Yan Wang1, Liang Ge2, Hsin-Wei Shen3, Evan Kao3, Chengcheng Zhu1, David Saloner4, and Jing Liu1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 4Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF/VA, San Francisco, CA, United States
3D aortic CINE imaging provides
precise functional measurements compared to the 2D imaging techniques. We
proposed a highly accelerated free-breathing self-gated 3D MRI method to image
the aorta through the entire cardiac cycle. Automatic segmentation based on
Level-Set Methods was developed to efficiently segment the aorta lumen with the
acquired 3D aortic CINE data. The calculated aortic measurements have
potentials for many applications such as aortic aneurysm
evaluation and aortic stiffness measurement.Introduction
Clinical aortic diameter measurement is currently based
on 2D imaging techniques such as echo or MRI. These are inaccurate, given the
difficulty in prospectively prescribing a plane that is truly transverse to the
target vessel (for cross-sectional diameter or area measurement) and it is even
more challenging to achieve consistent plane prescription on follow up serial
studies. 3D techniques are highly favorable. 3D MRI enables full 3D
visualization of the vessel, offers precise plane definition (perpendicular to
the vessel of interest in a reproducible location) in postprocessing, and permits
robust co-registration of serial studies. 3D imaging also provides measurements
at all levels of the aorta instead of a limited set of specific locations
acquired in separate 2D acquisitions. In this study, we propose to achieve
aortic functional measurements with an accelerated non-contrast-enhanced 3D aortic
CINE MRI technique and a Level-Set Methods based automatic
segmentation method on aorta.
Materials and methods
An accelerated
non-contrast-enhanced 3D cardiac MRI sequence has previously been developed1 and applied to acquire aortic imaging during the whole cardiac cycle in this
study. The sequence has been applied on 5 healthy volunteers (31.0±3.1 years, two female) on a 3.0T MR scanner
(GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) with an 8-channel cardiac coil during free
breathing. A 3D balanced Steady-State Free Procession (bSSFP) sequence with a
golden-ratio based pseudo-random sampling strategy CIrcular Cartesian
UnderSampling (CIRCUS)2 was applied, with FOV=280mm, TR/TE=4.0/1.6ms, FA=45°,
BW=±125kHz, slice thickness of 2mm, image matrix=256×160×32 (75% partial acquisition in ky&kz),
and scan time of 3 minutes. Retrospective cardiac gating and respiratory self-gating
(with 50% gating efficiency) were applied1. Cardiac phases were
reconstructed with a temporal resolution of 50 ms with a combined compressed
sensing and parallel imaging method, k-t SPARSE-SENSE3,4. The overall scan
time acceleration was around R=6.
Segmentation of the aorta is crucial for achieving
accurate functional measurements. Automatic
segmentation in 3D or 4D (3D+time) MRI data is a difficult task due to the
inherent noise associated with MRI data caused by different reasons and the
inhomogeneous image gradient. Previous studies have exploited the Level-Set Methods by using a class of deformable models where the shape to be recovered is
captured by propagating an interface represented by the zero level-set of the
level-set equation5. The evolution of the interface can be regarded as a derivation
of a variational formulation and then the segmentation problem can be expressed
as the minimization of an energy functional, which will represent the
properties of the target objects. Considering that the aorta is normally circular, our approach firstly
uses the Hough transform6 to find the circular structures, which will be
used as the initial contours. In order to take the different characteristics of
the aorta into consideration, a level-set equation with local Gaussian
distribution fitting energy7 is then incorporated into the algorithm to
segment the aorta. The evolution equation can read:
where the image-based term (e1−e2) is independent of scale of local intensities
caused by intensity inhomogeneity. μ that controls the smoothness of zero level set is a fixed parameter. Besides, υ increases the propagation speed and δ(ϕ) is the Dirac function.
In this study, we explored the Level-Set Methods for automatically segmenting
aorta lumen with the acquired non-contrast-enhanced 3D CINE (4D) aorta
We have successfully acquired data from
all five subjects. Figure 1 shows the reformatted images of aorta in three
orthogonal plans (columns), acquired with the conventional 2D imaging and our
proposed 3D imaging respectively (top and bottom rows) from a representative
subject. The reformatted images with 2D
imaging show obvious slice misregistration errors due to the variations of the
breath-holding position, while 3D imaging provides continuous coverage of the
aorta for more precise post-processing. Figure 2 shows the results using our
proposed automatic segmentation algorithm on the aorta, along a slice covering
both ascending (highlighted contour on the left) and descending (highlighted
contour on the right) aorta at end-systolic (top row) and end-diastolic (bottom
row) phases respectively. Entire aorta segmentation at a
representative cardiac phase is
displayed in Figure 3a, and its straightened visualization is shown
in Figure 3b by reconstructing the aorta with a straightened centerline.
Cross-sectional area was calculated at each location along the aorta and throughout
the cardiac cycle, shown in Figure 3c), which provides a practical and precise
way for aortic functional measurements, such as aortic aneurysm evaluation and
aortic stiffness measurement.
In summary, we have
developed an accelerated free-breathing self-gated non-contrast-enhanced 3D CINE
MRI method and automatic aorta segmentation algorithm for improving aortic
functional measurements.
This study is supported by NIH grant 5K25EB014914 and GE grant.
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