Tobias Wech1, Michael Braun1,2, Daniel Stäb3, Peter Speier4, Henning Neubauer1, Walter Kullmann2, Thorsten A. Bley1, and Herbert Köstler1
1Department of Diagnostical and Interventional Radiology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 2Institute of Medical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt, Germany, 3The Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 4Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
The benefit of using radial instead
of Cartesian readouts for MS-CAIPIRINHA accelerated myocardial perfusion
measurements was explored. Conjugate gradient SENSE was used to determine fully
sampled data for the two slices acquired simultaneously. A phantom study was
performed first, which revealed lower g-factors for radial MS-CAIPIRINHA in
comparison to a corresponding Cartesian acquisition. Finally, saturation-recovery-prepared
and ECG-triggered radial MS-CAIPIRINHA was applied for perfusion investigations
of the myocardium in a healthy volunteer.Target audience
Clinicians interested in cardiac perfusion and MR
physicists interested in using MS-CAIPIRINHA.
The simultaneous multi-slice Parallel Imaging
(PI) technique MS-CAIPIRINHA [1] is an effective method to extend the
anatomical coverage in multi-slice MR acquisitions. This is especially
attractive for the time-critical investigation of myocardial perfusion, where Cartesian
MS-CAIPIRINHA is often combined with in-plane PI acceleration [2]. High
in-plane undersampling factors, however, can lead to high g-factor noise
amplification, which is impeding the evaluation of myocardial tissue. When
using radial readouts in conjunction with MS-CAIPIRINHA [3, 4], the aliasing
energy is reduced such that lower g-factors are expected. Furthermore, contrast
information is acquired with every readout, which can be used together with
model-based techniques for perfusion quantification [5]. In this work, saturation-recovery-prepared
and ECG-triggered radial MS-CAIPIRINHA was implemented and tested for perfusion
investigations of the human myocardium. A study on g-factors was performed to
evaluate the benefit in comparison to the Cartesian equivalent.
A pulse sequence was developed by in-house modifying
the TurboFLASH prototype sequence presented in [6]. A dual-band pulse was used
to excite two slices simultaneously, while the RF-phase of the first slice was
kept unmodulated and the phase of the second slice was toggled between 0° and
180°. Radial readouts were applied, such that the information of the second
slice cancels out in the central k-space of a standard gridding reconstruction.
The conjugate gradient SENSE (CG-SENSE) algorithm described in [3] was implemented
in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) to reconstruct two fully sampled slices. The
L-curve of the residual-norm [7] was consulted to define a termination
criterion for this iterative reconstruction.
In a first experiment, a phantom was scanned using
both Cartesian and radial MS-CAIPIRINHA (MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany; dual-slice mode, slice distance = 24mm, TE = 1.4ms, TR =
3.1ms, slice thickness = 8mm, in-plane resolution = 2mm x 2mm, 37 phase-encoding
steps or radial projections, image matrix = 128 x 128) together with a
measurement of noise amplitude and correlation in the phased-array receiver. To
allow for a fair comparison, both the radial and the Cartesian scan were
reconstructed using the CG-algorithm described above. A fully sampled
measurement was performed to determine the coil sensitivities. The method
described in [8] was used to obtain g-factor maps for the two techniques.
radial sequence was applied to perform a saturation-recovery-prepared and
ECG-triggered perfusion measurement in the heart of a healthy volunteer (same
scanner, dual-slice mode, slice distance between adjacent slices =7.7mm, slice
distance between simultaneously acquired slices = 23mm, saturation preparation
& ECG triggering, TE = 1.5ms, TR = 2.6ms, slice thickness = 5mm, in-plane
resolution = 2.5mm x 2.5mm, 52 radial projections per image pair, image matrix
= 160 x 160). A bolus of 6 ml Gadovist (Bayer Schering Pharma, Berlin, Germany)
was injected and observed over 60 RR-intervals with 3x2 short-axis slices, acquired
within each interval. A pre-scan was performed to determine the coil sensitivities
needed for the CG-reconstruction.
Fig. 1 shows the results of the phantom study. The
reconstructed images (top-row) indicate that the results obtained by radial
CAIPIRINHA feature superior SNR values, especially in the center of the
phantom. This is confirmed by the g-factor maps shown in the bottom row of the
same figure. Peak values up to 4.5 resulted for the Cartesian acquisition while
the maps of the radial scans show a spatially homogenous g-factor not exceeding
a value of 3.2. Figure 2 shows the six slices of the perfusion measurement in
the healthy volunteer, exemplarily for one timeframe. The images have a high overall
quality, especially when considering the high acceleration factors of the
acquisition. At most, in one slice (Fig. 2e) few artifacts remained in the area
of the lateral wall.
& Conclusion
The results of our g-factor study confirm that
radial CAIPIRINHA is capable of improving the SNR as compared to its Cartesian
equivalent. It is noteworthy that the semi-convergence behavior of the CG-algorithm
has the consequence that the number of iterations applied directly influences
the image noise of the reconstruction. At a certain stage of the algorithm, further
iterations mainly cause an increase in the statistical error (g-factor). A
general termination criterion as applied in this study was therefore crucial to
guarantee a meaningful comparison. The images obtained in the radial
MS-CAIPIRINHA acquisition are promising for improving the SNR in future
applications of this investigation and furthermore pave the way towards the
application of model-based quantitative perfusion measurements [5] with
extended coverage.
Funding: DFG (KO 2938/4-1), Siemens HealthcareReferences
[1] Breuer et al., MRM 53:684-691 (2005) [2] Stäb
et al., JMRI 39:1575-1587 (2014) [3] Yutzy et al., MRM 65:1630-1637 (2011) [4]
Adluru et al., ISMRM 2015 #4488 [5] Tran-Gia et al., MRM Early View (2015) [6]
Stäb et al., ISMRM 2015 #2686 [7] Qu et al., MRM 54:1040-1045 (2005) [8] Robson
et al., MRM 60:895-907 (2008)