Xiaobing Fan1, Shiyang Wang1, Milica Medved 1, Tatjana Antic2, Serkan Guneyli 1, Gregory S Karczmar1, and Aytekin Oto1
1Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Pathology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI studies demonstrated that stromal benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) nodules are difficult to differentiate from
transition zone prostate cancer (PCa). Therefore, it is important to improve
the accuracy of DCE-MRI to distinguish BPH from PCa. A total of 24 patients
with biopsy confirmed PCa were enrolled in this study. DCE-MRI data were
acquired at 3 T for a total of ~8.3 minutes. The relative signal enhancement curves
for cancer (n=24) and BPH (n=19) were calculated and analyzed using an empirical
mathematical model. The ratio of washout-rate/uptake-rate (p<0.01) was
significantly smaller in BPH than in cancers.Introduction
prostate MRI, including diffusion-weighted imaging, dynamic contrast enhanced
(DCE) imaging and/or MR spectroscopy, has become the reference standard for
prostate imaging (1). However, the diagnostic accuracy of DCE-MRI is limited in
large part because of significant overlap between enhancements produced by
contrast media in prostatic carcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
(2, 3). BPH is extremely common in the transition zone (TZ) where most cancer
is found, and can be nodular. Nodular BPH is often categorized into three main
subtypes: glandular, stromal and mixed. Among them, glandular BPH can be easily
differentiated from TZ PCa. In contrast, stromal BPH nodules can be difficult
to differentiate from TZ PCa (3, 4). Therefore, it is important to improve the accuracy
of DCE-MRI to distinguish BPH from PCa. Here we demonstrate that the use of an
empirical mathematical model (EMM) to fit the relative signal enhancement DCE-MRI curve
as a function of time has potential to differentiate BPH from cancer.
study was compliant with the HIPAA and approved by our IRB, and all
participants provided written informed consent. Twenty-four patients (n = 24)
with biopsy confirmed prostate cancer were enrolled in this study (mean age = 58.9
years, range 40 to 70 years). A glomerular filtration rate value greater than
or equal to 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 was required.
images were acquired with a Philips Achieva 3 T TX scanner using the
combination of a phased array and endorectal coil. After other clinically
required scans, axial dual-echo 3D T1-weighted (T1W) DCE-MRI data (TR/TE1/TE2 =
4.8/1.69/3.3 ms, flip angle = 10°,
field of view = 250×380×84 mm3, resolution = 1.25×1.75×3.5 mm3,
reconstruction resolution = 1.0×1.0×3.5 mm3, SENSE factor = 1.67,
partial Fourier factor = 0.675, temporal resolution = 8.3 s) were acquired by
using a two-point modified Dixon (mDixon) method to produce the ‘water-only’
images. Gadobenate dimeglumine (Multihance) was injected at the standard dose of
0.1 mmol/kg. The DCE data were acquired for a total of ~8.3 minutes.
zone (PZ) and transition zone (TZ) tumor nodules in the prostate were confirmed
with biopsy. All patients in the study underwent prostatectomy afterwards. Regions-of-interest
(ROIs) were drawn by an experienced radiologist on ADC maps and T2-weighted (T2W)
images, and transferred to DCE data for each patient. A total of 24 cancer ROIs
on PZ/TZ and 19 BPH ROIs were drawn and used in this study.
average signal intensity S(t) over ROI was calculated first, then the relative signal
enhancement curve (Sr(t)) as function of time (t) was calculated as: Sr(t)=(S(t)−S0)/S0, where S0 is the baseline signal. The modified three
parameters empirical mathematical model (EMM) (5): Sr(t)=A⋅(1−exp(−α⋅t))⋅exp(−β⋅t) was used to fit the Sr(t), where A is the scaling constant, α is the rate
of contrast agent uptake, and β is the rate of contrast agent washout. The non-parametric
Mann-Whitney U-Test was performed to determine whether there was a
statistically significant difference between cancer and BPH for fitted EMM parameters.
A p-value less than 0.05 were considered significant.
1 shows T2W image from a patient with cancer (red circle) and BPH (green
circle) outlined. The corresponding relative signal enhancement curve S
from cancer and BPH is shown in Figure 2. For all S
r(t) from 24
cancers and 19 BPH ROIs, the average uptake and washout rates obtained from the
EMM are given in Table 1. On average, uptake rate (α) was slightly
faster in BPH than cancer (but not statistically significant), and washout rate
(β) was significantly slower (p <0.05) in BPH than cancer. Figure 3 shows
the box-plot for the ratios of β/α for cancer and BPH. The statistical analysis
showed that the BPH had significantly small ratio of β/α (p <0.01) than the
DCE-MRI data from 24 patients were analyzed by using an EMM based on three
parameters. On average, the washout rate for BPH was only about half of the
washout rate in cancer. The ratio of contrast agent uptake and washout rates
was significantly different in BPH vs. cancer. The results suggest that use of a simple
mathematical model to analyze data can improve the diagnostic accuracy of
DCE-MRI. Although we followed the contrast agent washout phase up to ~8 min,
which was longer than most clinical scans, it is important to follow the washout
phase even longer in order to obtain accurate washout rate. The ratio of
contrast agent uptake and washout could be a bio-maker to distinguish BPH and
This research is supported by NIH R01 CA172801-01.References
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