Hassan Haji-Valizadeh1, Elwin Bassett2, Genesh Adluru3, Edward VR DiBella 3, and Daniel Kim3
1Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Radiology,UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Phase contrast (PC) MRI is
a useful tool for assessing hemodynamic, but suffers from low data acquisition
efficiency. In this study we compared real-time PC MRI between Cartesian and
Radial undersampling trajectories. Our results show that both real-time MRI pulse
sequences yield velocity measurements that agree well with those produced by
reference breath-hold PC MRI pulse sequence. Compared with real-time MRI with
Cartesian sampling, Radial sampling produced images with fewer artifacts. This study demonstrates feasibility of
real-time PC MRI using radial k-space sampling and constrained reconstruction. Purpose
Phase contrast (PC) MRI is a useful tool for
assessment of hemodynamic consequences caused by a variety of heart diseases. This
study seeks to develop and test real-time PC MRI [1, 2] using compressed sensing
(CS)[3, 4]. We chose to acquire breath-hold images in order to avoid any
artifact due to motion. In this study, we compare two commonly used k-space
sampling patterns (Radial and Cartesian). Both
trajectories have desirable characteristics which may significantly affect PC
reconstruction quality.Cartesian trajectories are less sensitive to gradient
imperfection, and are capable of rectangular field of view that may be tailored
for the human chest. Radial trajectories are more resistant to motion during
acquisition [5], and have better SNR due to higher k-space center sampling.
Furthermore, the temporal resolution of radial trajectories can be
retrospectively determined when irrational angles such as golden angle ratio are
used for acquisition [6]. To the best of our knowledge, no study has compared
real time PC MRI between Cartesian and Radial k-space sampling schemes. We
sought to compare their performance in human subjects.
(Imaging Acquisition) Based on the work by Joseph et al. [2], we
implemented Radial real-time PC MRI pulse sequences using 7 k-space lines per
image (i.e., 14 k-space lines per cardiac phase since interleaved reference and
velocity-encoded acquisitions [7]). For real-time with Radial sampling, we used
golden angle ratio with tiny gold angles [8](Fig. 1). For real-time with Cartesian
sampling, we used a sampling pattern with variable density, where two central
k-space lines are always sampled [8](Fig. 9). For reference, we performed
breath-hold acquisition with GRAPPA (scan time = 9 heart beats). We acquired volunteers
data on both 3T (Prisma, Siemens), and 1.5T (Espree, Siemens). The imaging
parameters The three acquisitions (reference, radial real-time, Cartesian
real-time) used the imaging parameters, which included: FOV between 350 – 400 mm
for Cartesian acquisitions with 75% FOV
in phase encoding direction, FOV between 275-300 mm for Radial
acquisitions, slice thickness = 8 mm, flip angle = 20, real-time scan time = 6
heart beats, matrix size of 128X128 for Radial acquisitions, matrix size of
128X96 for Cartesian acquisitions, and temporal resolution = 74.70 ms for Espree
data sets and 72.80 ms for Prisma data sets. We imaged a total of five valve
planes. Two aortic valves, and two mitral valves on the Espreee, and 1 aortic
valve on the Prisma. Aortic valves were images using venc = 250 cm/s and the
mitral valve plane with venc = 150 cm/s. Pulse sequence order (reference,
radial real-time, and Cartesian real-time) was randomized.
(Image Reconstruction) Coil sensitivity profiles were obtained by
Self-Calibration [10], and Undersampled data sets were reconstructed using CS
with temporal Total Variation (TTV) constraint in combination with SENSE
parallel imaging (40 iterations). TTV normalized regularization weights were
determined empirically using training date sets: Cartesian, 0.03; radial, 0.095 for Espree
data sets, and Cartesian 0.04; radial, 0.6 for Prisma data set. Region of interests
(ROI) were drawn manually around each valve, and the max velocity was
calculated. Pearson’s correlation and Bland Altman analyses were conducted on
pooled multi-phase velocity measurements
As shown in figure 2, compared
with reference breath-hold acquisition, real-time PC MRI with Cartesian and Radial sampling schemes produced comparable image quality. Compared with
radial, Cartesian sampling produced higher artifacts as shown. Compared with
reference peak velocity measurements, both real-time PC MRI with Cartesian and
radial sampling schemes produced measurements that are strongly correlated and
in good agreement (see Fig. 3).
This study demonstrates
feasibility of real time PC MRI using either Cartesian and Radial k-space
sampling pattern. Compared with Cartesian, radial produced less images
artifacts. Future studies include assessment of diagnostic performance in
patients with limited breath-hold capacity or in patients with arrhythmia
(e.g., beat-to-beat variation).
This work was supported in part by the following grants:
NIH- 5R01HL116895-02
AHA - 14GRNT18350028
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