Joseph G Jacobs1,2, Edward Johnston3, Alex Freeman4, Dominic Patel5, Manuel Rodriguez-Justo5, David Atkinson3, Shonit Punwani3, Gabriel Brostow2, Daniel C Alexander1,2, and Eleftheria Panagiotaki1,2
1Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 4Department of Histopathology, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH), University College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Department of Research Pathology, UCL Cancer Institute, University College London, London, United Kingdom
This study aims to validate the cellularity map produced by the VERDICT
framework with histology. The VERDICT cellularity map is an
indication of the number of cells present in each voxel in a diffusion-weighted
MR (DW-MR) image. We attempt to validate this measure by comparing it with a
cellularity map produced from a corresponding prostatectomy histological
section. We find that the VERDICT cellularity map is able to differentiate
between areas of tumour and benign tissue with statistical significance. This
result demonstrates the potential of VERDICT as a method for non-invasive
quantification of tumours.Purpose
This work uses histology to validate the microstructural map of
cellularity produced by the VERDICT (Vascular Extracellular and Restricted
Diffusion for Cytometry in Tumours)
1 framework for prostate.
Previous diffusion MRI studies in the prostate show that the VERDICT cellularity
map differentiates tumour from benign
regions better than conventional methods such as ADC maps
2. Histological
information from such an imaging method has great potential for cancer
diagnosis and monitoring.
We use the optimised VERDICT imaging protocol for prostate3
to image a patient with Gleason Score 7 (3+4, 4+3). Following imaging, the
patient underwent radical prostatectomy. From the specimen we slice and
digitise whole-mount (WM) hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E) stained sections. We then automatically identify the cells in the
histological slices to produce a histological cellularity map and compare this
against the VERDICT cellularity map.
multiparametric MRI, we acquire diffusion-weighted-MR (DW-MR) images with a
Philips Achieva 3T MRI using a pulse-gradient spin-echo sequence and a 32
channel cardiac coil with b values of 90-3000s/mm2 in 3 orthogonal
directions (voxel size=1.3×1.3×5mm, matrix size=176×176, TR=2000ms). Table 1
shows the imaging parameters. We normalised the data with a b=0 image for every
echo time (TE) to avoid T2 dependence.
VERDICT model and
fitting procedure:
We fit
the VERDICT model3 to the DW-MRI to estimate parameters fEES (extracellular/extravascular space volume fraction), fIC (intracellular (IC) volume fraction), fVASC (vascular volume
fraction), cell radius R, diffusivity D and pseudo-diffusion P. We produce parametric maps with an iterative
optimization procedure1, 2 that accounts for local minima and Rician
noise. The cellularity map is an estimate of cell density
obtained by dividing the fIC by the cube of the R estimate (cell volume).
prostatectomy, we fix the specimen in 10% buffered formalin for 48 hours. We
then slice the prostate at 5mm intervals and cut 5µm thick sections for H&E
staining and digitization at 20X magnification (pixel size 0.5×0.5µm).
MRI and histology correspondence:
experienced radiologists (EJ, SP) and a histopathologist (AF) visually registered
MR images to histologic specimens using anatomically defined areas.
Histological analysis:
We define
histological cellularity as the number of cells per unit area. Given a region
of interest (ROI) on the WM slide (Figure 1), we estimate cellularity in 1.3×1.3mm
sub-windows by counting the nuclei in each window using a Regression Forest model4.
We use a dataset of 68 0.25×0.25mm manually annotated prostate biopsy images
(verified by AF) to train the model.
2 compares the cellularity maps from histology (2b) and VERDICT (2c) for the
ROIs (2a). The mean cross-validation nuclei
counting error is 20.16 nuclei per mm2. The tumour identified in
histology corresponds to regions of high cellularity in both cellularity maps
while there is lower cellularity in the surrounding benign tissue. Surrounding
the tumour there is cystic atrophy. In the region of cystic atrophy beneath the
tumour there is low cellularity in both maps. However, in VERDICT the region
above the tumour is less cellular than it is in histology.
The boxplots in Figure 3 compare the histology and VERDICT cellularity
in the ROIs (Figure 2a). In both, cellularity is highest in tumour, lowest in
stroma and elevated in high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN)
and inflammation. In histology, there is a statistically significant difference
between cellularity in all regions, while with VERDICT there is only
significant difference between cellularity in cancer and stromal tissue
(p<0.05, Mann-Whitney U test).
Discussion & Conclusion
Results show similar trends in the histology and VERDICT cellularity
maps, providing some validation of the VERDICT cellularity estimates. The VERDICT
model appears to be able to detect the diffusion signals from proliferated
epithelial cells in the tumour and differentiate this from the surrounding
cystic atrophy and stromal tissue with statistical significance.
The main limitation of VERDICT this analysis reveals is its inability to
distinguish between tumour and HGPIN.
While VERDICT detects lower cellularity in HGPIN compared to the tumour, the
difference is not statistically significant. This is not surprising as HGPIN is
also characterised by proliferation of epithelial cells, and perhaps a more
complex model or pulse sequence is needed to capture the subtle difference
between these pathologies.
One drawback of this study is the registration method between MRI and
histology. An automated registration technique could account for variations in
slicing orientation and other deformations caused by tissue preparation.
Another limitation is the error in estimated nuclei counts. While the model is
able to detect nuclei fairly accurately, it is sensitive to noise, artefacts and
the quality of digitisation.
EPSRC grants H046410, G007748 and M020533 support DA and EP’s work on this topic.References
1. Panagiotaki E. et al. Noninvasive Quantification of Solid Tumor Microstructure Using VERDICT MRI. Cancer Research 2014; 74(7), 1902-1912.
2. Panagiotaki E. et al. Microstructural Characterization of Normal and Malignant Human Prostate Tissue With Vascular, Extracellular, and Restricted Diffusion for Cytometry in Tumours Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Investigative Radiology 2015; 50(4): 218–227.
3. Panagiotaki E et al. Optimised VERDICT MRI protocol for prostate cancer characterisation. ISMRM 2015.
4. Fiaschi L. et al. Learning to count with regression forest and structured labels. ICPR 2012; 2685–2688.