Karl P Kunze1, Christoph Rischpler1, Markus Schwaiger1, and Stephan G Nekolla1
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar der TU München, Munich, Germany
This abstract proposes a new B-spline based approach for model-independent deconvolution of myocardial DCE-MRI perfusion data and the reconstruction of the vascular transit time distribution function. It allows the model-independent quantification of vascular mean transit time and vascular transit time heterogeneity, whose relationship is of importance in understanding the implications of different ischemic microvascular disease patterns. The presented algorithm was tested in simulations and showed stability for the range of perfusion parameters expected under stress conditions. 12 DCE-MRI patient datasets from adenosine stress examinations were analyzed, showing a steady increase of heterogeneity with mean transit time.Introduction
the growing role of myocardial perfusion flow measurements using DCE-MRI to
assess the significance of suspected coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial
DCE-MRI data contain also quantitative information on microvascular perfusion parameters
such as vascular mean transit time (T
c), vascular plasma volume (v
p) and vascular
transit time heterogeneity (CTH). It has recently been hypothesized that the relationship of T
c and CTH plays a crucial role in regulating the availability
of oxygen to the myocardium, and that different ischemic (non-CAD) disease
patterns may in fact be understood as pathological changes in these
microvascular parameters.
1 We introduce a model-independent deconvolution
approach based on B-splines for obtaining the transit time distribution h and use
it to estimate T
c and CTH from adenosine stress DCE-MRI perfusion data.
In addition to standard Tikhonov regularization, model-independent
deconvolution techniques using singular value decomposition (SVD) support the application
of further constraints, such as requiring that the solution be represented in
terms of a 4th degree B-spline basis.2 By controlling the
placement and overall number of knots, i.e. the grid on which the resulting
spline (the response function R) is evaluated, different portions of that
spline may be forced to exhibit different degrees of smoothness. The approach
presented here is based on a sequence with varying knot density, accommodating
the expected features of a response curves in DCE-MRI data. The exact placement
of knots is determined using essentially two criteria: First, the
assumption of a global minimal transit time (0.25s), which is supposed to
represents a lower boundary to transit time information contained in
data with the time resolution of usual DCE-MRI measurements. Second,
the constraint that the response curve be monotonous as required by basic
indicator-dilution theory. After determination of the knot sequence, oscillations
in h, i.e. the negative derivative of R, are
minimized by adjusting the corresponding (Thikonov) regularization parameter.
After finding a suitable spline representation of R (Fig. 1), an
iterative method to estimate the contribution Re made to R by the extravascular
kinetics of Gd-DTPA was implemented, assuming an adiabatic exchange condition:3
Extraction fraction E and extravascular distribution volume ve were globally fixed
to values of E=55% and ve = 18% as expected at pharmacological
stress.4 The part of hv corresponding to vascular indicator kinetics was integrated to
yield Tc and CTH, which are defined as mean and standard deviation of hv
respectively. Mean and standard deviation of the preceding negative part of hv
corresponding to bolus dispersion were calculated to correct Tc for the bolus
arrival time. The algorithm is schematically depicted in Fig. 2. To validate
the resulting parameters, a simulation was executed varying Tc and CTH using a gamma-distributed
transit-time (GCTT) model.5 Parameters vp, ve, and E were
fixed at 8, 18 and 55% respectively. The simulated GCTT response was convolved with a measured input function after convolution with a
gaussian kernel to simulate bolus dispersion and delay. Noise was added to
the resulting tissue curve for an SNR of 50. To test the algorithm in
vivo, 12 DCE-MRI stress perfusion datasets from a previous study were
analyzed. Data were acquired using
an ECG-gated SR-FLASH sequence on a 3T PET/MRI
scanner (Biograph mMR, Siemens, Erlangen), with a study protocol as given by Zhang et al.6
The results of the simulation are summarized in Fig. 3. The algorithm
was reliable for CTH as low as 1s, however more likely to overestimate very
small CTH. The algorithm was least reliable if confronted with combinations of
much higher T
c and CTH than seen in the patient data. The average results from
the patient study were: T
c = 3.10s and CTH = 1.21s leading to an average T
ratio of 2.55. The individual results in Fig. 4 show a
relatively stable increase of CTH with T
c for the investigated range. One
dataset was rejected due to a CTH estimate lower than the time resolution of
the scan.
A new algorithm has been presented to estimate myocardial
mean transit time and transit time heterogeneity from DCE-MRI perfusion data without the necessity to assume a specific
vascular model. The presented approach is able to account for and potentially
also quantify bolus dispersion and delay, as well as to account for the
extravascular contributions in the transit time distribution function h while
making only minor assumptions on tissue structure and experimental design. To
the best of the authors knowledge, the in-vivo results represent the
first model-independent assessment of myocardial T
c and CTH from DCE-MRI
perfusion data.
This work was funded in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), grant number: 8810001759.References
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