cardiac diseases can be diagnosed by analyzing myocardial motion. The local
myocardial velocity can be efficiently computed using tissue phase mapping MRI.
While radial, longitudinal, and rotational myocardial velocities are relevant
biomarkers, it is challenging to find a single 3D representation that gives a
global overview of these three motion directions for the entire cardiac muscle.
We designed a visual encoding that maps the three velocities to glyph shapes
according to a barycentric space formed by 3D superquadric glyphs. The glyphs
show the aggregated myocardial motion information for each AHA segment and are
displayed in a 3D layout.Purpose
The analysis of the
local myocardium motion is of high interest for the diagnosis and monitoring of
various cardiac diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides
non-invasive tools to investigate myocardial velocities during the cardiac
cycle such as tissue phase mapping (TPM)[1]. TPM directly quantifies velocity
resulting in time-resolved 3D vector fields as a 2D image series. Clinicians try
to interpret the 3D velocity field over time to detect global or local motion
abnormalities. During analysis observers distinguish between radial and
longitudinal contraction and rotation motion, which can be independently impaired.
Hence, the goal is to explicitly analyze the three velocities (radial,
longitudinal, rotational), which can potentially serve as biomarkers.
Traditionally, visual
analysis is performed by inspecting each slice or by using the AHA bullseye
plot[2] for every timepoint. We propose a novel visual encoding of local myocardial
velocity by mapping radial, longitudinal, and rotational velocities to glyph
shapes within a barycentric 3D superquadric glyph space.
Superquadrics were
previously used to visualize myocardial strain in 2D[3] or depict myocardial
diffusion[4], but without providing a 3D global perspective. Our approach
supports such a global overview by displaying average local velocity according
to the AHA model in a 3D layout. The superquadric glyphs provide a
non-ambiguous representation of the velocities in the three motion directions.
was acquired in three short-axis slices using
1.5T Siemens MR systems (Aera and Avanto). TPM consisted of a black-blood
prepared cine phasecontrast sequence with three-directional velocity encoding
of myocardial motion (venc=25cm/s, temp res=20.8ms, spatial res between 2x2x8mm).
Spatio-temporal imaging acceleration (k-t GRAPPA) with net acceleration
factor Rnet=3.6 was employed which permitted data acquisition during breath-holding
(breath-hold time=25 heartbeats/slice).
The myocardium was semi-automatically
segmented. One contour was manually drawn for one time step which was propagated to
the rest of the time series using the velocity field through Runge-Kutta integration.
To distinguish endocardial and epicardial regions, the myocardium centerline was extracted using a skeletonization approach based on topology-preserving
morphological thinning[5]. The 3D velocity vectors acquired in Euclidean
coordinates (vx,vy,vz) were transformed to the left ventricle-centered cylindrical coordinate
system (v_r,v_φ,v_z) (Fig.1) [6,7]. The velocity components were normalized to [0,1] and projected on
to the AHA bullseye plot.
In order to parameterize the contribution of (v_r,v_φ,v_z) we used a continuous set of shapes (Fig.2) represented in the superquadric space by a pair of parameters (\alpha,\beta) using the equation[8]:Glyph(θ,Φ)=\left(\begin{array}{c}\cos^{\alpha}(\theta)\sin^{\beta}(\phi)\\\sin^{\alpha}(\theta)\sin^{\beta}(\phi)\\\cos^{\beta}(\phi)\end{array}\right),\begin{array}{l}0\le\phi\le\pi,\\0\le\theta\le2\pi\end{array}While Kindlmann[8] considered a continuous interval of (\alpha,\beta) to visualize tensors defined by two parameters, we design a custom shape space starting from three desired shapes to encode a triple of parameters.The vertices of the triangle defining the barycentric space correspond to a maximum of v_r,v_\varphi,or v_z. They are assigned the shapes of a cylinder, double pyramid, and cuboid, respectively.These custom shapes were chosen because of their distinctive characteristics that we associate with the intensity of one of the three parameters. Moreover, they have an increased ability to point 3D direction, as they avoid rotational symmetry along horizontal and through-plane axes. For a smooth, intuitive transition, we additionally specified the glyph shapes at the midpoints of the triangle edges, where two parameters have equally large values, while the third is close to 0 (v_r=v_l\gg v_\varphi). If all three parameters are equal, the natural representation is the sphere.
The rest of the shape space can be filled continuously using barycentric interpolation.For this, we use the squared normalized cylindrical velocity components (v^2_r,v^2_\varphi,v^2_z) as barycentric coordinates in the shape triangle (Fig.2) to compute the location of the glyph in the (\alpha,\beta) parameter space.
As the shape lies in one of the six sub-triangles, to determine the exact values of (\alpha,\beta) we simply perform barycentric interpolation in the respective sub-triangle.
We generate the glyphs according to the previous section and place
them at the center of the AHA segments in a 3D layout, pointing in the
direction of the velocity. A cone is used to additionally show
the motion direction. The resulting glyphs are scaled by the magnitude of the
local velocity vector and also color-coded using a blue-red color map to improve 3D perception. Fig.3 shows the 3D glyph configuration for key time points in the cardiac cycle for a healthy volunteer.
The velocity direction and magnitude are easily perceived using the cones. Additionally we provide the explicit encoding of radial, longitudinal, and rotational motion, which allows us to visually assess the contribution of each component. Moreover, by using super-quadric glyphs, the glyph's shape and can be non-ambiguously perceived independent of the viewing angle. In future, we will perform a user study to evaluate our method.
No acknowledgement found.References
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