Rizwan Ahmad1, Samuel Schroeder2, Richard D White3, and Arunark Kolipaka3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 2Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 3Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States
Alterations in myocardial stiffness have been
linked to wide-ranging cardiovascular conditions. Magnetic resonance
elastography (MRE) is a noninvasive, quantitative technique to estimate
stiffness of soft tissue.1 Long scan times, however, limit the
clinical utility of MRE, especially for cardiac imaging. We propose a data
processing technique that not only exploits sparsity in the MRE images but also
imposes a constant magnitude constraint to achieve accurate stiffness values
from highly undersampled data. The method is validated using a physical phantom
of known stiffness value and is then applied to a healthy volunteer to assess
myocardial stiffness. Purpose
Myocardial stiffness is an important determinant
of cardiac function. Cardiac magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a
noninvasive technique to estimate stiffness of the myocardium.
2 The
acquisition time for cardiac MRE can be prohibitively long for routine clinical
use. We propose a compressive recovery method, called
composite regularization with constant magnitude (CRCM) to accelerate cardiac
MRE by exploiting structure that is unique to MRE.
Compressive sensing (CS) inspired methods have been extensively applied to
accelerate MRI. Most CS-based techniques used in MRI exploit sparsity in a
single sparse representation. However, recent evidence suggests that multiple
sparse representations are better suited to express and exploit rich structure
in MR images. When using multiple sparse representations, the level of sparsity
may vary across different representations. Therefore, adapting the thresholding
rule (regularization strength) for each representation may yield better
results.3 For MRE, in addition, the images collected at different
offsets (phase difference between the externally applied mechanical vibration
and motion encoding gradient (MEG)) should have the same magnitude. In CRCM, we
utilize both composite regularization that adapts to the inherent level of
sparsity in each representation and a constraint that enforces magnitude
consistency across different offsets. CRCM can be expressed as
x is the complex-valued image, y is the measured noisy data, \Phi
is the measurement matrix, \Psi_i x is the ith sparse
representation of x, D is the total number of sparse
representations, x_j is the image corresponding to the jth phase
offset, and \bar{|x|} is the magnitude image averaged across different
offsets. The \lambda_i values were iteratively adapted as described by
Ahmad et al.3 For a given set of \lambda_i, x was iteratively
solved using alternating minimization.
Phantom imaging:
A cylindrical phantom with uniform, known (5.1 kPa) stiffness was imaged on 3T
scanner (Tim Trio, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen) using GRE MRE sequence. A
fully sampled dataset was collected from a 5 mm thick slice. Other imaging
parameters included: matrix size 128x128, FOV 280x280 mm2,
excitation frequency 60 Hz, motion encoding gradient (MEG) frequency 60 Hz, number
of offsets 8 (4 with positive MEG and 4 with negative MEG). The collected data were
retrospectively downsampled at R = 2, 3, 4,…,10 using VISTA.4 CRCM
was applied to recover 4D image (128x128x4x2) from undersampled k-space data.
Non-decimated 4D wavelet transform was used to create 16 sub-bands, with each
sub-band treated as a separate sparse representation. After image
reconstruction using CRCM, the resulting first harmonic displacement images
were converted to a stiffness map using local frequency estimation algorithm implemented
in MRELab (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN). Central 64 k-space lines from one MEG
value were used to compute kernels for GRAPPA and sensitivity maps for
In vivo imaging: A healthy volunteer was imaged on a 1.5T
scanner (Aera, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen) using a prospective, cine, cardiac
gated GRE MRE sequence. Three fully sampled datasets were collected in a
short-axis view of the heart in three separate breath-holds, each with a
spatially different MEG direction. Other imaging parameters included: matrix
size 128x128, FOV 380x380 mm2, excitation frequency 80 Hz, MEG
Frequency 160 Hz, number of offsets 8 (4 with positive MEG and 4 with negative
MEG), number of cardiac phases 4. The collected data were retrospectively
downsampled at R = 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10 using VISTA. To reduce computation
time, each cardiac phase and encoding direction was reconstructed separately. CRCM
was applied to recover 4D image (128x128x4x2) from undersampled k-space data. The
rest of the image recovery details were similar to the ones used for phantom
Figures 1 and 2 show
phantom imaging results. Figure 1 shows root mean square error (RMSE) and mean stiffness
(averaged over pixels) as a function of acceleration rate for GRAPPA and CMCR. The
error bars indicate (
\pm \frac{1}{2}std.) stiffness variations within the
image. Figure 2 shows the stiffness maps for different acceleration rates.
Figures 3 and 4 show similar results for the in vivo data.
Compared to GRAPPA, CRCM allows higher
acceleration rates while maintaining the quantitative accuracy of MRE-based
stiffness measurements. Since cardiac MRE is performed in a hybrid domain
(space, time, offset, etc), it can specifically benefit from CRCM, which
exploits both multiple sparse representations and disparity in the level of
sparsity across the representations. Additionally, CRCM enforces magnitude
consistency that is unique to MRE data. Future work will include joint
processing of all cardiac frames and encoding directions and comparison to
other CS methods.
This research was funded by NIH grant R01HL124096.References
[1]. Glaser et al. JMRI 2012;36(4):757-774. [2]
Wassenaar et al. MRM 2015; DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25760
(to appear). [3] Ahmad et al. TCI-IEEE 2015 (to appear). [4]
Ahmad et al. MRM 2014;74(5):1266-1278