Amit Mehndiratta1,2, Abhimanyu Sahai1, Esha Baidya Kayal 1, Jayendra Tiru Alampally3, Sameer Bakhshi4, Devasenathipathy K3, and Raju Sharma3
1Center for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 3Department of Radiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 4BRA IRCH, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Accurate demarcation
of tumors on DWI MRimages could play a crucial role in diagnosis and prognosis when
using quantitative image analysis like ADC or IVIM. Manual demarcation of
tumour on each slice of a 3D stack is usually not feasible. Automated or
semi-automated methods of segmentation are thus desirable specifically for DWimages
that can be used to identify the tumor region, optimizing on both speed and
accuracy. Our results reveals that semi-automated algorithms based on both
Otsu-threshold or Active-Contours based region growing perform tumour segmentation
with acceptable level of accuracy in diffusion MRimages and reduce time and
manual effort required.Purpose:
Under both
research and clinical settings dealing with measurements and analysis of tumors
using diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), radiologist input for manual
demarcation of tumors on each scan is usually not feasible. The process is
cumbersome and not time effective. The purpose of this study was to identify
and implement an algorithm that can be used to segment a tumor from a given stack
of diffusion weighted MR images, optimizing on speed and accuracy with minimal manual
input requirements.
DWI dataset from six patients (Age=25.3±8.8ys) with Ewing’s Sarcoma were
acquired under the Institutional Review Board approved protocol. The
acquisition was performed using 1.5T Philips Achieva MRI scanner with Spin Echo
Planar imaging (SP-EPI) sequence with TE=66msec,TR= 1782msec, 5mm slice
thickness and 144x144 matrix size. Images with b=800 s/mm2 were used
for segmentation analysis. The segmentation algorithms and analysis were
implemented in an in-house built toolbox in MATLAB. Three segmentation algorithms
were examined in this study: 1) Otsu thresholding [1], 2) Otsu threshold-based
region growing [2] and 3) Active contours using Chan-Vese implementation [3]. With
these three base segmentation algorithms further three methodologies were
evaluated for the accuracy and computational processing time: i) Fully
Automated Segmentation, ii) Semi-automated Segmentation and iii) Manual
automated segmentation, requiring no human
input. This algorithm performs the base technique on each slice of the MRI
image stack, without using any additional human inputs. It is typically expected
to save time and manual effort.
ii) Semi-automated, requiring
human input on selected slices with complex anatomy or structural pathology. This
algorithm optimizes between time, accuracy and manual effort, and it is
implemented as follows:
The user is required to input a number
of seed points (in case of Otsu-threshold based region growing) or a tumor Region
of Interest (ROI) (in case of Active Contours based region growing) on the
first slice of the MRI image stack.
The algorithm uses intelligence to
initialize the subsequent slices with prospective seed points or Tumour ROI. It
calculates the centroid of ROI in each slice, maintains the continuity to the subsequent
slices covering complete 3D anatomy. The size of the segmented tumour in each
slice is calculated in proportion to the whole anatomy in the slice. A massive
change in tumour size in adjacent slices (>50%) is considered to be abnormal
and a request is made for manual confirmation to either correct the ROI or
agree to proceed for further segmentation.
iii) Manual, requiring human
input on each slice. This algorithm typically optimizes accuracy over time and
manual effort.
Tumour ROIs
drawn manually by a radiologist (clinical experience of > 5 years in cancer imaging)
were considered as standard tumour mask and used to calculate the error of the different
segmentation algorithms. The accuracy measure used to compare the performance
of these algorithms based on misclassification was calculated as follows: Error=1−(A∩BA∪B), where A is the
area demarcated as the tumor by the expert radiologist, and B is the area demarcated
by the segmentation algorithm as tumor.
Figure 1 presents
a performance summary of segmentation algorithms, with the average performance
error across the 3D image stacks and the execution time per slice. The
automated Otsu thresholding, while being instantaneous and requiring no manual
input, delivered a high 70% error. Manual and semi-automated Otsu threshold
based region growing algorithm showed a moderately accurate result, with
average error of 30-37%, which was considerably better than the fully automated
algorithm. It typically consumes ~1-2 second per image slice. Manual and semi-automated
Active contours based region growing algorithm delivered more accurate result
than the other two methods with error rate of ~27-29%. It typically takes ~4-5
seconds per slice. Figure 2a shows one DW image at b=800s/mm2 from one of the
representative data set and Figure 2b presents image mask drawn for tumour by the
radiologist. An illustrative example of the segmented images corresponding to
the original image (Fig. 2a) for each algorithm is depicted in Figure 2c-g. Both
Semi-automated and manual algorithms have qualitatively more accurate
segmentation than automated method.
Manual active
contour segmentation has the least error in segmentation but is computationally
expensive and requires expert intervention at multiple stages. Semi-automated
algorithms based on both Otsu-threshold based and Active Contours based region
growing methods had reasonably accuracy (<30% error) and required much less
manual intervention. Thus semi-automated segmentation methods may be more
useful for tumour demarcation on DW images with acceptable level of accuracy.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Nobuyuki
Otsu, IEEE Trans. Sys., Man., Cyber. 9
(1): 62–66, 1979.
[2] M. Mancas et al., (SPIE/EI 2005), San Jose (California, USA).
[3] T.F. Chan et al. IEEE-IP, 10 (2) : 266 – 277, 2001.