able to directly demonstrate that
18-phase reconstruction provides more accurate volume measurement. However, as
can be seen from Table 2, ESV, EDV and EF measured from original MUSIC is significantly
over-estimated, under-estimated and under-estimated, respectively, compared
with those from 18-phase reconstruction. This indirectly confirms that original
MUSIC missed the true ES and ED phase. As for subjective score, original MUSIC
has slightly sharper myocardial border compared with 18-phase reconstruction,
but no significant difference was detected. In terms of cardiac wall motion
assessment, 18-phase reconstruction is however significantly better than
original MUSIC.
With increased number of cardiac phases
available, ES and ED phases can be better captured, providing more accurate
calculation of ESV, EDV as well as EF. In addition, cardiac wall motion can be
assessed with higher confidence providing more cardiac phases. Further
systematic evaluation and comparison of the high temporal resolution
reconstruction with gold standard 2D CINE is required and warranted.
Research reported in this abstract was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number 1R01HL127153.References
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