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Automatic ellipsoidal ROI placement for heart localization
R Reeve Ingle1, Kangrong Zhu2, N Okai Addy1, Ken O Johnson1, Michelle M Nystrom1, William R Overall1, Galen D Reed1, Bob S Hu1,3, and Juan M Santos1

1HeartVista, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Cardiology, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, CA, United States


A 3D heart localization algorithm is proposed to automatically determine the placement and orientation of a 3D ellipsoidal ROI for optimal heart coverage. A fast, multi-slice scout scan is used to acquire a time series of cardiac-triggered images covering the heart. These images are used by the algorithm to automatically compute a cardiac motion map for the proposed ellipsoid fitting optimization. In eight subject scans, the algorithm is shown to yield good ellipsoidal placement and orientation that is in good conformance with the shape and position of the heart.


Cardiac MRI commonly uses prior information about the location of the heart to assist acquisition and reconstruction. For example, a region of interest (ROI) containing the heart is typically used for localized shimming or dynamic shimming to optimize the magnetic field homogeneity over the heart [1-3]. Additionally, heart localization is a common first step for many post-processing algorithms such as automatic left ventricular segmentation [4-5] and automatic scan-plane prescription [6]. Many of these applications require the user to manually place an ROI over the heart prior to scanning. In this work, we propose an algorithm that automatically fits a 3D ellipsoidal ROI over the heart using a fast multi-slice scout scan. This automatic ROI placement simplifies workflow, and the ellipsoidal shape can be sliced to yield elliptical ROIs for dynamic shimming along arbitrary oblique scan planes or to facilitate post-processing applications.


Eight subjects (four volunteers, four patients) were scanned on a 1.5 T GE scanner using the RTHawk Research platform (HeartVista, Inc., Los Altos, CA) to acquire cardiac-triggered free-breathing multi-slice GRE images at 10 sagittal locations with 3-cm slice spacing and 32-cm field of view (FOV). A time series of images was obtained by imaging each slice location continuously for two heartbeats using a five-interleaf spiral readout. The slice location was advanced every two heartbeats until all 10 slices were acquired, yielding a total scan duration of 20 heartbeats. For each slice, sliding-window reconstruction was used to generate images at 40 time frames spanning two heartbeats. The pulse sequence and acquisition scheme are shown in Fig. 1.

Each set of sagittal images was reformatted into a T x (S Nx Ny) matrix X, where T is the number of temporal frames, S is the number of slices, and Nx and Ny are the image dimensions (Fig. 2a-2b). In this work, T = 40, S = 10, Nx = Ny = 142. The matrix X was normalized by subtracting the temporal mean from each column, effectively removing the average intensity from each pixel in the dataset. The singular value decomposition X = UΣV^T was computed, where columns of U (u_i) are left singular vectors of size T describing the temporal variability of X, and columns of V (v_i) are right singular vectors of size (S Nx Ny). The magnitude of v_i represents a spatial “motion map” for each of the (S Nx Ny) pixels, where the magnitude of each pixel in v_i indicates the degree to which the temporal waveform u_i describes the temporal variability of that pixel.

A single v_i was automatically selected as a cardiac motion map using knowledge that the corresponding u_i should exhibit high periodicity due to the two-RR triggering per slice (e.g., Fig. 2b). A 3D ellipsoid that optimally covered the high-intensity regions of the motion map was computed by solving the following convex optimization problem:

minimize:\sum_j y_j\|Ax_j-b\|_2

subject\,\,to:-\log\det A\leq V_{max}

where the 3x3 matrix A and 3x1 vector b are variables that parametrize an ellipsoid {x \mid \, \|Ax-b\|_2 \leq 1}, y_j is the magnitude of pixel j in the motion map, x_j is a 3x1 position vector containing the coordinates of pixel j, and V_{max} is a parameter specifying the maximum volume of the ellipsoid. This optimization problem is a variant of a minimum volume covering ellipsoid problem, and it was solved in Python using CVXPY [7].


Figure 3a shows an automatically selected left singular vector from a subject scan, which exhibits a two-cycle periodicity that is correlated with the two-heartbeat triggering used to acquire each slice. Reformatted slices from the corresponding right singular vector are shown in Fig. 3b. Bright regions, which correspond to areas of high correlation with the left singular vector, are located predominantly over the heart. Cross-sections of the resulting ellipsoidal ROI are shown on each slice of the motion map (Fig. 3b) and on diastolic frames from each slice (Fig. 3c). Figure 4 shows one slice from eight different subject scans, with cross-sections of the resulting ellipsoidal ROI shown in yellow.

Discussion & Conclusions

We presented a 3D heart localization algorithm to automatically determine the placement and orientation of an ellipsoidal ROI for optimal heart coverage. The proposed technique uses dynamic images acquired from a rapid, cardiac-triggered multi-slice scan. The algorithm was demonstrated on datasets from eight subject scans, which yielded good ROI placement over the heart with the ellipsoidal orientation conforming to the overall shape of the heart. Future work will investigate automatic scan-plane prescription using the resulting ellipsoidal long axis.


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[1] A.M. Blamire, D.L. Rothman, and T. Nixon, “Dynamic shim updating: a new approach towards optimized whole brain shimming.” Magn Reson Med. 1996;36(1):159–165.

[2] J.M. Santos, C.H. Cunningham, M. Lustig, B.A. Hargreaves, B.S. Hu, D.G.Nishimura, and J.M. Pauly, “Single breath-hold whole-heart MRA using variable-density spirals at 3T.” Magn Reson Med. 2006;55(2):371-379.

[3] M. Schär, E.J. Vonken, and M. Stuber, “Simultaneous B0- and B1+-map acquisition for fast localized shim, frequency, and RF power determination in the heart at 3 T.” Magn Reson Med. 2010;63(2):419-426.

[4] A. Pednekar, U. Kurkure, R. Muthupillai, S. Flamm, and I.A. Kakadiaris, “Automated left ventricular segmentation in cardiac MRI,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2006;53(7):1425-1428.

[5] L. Zhong L, J.M. Zhang, X. Zhao, R.S. Tan, and M. Wan, “Automatic Localization of the Left Ventricle from Cardiac Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A New Spectrum-Based Computer-Aided Tool.” PLoS ONE. 2014;9(4):e92382.

[6] K. Yokoyama, R. Ishimura, T. Kariyasu, M. Imai, T. Nitatori, S. Kuhara, S. Nitta, T. Takeguchi, N. Matsumoto, “Clinical Application of an Automatic Slice-Alignment Method for Cardiac MR Imaging.” Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences. 2014;13(4):293-298.

[7] S. Diamond S., E. Chu, and S. Boyd, “CVXPY: A Python-Embedded Modeling Language for Convex Optimization, version 0.2.”


The pulse sequence diagram (a), k-space trajectory (b), and cardiac triggering scheme (c) are shown for the multi-slice free-breathing spiral GRE scout sequence. Each slice is imaged continuously to produce a time-series of images, and the slice location is advanced every two R-to-R intervals to image ten slices.

Image data from the multi-slice scout scan (a) are reformatted into a 2D matrix, X, where each row contains all data from a specific cardiac phase (b). The singular value decomposition yields a set of left and right singular vectors (U, V) that describe temporal variability of the dataset.

Automatic selection of a left singular vector exhibiting high two-cycle periodicity (a) is used to specify a right singular vector for use as a cardiac motion map (b). An ellipsoid is fit to the motion map and is shown in yellow on the motion map and original anatomical images (c).

The resulting automatic ellipsoidal fits from eight subject scans are shown in yellow. A single slice location is shown for each subject. In each of these cases, the algorithm successfully positioned a 3D ellipsoid on the heart.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)