Hanjing Kong1, Bo Li1, Huarui Du1, Jue Zhang1, and Li Dong2
1Peking university, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2Anzhen Hospital, Beijing, China, People's Republic of
Multi-contrast weighted imaging methods with a single scan provide efficient means for
viewing and characterizing the atherosclerotic plaques. We extend previous studies by establishing a new strategy (CS-BLGDuC) and further reducing scan time
with compressed sensing . 16 subjects including 6
healthy volunteers and 10 patients with carotid stenosis were carried out.The
scan time of CS-BLGDuC were dramatically reduced compared with
conventional 3D TOF and QIR. Superficial vascular
calcification was clearly showed in gray blood images. It is feasible for the CS-BLGDuC
strategy to depict superficial vascular calcifications and improve scan
efficiency without decreasing image quality.
Multi-contrast weighted imaging methods with a single scan[1,2] provide efficient means for
viewing and characterizing the atherosclerotic plaques. However, it would be desirable to further reduce the scan time
without decreasing image quality. Thus, we sought to extend previous studies by
establishing a new black- and gray- blood dual contrast strategy and reducing
scan time with compressed sensing [3,4,5].
and Methods
Compressed sensing based black- and gray-blood dual contrast
magnetic resonance imaging (CS-BLGDuC) strategy includes a relaxation
enhanced compressed sensing three-dimensional motion-sensitizing driven
equilibrium prepared 3D rapid gradient echo sequence(RECS-3D MERGE)[6]
and under-sampling k-spaces for both black blood and gray blood
image(Fig.1). Black blood k-space and gray blood k-space were filled with
signal acquired at different time within one scan. Based on previous study
[6], the pseudo-centric phase encoding order was used (bottom right of Fig 1),
the corresponding acceleration factor (AF) was 3, and the delay time was
For 3D MRI, after one-dimensional inverse Fourier transformation along
kx, the signal at each x position is obtained and can be
expressed as: s=ϕm+n where s is the signal vector, ϕ is
the undersampled Fourier operator obtained by a measurement matrix. A
Monte-Carlo method is used to construct the measurement matrix [7].
m is the unknown image estimation and n is a vector
representing and independent and identically distributed additive white
Gaussian noise. According to the CS reconstruction algorism of MRI image
proposed by Lustig [7], it is probable that m can be exactly
reconstructed if m is sparse in a transform domain by solving the
ℓ1-norm optimization problem:minimize∥ϕm−s∥2+λ1∥ψm∥1+λ2TV(m) where ψ is the sparsifying transform,
TV is the total variation of m, λ1 is the regularization
weight for the sparsifying transform and λ2 is the TV
regularization term.
16 subjects including 6 healthy volunteers and 10
patients with carotid stenosis were carried out. Institutional review board
approval and informed consents were obtained. Images were acquired on a GE
Signa TM 3T scanner (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) with an eight-channel
carotid coil. Conventional QIR and TOF were also scanned to compare the image
quality, including CNR and plaque depiction. Detailed scan parameters are
provided in Table 1.
The scan time of CS-BLGDuC were dramatically reduced compared
with that of conventional 3D TOF and QIR. No Statistically significant
differences in CNR between QIR images and black blood images acquired by
CS-BLGDuC were detected (P= 0.05). Those CS-BLGDuC based black blood images could
provide sufficient blood suppression, clear vessel wall and good contrast
between vessel wall and lumen. While gray blood images have lumen with uniform
signal intensity and the contrast between the arterial wall and lumen is not as
high as that of black-blood images (Fig 2).
Fig.3 shows images obtained in a patient
with carotid arterial stenosis using CS-BLGDuC, 3D TOF and 2D
QIR-FSE. Superficial vascular calcification was well visualized (solid arrows)
and clearly distinguished from arterial lumen in Figure 3a. In comparison,
calcifications were less conspicuous with 3D TOF image due to the suboptimal
delineation of the inner and outer boundaries (dashed arrows) of the carotid
arteries in Figure 3b. In addition, we realized that although 2D QIR-FSE images
could provide satisfied blood suppression and vessel wall visualization, clear superficial vascular morphology and distribution were hard to get.
It is feasible for the CS-BLGDuC strategy to
depict superficial vascular calcifications and improve scan efficiency without
decreasing image quality. Potentially, the CS-BLGDuC strategy could be
valuable for 3D carotid plaque imaging.
No acknowledgement found.References
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