Imbalanced learning techniques for improved classification of paediatric brain tumours from magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Niloufar Zarinabad1,2, Christopher Bennett1,2, Simrandip Gill1,2, Martin P Wilson1, Nigel P Davies1,2,3, and Andrew Peet1,2

1Institute of Cancer and Geonomic Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS foundation trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3Department of Medical Physics,University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom


Classification of paediatric brain tumours from Magnetic-Resonance-Spectroscopy has many desirable characteristics. However the imbalanced nature of the data introduces difficulties in uncovering regularities within the small rare tumour type group and attempts to train learning algorithms without correcting the skewed distribution may be premature. By fusing oversampling and classification techniques together, an improved classification performance across different classes with a good discrimination for minority class can be achieved. The choice of learning algorithm, use of oversampling-technique and classifier input (complete spectra versus metabolite-concentration) depends on the data distribution, required accuracy in discriminating specific groups and degree of post-processing complexity.


1H_Magnetic-Resonance-Spectroscopy (MRS) provides non-invasive measurements of metabolite profiles with the potential to aid diagnosis and management of brain tumours. To permit the analysis of tumour specific MRS patterns and their use for tumour classification, several pattern-recognition methods are available. These techniques can be applied to the pre-processed complete spectra or quantified metabolite-concentrations. The main challenge in analysis of the tumour patterns is the imbalanced distribution of the cases in the tumour classes. In a given learning task, data size has an important role in building reliable classification-algorithms. Skewed data distribution, both within and across class, introduces difficulty in classification and results in learning performance deterioration1.

This study assesses different imbalanced-multi-class learning techniques and objectively compares the use of more than two input features for childhood brain tumour classification using MRS


Single-centre MRS data were collected retrospectively from children with a suspected brain tumour prior to treatment. The enrolled cohort consisted of 90 patients (age 6.9±4.29 y, 42 female, 48 male) with 3 different tumour types, including 38 medullobastoma, 42 pilocytic-astrocytoma and 10 ependymomas from all regions of the brain. Histopathological, clinical and radiological features, as available, were used for diagnosis.

Single-voxel-MRS data were acquired on 1.5T MRI scanners (Siemens and GE) using a standard protocol (PRESS, TE 30 ms, TR 1500 ms, spectral resolution 1 Hz/point). Raw spectroscopy data were analysed using TARQUIN2. Pre-defined quality control criteria were applied. Frequency alignment, zero order phase correction, baseline-correction and water removal using HSVD methods were applied by TARQUIN. Both spectra and metabolite-concentrations were used to develop the imbalanced learning-algorithms and their influence on classification performance was evaluated.

To correct for the effect of class-imbalance, the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) 3 was used to overpopulate the original ependymoma group by 200 % and correct for the skewness in the original spectra and metabolite-concentration data (figure1). Principal-component-analysis (PCA) was used for dimension reduction. Classifiers were trained using Support-Vector-Machine (SVM), Linear-Discriminative-Analysis (LDA), Artificial-Neural-Networks (ANN) and Random-Forest (RF). Ten-fold cross-validation was used to evaluate the learning-algorithm performance. Balanced-classification-accuracy (BCA) was calculated as an overall measure of success. F-measure and G-mean metrics were used for performance evaluation in class imbalance learning 1.

Developed classifiers using the SMOTE-overpopulated sets were tested using the original data and the validity of the classifier was checked by comparison with the known histological diagnosis. Different pattern-recognition approaches were compared in view of their performance.


PCA was performed and PCs accounting for 90 % of variance extracted, giving 33 and 13 principal-components for spectra and metabolite concentrations respectively. Separation between the tumour-groups using metabolite concentrations increased when the SMOTE-overpopulated set was used (figure 2).

Overall classifier performance and F-measure1 along with the G-mean1 for ependymoma group for all 4 training sets are illustrated in figure 3. Using complete original spectra all classifiers reached a BCA of more than 0.8 except for LDA which had an accuracy of 0.76 (due to failure in discriminating ependymoma, F-measure=0.25). In contrast when original metabolite concentrations were used for classification, LDA compared favourably with the other methods (BCA=0.91) (figure 3-a). The higher BCA obtained with metabolite-concentration compared with original complete spectra is the result of better classification in medullobastoma and pilocytic-astrocytoma groups (F-measure in figure 3-d).

Performance of all classifiers for discriminating ependymomas increased with SMOTE overpopulated data-sets compared to original data-sets (Mean ependymoma F-measure for complete spectra: SMOTE=0.96, original=0.5 ,p-value=0.01 ; Mean ependymoma F-measure for metabolite-concentration: SMOTE=0.94, original=0.55 ,p-value=0.02) (figure 3-c), resulting in an overall better classification outcome with complete SMOTE complete spectra and SMOTE metabolite-concentration .


Classification of paediatric brain tumours from 1H_MRS has many desirable characteristics. However the imbalanced nature of the data introduces difficulties in uncovering regularities within the small rare tumour type group and attempts to train learning algorithms without correcting the skewed distribution may be premature.

Here it has been shown that by fusing oversampling and classification techniques together, improved classification-accuracy for all methods with higher discrimination for ependymoma class was obtained . Average classification-accuracy increase varied by input, complete spectra improved by 23% and metabolite-concentration by 10%.

Moreover a good classification performance can be obtained using oversampled complete spectra. This indicates that in the presence of sufficient data samples, processing of MRS data can be simplified for classification purposes.

The choice of learning algorithm, use of oversampling technique and classifier input depends on the data distribution, required accuracy in discriminating specific groups and degree of post-processing complexity.


An improved classification performance can be achieved if imbalanced learning-techniques are used for classifying MRS data-sets with skewed distribution within and across classes.


This study is funded through an NIHR Research Professorship, 13-0053.We acknowledge funding from the CRUK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Programme at the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) in association with the MRC and Department of Health (England) (C7809/A10342). We would like to acknowledge the MR research radiographers at Birmingham Children’s Hospital for scanning the patients in this study.


1. Haibo He. Learning from Imbalanced Data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol 21, N0. 9, September 2009

2. Wilson M, Reynolds G, Kauppinen RA, Arvanitis TN, Peet AC. A constrained least-squares approach to the automated quantitation of in vivo (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. Magnetic resonance in medicine 2011;65(1):1-12.

3. Chawla NV, Bowyer KW, Hall LO, Kegelmeyer WP. SMOTE: Synthetic minority over-sampling technique. J Artif Intell Res 2002;16:321-357.


Figure1-Mean and standard deviation of original and SMOTE generted ependymama spectras. Visual inspection of the SMOTE mean spectra shows similarities with ependymoma spectrum key features.

Figure 2-2D linear projection graphs visualizing the interactions among tumour groups in original and SMOTE training data sets. Base vectors of projection represent the principal components. Components with longer projection of the base vector are those with a higher impact on the placement of the instances in the 2D projection.

Figure 3-Bar plots represent the balanced classification accuracy for all tumour groups (a), G-mean (b) and F-measure (c) for ependymoma class and F-measure for medullobastoma and Pilocytic astrocytoma groups (d), comparing performance of all pattern recognition techniques for 4 different training sets.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)