Meng-Chu Chang1, Ming-Ting Wu2, Marius Menza3, Mao-Yuan Su4, Hung-Chieh Huang2, and Hsu-Hsia Peng1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Department of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 4Department of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
association between right ventricle (RV) volume or pressure overloading
pathology and intraventricular flow of repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF)
patient is still unclear. Therefore, we evaluated RV input- and output kinetic
energy and intraventricular flow patterns for rTOF patients to speculate the
energy propagation by using phase-contrast MRI. During systole, rTOF patients presented
higher RV output KE. Moreover, in rTOF patients, the blood flow filled into RV
with a high velocity, accompanying several local vortices. In conclusion,
higher output KE and the visualization of intraventricular vectors helped to
comprehend the energy propagation in RV.Introduction
Recently, Geiger et al
reported that repaired tetralogy of Fallot patients (rTOF) revealed increased
blood flow in the right pulmonary artery and significant vortical flow
in pulmonary trunk during systolic period (1).
However, the information regarding the energy transfer between input and output
flow of right ventricle (RV) in rTOF patient is still unclear. We aim to
investigate input- and output kinetic energy (KE) propagation, retrograde flow,
and abnormal intraventricular flow patterns in rTOF.
study recruited six rTOF patients (21.5±3.9 y/o; male/female: 3/3) and eight normal
subjects (21.9±1.3 y/o; male/female: 4/4) without any known cardiovascular
diseases. Images were acquired at a 3.0 Tesla MR scanner (Tim Trio or Skyra,
Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). All subjects underwent flow-sensitive 4D
phase-contrast MRI (TR/TE=10.8/2.9 ms, flip angle=7°, VENC=1.5 m/s, voxel
size=1.17×1.17×3.5 mm3). The total scanning time was approximate 20
A 3D angiogram was reconstructed
by EnSight software (V10, CEI, Apex, NC) for visualizing intraventricular flow
vectors and for quantifying flow-related indices. Two planes were determined manually
at the tricuspid valve annulus and main pulmonary artery for computing input
and output flow, respectively (Figure 1). The kinetic energy was calculated as: KE=12×ρblood×Vvoxel×v2voxel , where ρ was blood density with a value of 1060 kg/m3, Vvoxel denoted blood volume, and vvoxel represented the velocity of the voxel. An
index of total KE was defined as the summation of forward flow KE during systole
(output) or diastole (input). One-tailed Student t test was used to assess the
statistical significance between normal and rTOF groups. A P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Table 1 summarizes basic characteristics
of the study population. Compared with normal subjects, rTOF patients exhibited
higher RV end systolic volume index (78.1±22.8 cm3/m2 vs.
34.3±8.0 cm3/m2, P<0.01)
and increased RV end diastolic volume index (141.4±22.8 cm3/m2
vs. 71.6±7.3 cm3/m2, P<0.01),
indicating that patients presented dilated RV. Further, rTOF patients exhibited
significantly higher pulmonary regurgitation fraction than normal subjects (21.7±4.5%
vs. 0.6±0.4%, P<0.001).
Figure 2 displayed time
courses of forward and backward KE. The rTOF group displayed a larger peak RV
output forward KE at 60 %ES than normal group (0.9±0.5 J vs. 0.3±0.1 J, P<0.05).
Figure. 2b demonstrated that normal group displayed a backward KE close to zero
within whole cardiac cycle. Moreover, rTOF group demonstrated a larger peak RV outputbackward KE (0.3±0.2 J) at 160 %ES, reflecting the KE provided by regurgitant flow.
In Figure 3, rTOF group
presented higher RV output total KE than normal group (P<0.01). Furthermore, most of the rTOF patients had higher output
total KE than input total KE (4.3±2.2 J vs.
0.9±0.5 J, P<0.05).
Figure 4 displayed the velocity vector fields in 4-chamber view during diastole period of a 23-year-old normal male subject and a 22-year-old rTOF male patient. At peak diastolic phase (t=155%ES), normal subject displayed a high velocity filling jet into the ventricle along with LV lateral wall and RV septal wall. By contrast, the rTOF patient exhibited disturbing flow directed toward apex. At late diastolic phase (t=170 and 185%ES), normal subject demonstrated a clockwise vortex (white line) with reduced velocity in both LV and RV. In rTOF patient, however, the vortex was absent. Alternatively, the blood flow filled into ventricles with a high velocity, accompanying several local vortices.
We quantified ventricular input/output KE and
characterized intraventricular flow for rTOF patients. The recruited rTOF
patients show higher RV output KE and abnormal intraventricular flow patterns.
Namheon et al verified
higher RV pressure at both end-diastole and end-systole in rTOF patients by
using cardiac catheterization (2).
In our work, KE of flowing blood from right atrium accumulated in RV chamber during
diastole. In the meanwhile, regurgitant blood from pulmonary artery also flowed
backward into RV, leading to increased RV volume and pressure. Consequently, higher
RV output velocity and KE were displayed in the subsequent ejection to release
the accumulated RV pressure.
A previous study associated
altered vortex formation with LV pathology and inefficient heart pumping
function (3).
In the recruited rTOF patients, the disturbed ventricular filling patterns could
be associated with the severe pulmonary regurgitation, which may alter the
hemodynamic conditions of RV and limit the formation of the intraventricular vortex.
As a result, low-efficient energy propagation of intraventricular flow may lead
to RV overloading and deteriorated diastolic function.
In conclusion, the higher RV output total KE in rTOF patients suggested the
RV overloading condition. The visualization of intraventricular vector field helped
to comprehend the energy propagation and its influence on RV function.
No acknowledgement found.References
(1) Geiger J, et al. Eur Radiol 2011, 21:1651-1657
(2) Lee N, et al. Congenit Heart Dis, 2012;10.1111/chd.12034
(3) Elbaz MS, et al. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 2014; 16: 78