Rizwan Ahmad1, Ning Jin2, and Orlando P Simonetti3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 2Siemens Healthcare, Columbus, OH, United States, 3Radiology and Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States
Virtually every phase-contrast MRI (PC-MRI) measurement
is contaminated with background phase (BP) from eddy currents and concomitant
gradient terms. A widely reported method to correct BP relies on
a polynomial fitting of the static pixels within regions of static tissue. This
method requires sufficient static tissue in close proximity to the region of
interest—a requirement that cannot be met for imaging of the heart or great
vessels. In this work, we propose a BP correction method
that leverages information from multiple slices collected under identical
conditions but with different table positions.Purpose
The credibility of phase-contrast MRI (PC-MRI) as
a quantitative diagnostic tool is challenged by the inaccuracies introduced by
background phase (BP). In this work, we propose a new data collection and
processing method—called multi-slice acquisition and processing (mSAP) —that
can provide an accurate estimation of BP.
Theory: In
addition to the slice of interest (SOI), we propose to collect data from at
least one extra slice in the same imaging orientation and using the same
gradient waveforms but with different table position. The extra slice aims to
image a large cross section of a static tissue (e.g., the liver) and thus uses
the patient as its own static calibration phantom. The information from the
additional slices, called “helper” slices (HS), is leveraged by jointly fitting
the phase maps from SOI and HS using weighted least squares with a 5th
order polynomial [1]. To guard against overfitting, we further impose ℓ1
regularization to the polynomial regression.
Phantom imaging:
A pulsatile flow pump was connected to a flexible pipe that was bent into a
u-shape such that two sections of the pipe were aligned in parallel inside the
magnet. To mimic static tissue, a total of 9 water bottles of various sizes
were placed around the pipe. Ten parallel slices were imaged, each at the
isocenter of the magnet by changing the table position. The distance between
adjacent slices was fixed at 20 mm. The phase maps from those ten slices are
shown in Figure 1. The imaging parameters were: 3T scanner (Magnetom Trio, Siemens),
400x400 mm2 FOV, 256x256 matrix, 2.4/4.8 ms TE/TR, rate 2 parallel
acceleration, 6 mm slice thickness, 100 cm/s VENC, and GRE with ECG
retrospective triggering. One of the ten slices was designated as the SOI
because the pipes in this slice were in close proximity to the static fluid
bottles; this allowed us to use the traditional method [2] with a 5th
order polynomial to obtain a stable estimate of EC-BP. The EC-BP estimated
using this method was treated as the ground truth. To fabricate the absence of
static tissue in the SOI, the signal from the static fluid in close proximity
to the pipes was disregarded, i.e., pixels near the two pipe cross-sections
were not included in the fitting process. We refer to this handicapped version
as SOI* (Figure 2). SOI* was also fitted with the traditional method but only
with a 1st order polynomial; higher order fitting of SOI* (not
shown) yielded worse results.
In vivo imaging:
A dataset was collected from a healthy volunteer on a 3T scanner. Two distinct,
nonparallel slices were imaged to measure flow in the main pulmonary artery (Qp)
and in the ascending aorta (Qs). In addition to these two SOI, four HS were
collected, one on either side of each SOI, by the moving the table. After
applying the Maxwell correction, the residual background phase was corrected
using the traditional single slice correction with a 2nd order
polynomial fitting and using mSAP where SOI and HS were jointly fitted with a 5th
order polynomial.
For the phantom data, the traditional background correction generated inaccurate flow quantification in SOI* (Figure
3). All HS slices, when included individually, improved the flow quantification
in SOI*, which affirms the key assumption made for mSAP: all slices collected
under the same gradient waveforms but with different table positions have the
same (or very similar) background phase. For the in vivo dataset, the
uncorrected Qp/Qs value was 0.90, which improved to 0.92 when traditional
correction method was used. For mSAP, each SOI was jointly processed with each
of the two corresponding helper slices, resulting in two different correction
maps for each SOI. The resulting Qp/Qs values for these four combination resided
within the range of 0.99 to 1.03. Figure 4 provides an example of the fitting
results when one of the SOI was jointly processed with one of the helper slices.
The traditional single slice processing is
susceptible to errors due to the lack of static tissue in close proximity to
the region of interest. mSAP circumvents this problem by leveraging information
from slices with abundant static tissue. Our preliminary data from a pulsatile
phantom and a healthy volunteer suggests that EC-BP phase in HS is consistent
with the EC-BP in SOI, an underlying assumption of mSAP.
This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant NIHR01HL102450References
[1] ET Tan et al. JCMR 2014 P349. [2] PG Walker et al. JMRI 1993;3(3):521–30.