Seong-Eun Kim1, J Scott McNally1, Bradley D Bolster, Jr.2, Gerald S Treimam3,4, and Dennis L Parker 1
1Department of Radiology, UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Siemens Healthcare, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Department of Surgery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 4Department of Veterans Affairs, VASLCHCS, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
DWI might provide a tool for discriminating
intraplaque hemorrhage and lipid core from other components. Motion insensitive
3D DW-DE SOS has been developed to acquire high resolution DWI to
the accuracy of ADC measurements. This technique was able to yield high
resolution ADC that could provide clear ROI selection for important plaque
components. Increased spatial resolution in motion insensitive 3D DW-DE SOS can
improve the sensitivity of ADC maps in plaque component identification. The
results obtained indicate that an ADC map may be of substantial value in
identifying lipid and hemorrhage within overall plaque burden.Purpose
To develop a motion insensitive 3D high resolution DWI
technique to improve quantitative diffusion measurements that can assist in the
identification of plaque components in the cervical carotid artery.
DWI has the potential to
provide complementary information that will allow better discrimination of
plaque components. The ADC values in different components within
atherosclerotic plaques suggest that DWI might provide a tool for
discriminating intraplaque hemorrhage and lipid necrotic core from other
components.1,2 However, the current 3D DWI sequences based on multi-shot techniques are commonly limited by
inconstant phase variance between each shot induced by motion.3 To
develop a motion insensitive 3D high resolution DWI technique to improve the accuracy
of ADC measurements in important plaque components, a 3D diffusion weighted driven equilibrium Stack of
Stars (3D DW-DE SOS) sequence was implemented. This pulse sequence is shown in
fig 1. The DW-DE consists of an
excitation pulse followed by two refocusing pulses and a tip-up pulse. Two
refocusing pulses were designed with three composite hard pulses.
A total four sets of diffusion sensitized bipolar
gradients were applied to reduce the eddy current effect and to
compensate motion.4 After DW-DE preparation, data was immediately acquired using a 3D segmented FLASH SOS trajectory.
Bloch simulation of the sequence found the transverse magnetization
after nth excitation pulse was Mt(n)=M1(n)e−bD+M2(n) where M1(n)=M0e−TEpT2e−dT1(e−TRT1cosα)n−1sinα, M_{2}(n)=[M_{0}(1-e^{-\frac{d}{T1}})(e^{-\frac{TR}{T1}}\cos\alpha)^{n-1}+M_{0}(1-e^{-\frac{TR}{T1}})(\frac{(1-(e^{-\frac{TR}{T1}}\cos\alpha)^{n-1})}{1-e^{-\frac{TR}{T1}}\cos\alpha})]\sin\alpha$$. The transverse magnetization can be separated into
a diffusion dependent term M1(n)e−bD and diffusion independent term M2(n) originating from the T1 relaxation effect. To
minimize the effect of T1, following the DW-DE prep and a fat saturation pulse,
all kz partitions for the same radial spoke are acquired with centric ordering
in the same turbo-FLASH echotrain.5 All studies were performed on a Siemens Trio 3T
MRI scanner (Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). The carotid arteries
of six patients who showed hemorrhage signal from the previous studies were
acquired using 3D DW-DE SOS. The
imaging parameters in DWI were: FOV=152x152 mm2, 2 mm slice thickness,
TE/TR = 2.05/8.0ms, 32 slices/slab, b =20, 450 s/mm2. The resultant in-plane spatial resolution was
0.6x0.6 mm2. The total imaging time was 3 min 20 sec. 3D MPRAGE and 3D T1 SPACE with DANTE flow suppression sequences were also
performed with voxel dimension of 0.73 mm. The ADC map was calculated from
b=20, 450s/mm2 images and displayed using IDL( Exelis Visual Information Solutions). ADC values were
obtained for the normal wall segments on 3 adjacent slices of the common
carotid artery on all six subjects. ADC values in the plaque of the 6 subjects
were measured at 3 different slice locations within the hemorrhages.
The mean ADC value of
vessel walls from all subjects was 1.32±0.29x10
2/s. Figure
2 displays the 3D T1 DANTE SPACE, b=20 and 450s/mm
2 images of four
contiguous slices from subject 2. As shown by arrows in Fig 2, the DWI
including ADC map demonstrates clear contrast between wall (yellow) and
plaque (red) area. Fig 3 displays the 3D MPRAGE, 3D T1 SPACE and b=20s/mm
images and ADC maps of one subject
with bilateral hemorrhage that is indicated by red and green arrows. Plaque
area indicated by red arrows in Fig 3 shows a bright signal on MPRAGE and
T1w, low ADC value (0.32x10
2/s). The mean ADC value
of green arrow area was 0.92x10
2/s. The mean value of
ADC in hemorrhage averaged from the values of six patients was 0.72±0.35x10
Our sequence was able to yield high resolution ADC maps that could provide
clear ROI selection for important plaque components. Our measured ADC values match the
values reported in recent in-vivo studies.
1,2 As seen in Fig 3, we
observed a difference in ADC values from ROIs selected at two different
hemorrhage locations. Some hemorrhage
with high water content, such as necrosis may show bright intensity in MPRAGE
with low ADC values.
6 The ADC values
of the normal carotid wall compared with the lower ADC values in intraplaque
lipid and hemorrhage suggest that ADC measurements may be of substantial value
in plaque component discrimination. We believe that this 3D SOS technique
can be used to further investigate the ADC in other plaque components.
spatial resolution in motion insensitive 3D DW-DE SOS can improve the
sensitivity of ADC maps in plaque component identification. The results obtained indicate that an ADC map may be of substantial value
in identifying lipid and hemorrhage within overall plaque burden.
Supported by HL 48223, HL 53696, Siemens Medical
Solutions, The Ben B. and Iris M. Margolis Foundation, and the Clinical Merit
Review Grant from the Veterans Administration health Care System. References
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