The Influence of Pre-load Contrast Agent Dosing Schemes on DSC-MRI Data
Natenael B. Semmineh1, Kelly Gardner1, Jerrold L. Boxerman2, and C. Chad Quarles1

1Imaging Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Diagnostic Imaging, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, United States


Brain tumor DSC-MRI studies can be confounded by T1 and T2* effects that occur when the contrast agent extravasates. Traditionally a combination of CA pre-loading and leakage correction techniques are used to minimize T1 leakage effects, but currently there is no consensus on the most robust dosing scheme. Using simulations we demonstrate that pre-load dosing schemes significantly alter blood volume estimates. This computational approach is being utilized to identify a CA dosing scheme that minimizes total CA dose and yields robust CBV measures across a range of physical, physiological and pulse sequence parameters.


The use of DSC-MRI for the assessment of tumor perfusion can be confounded when the blood brain barrier is disrupted, which can result in additional extravascular T1 and T2*contrast agent (CA) leakage effects [1,2]. Unless corrected for leakage effects confound the reliable measure of cerebral blood volume (CBV) [1]. One strategy to reduce T1 leakage effects is through the use of a pre-load of contrast agent. Numerous pre-load dosing schemes have been used with varying contrast agent doses (up to 2.5 times the recommended dose) and times between the pre-load and primary bolus injection. Given the recent reports of toxicity and prolonged accumulation of Gd-based CAs there is a push to minimize the total dose a patient receives. All of these factors make it challenging to standardize DSC-MRI methods because the reliability of the CBV measures derived from different pre-load dosing schemes is unknown and practically difficult to assess in vivo. The goal of this study is to leverage our recently proposed DSC-MRI simulation toolbox to investigate the influence of pre-load dosing dosing schemes on the reliability of DSC-MRI data.


To replicate in vivo DSC-MRI signal from a representative tumor ROI we used an efficient computational approach termed the Finite Perturber Finite Difference Method (FPFDM) based on a 3D tissue structure composed of packed ellipsoids and a fractal based vascular tree [3]. Representative in vivo physical and physiological parameters data such as, ve ,CBV (vp), CBF, Ktrans along with simulated AIF were used as an input in pharmacokinetic two compartmental model to compute the vascular and extravascular extracellular space CA concentration (Cp and Ce) time curves. The resulting Cp and Ce curves, the simulated tissue structures were then used to compute simulated ΔR2* time curves using the FPFDM. The DSC-MRI signal was then calculated using the computed ΔR1 and ΔR2* time curves [3]. The Weisskoff method is then applied to correct for T1 and T2* leakage effects [1]. The corrected ΔR2* time curves were used to calculate CBV values and compared with CBV values calculated for tissues with no CA leakage (Ktrans = 0). To demonstrate the influence of CA dosing scheme the simulation was repeated for five pre-load and bolus injection combinations (full dose followed by full dose, half dose followed by full dose, no pre-load followed by full dose, half dose followed by half dose and a quarter dose followed by three quarter dose).


Figure 1A shows an example model tissue consisting of packed ellipsoid cells and fractal vascular tree. Figure 1B shows FPFDM computed ΔR2* time series without T1 effects for each dose combination. These curves illustrate that increasing the pre-load and total dose yields greater T2* leakage effects. Figure 1C shows the computed DSC-MRI signals, reflecting both the T1 and T2* changes. As expected the no pre load case (0-1) exhibits a significant T1 leakage effect as indicated by the signal over shot whereas the T1 effect is reduced and T2* effects are enhanced as the pre-load concentration increases (e.g. 1-1). Figure 1D shows the ΔR2* time curves computed using these signals. Figure 1E shows ΔR2* time curves corrected for leakage effects using the Weisskoff model. Corrected curves exhibit the expected decrease in leakage effects. The corrected ΔR2* time curves are used to calculate CBV values for each case and were compared with the respective CBV values calculated from ΔR2* time curves with no leakage effects (Figure 1F). This preliminary analysis indicates that a dosing scheme using a full pre load followed by a full dose bolus injection yield the most accurate CBV values (-4.8%) whereas the no pre-load approach leads to the least accurate CBV estimate (-63.5%).

Discussion/ Conclusion

For a fixed physiological, physical and pulse sequence parameters as well as CA leakage correction techniques, the preliminary computational results presented herein indicate that DSC-MRI data is significantly influence by CA dosing scheme. We are currently performing a systematic investigation across a wide range of physical, physiological and pulse sequence parameters in order to fully characterize which dosing scheme yields the most accurate DSC-MRI data.


NCI R01 CA158079


1. Boxerman JL, Schmainda KM, Weisskoff RM. Relative Cerebral Blood Volume Maps Corrected for Contrast Agent Extravasation Significantly Correlate with Glioma Tumor Grade, Whereas Uncorrected Maps Do Not. Am J Neuroradiol 2006;27(4):859-867.

2. Paulson ES, Schmainda KM. Comparison of Dynamic Susceptibility-weighted Contrast-enhanced MR Methods: Recommendations for Measuring Relative Cerebral Blood Volume in Brain Tumors. Radiology 2008;249(2):601-613.

3. Semmineh NB, Xu J, Boxerman JL, Delaney GW, Cleary PW, Gore JC, et al. An efficient computational approach to characterize DSC-MRI signals arising from three-dimensional heterogeneous tissue structures. PloS one. 2014;9(1):e84764.


Figure 1: (A) Representative tissue structure (B) ∆R2* values (when T1 effects are excluded) for each dosing combination. (C) DSC-MRI signal ratio time series reflecting the dynamic T1 and T2* changes. (D) Uncorrected ∆R2* time series. (E) ∆R2* values corrected for leakage effects. (F) CBV% difference for each dosing scheme.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)