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Robust and Efficient Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation: Application to Prostate DCE-MRI
Soudabeh Kargar1, Eric G Stinson2, Eric A Borisch2, Adam T Froemming2, Akira G Kawashima3, Lance A Mynderse4, Joshua D Trzasko2, and Stephen J Riederer2

1Biomedical Engineering and Physiology, Mayo Graduate School, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, United States, 4Urology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States


The use of MRI for planning targeted biopsy and evaluation of recurrence is becoming more common; in particular, Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) as part of multi-parametric MRI, is used for assessment of tumor angiogenesis and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. We are interested in accurate estimation of Ktrans and Kep as an indication of change in perfusion patterns in benign and malignant tissue. We developed a robust and efficient numerical optimization technique to find the (nonlinear) least squares estimates of Ktrans and Kep from 3D DCE-MRI. The perfusion maps generated with this technique match the Levenberg Marquardt method and DynaCAD.


Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men in the United States1. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer allows for a number of treatment options. Current screening processes include Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) level in blood. In case of abnormal results, Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy is often recommended. Although the PSA level has high sensitivity, it suffers from low specificity and may cause unnecessary anxiety and cost. Interest in MRI for diagnosis has increased over recent years; it is observed that the tissue perfusion changes due to angiogenesis, the pathological condition often found in cancer tissue. We are interested in accurate estimation of the perfusion parameters: (i): Ktrans[min1] (volume transfer constant between blood plasma and extravascular extracellular space or transfer constant) and (ii): Kep[min1] (rate constant)2 derived from DCE-MRI of the prostate.


The purpose of this work is to develop a robust and efficient numerical optimization technique to find the (nonlinear) least squares estimates of Ktrans and Kep from time-resolved 3D DCE-MRI. The performance of this technique is compared to the conventional fitting strategy, Levenberg Marquardt Iteration (LM)3, as well as to the commercially available DynaCAD (DC) package.


For each voxel in the region of interest (ROI), the acquired tissue enhancement curve, C(t), is fitted to the perfusion model, P(t), by minimizing a cost function. The Tofts2 model shown in Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 estimates the tissue perfusion. In this model, I(Ktrans,Kep,t) is the tissue impulse response function, P(t) is the estimated tissue perfusion, AIF is the Arterial Input Function selected from the L or R iliac artery close to the prostate, and is the convolution operator. This model is restated in linear algebraic form, where A is a convolution matrix and H(Kep) is the discrete-time exponential part of I. The cost function J in Eq. 3 is the difference between the acquired and estimated perfusion, C(t) and P(t) respectively, which is minimized to find the optimum Ktrans and Kep. J depends on both Ktrans and Kep, and thus we have a 2D optimization problem for each voxel. As shown in Eq. 4 a closed-form expression for Ktrans (dependent on Kep) can be derived. By replacing Ktrans from Eq. 4 in Eq. 3, we reduce the dimensionality of J from 2D to 1D which is shown in Eq. 5. This technique is called Variable Projection (VARPRO, or VP)4. The optimum Kep is efficiently determined via Golden Section search5. The average runtimes per iteration for one voxel using Matlab 2015b are about 0.53 msec and 1.22 msec for VARPRO and LM method, respectively.




\nabla_{K_{trans}}(J)=0\Rightarrow K_{trans}=\left(AH\left(K_{ep}\right)\right)^\dagger C(t)=B^\dagger C(t),where, B^\dagger=\left(B^*B\right)^{-1}B^*\hspace{1.7cm}\text{(Eq.4)}

J\left(K_{ep}\right)=\|BB^\dagger C(t)-C(t)\|^{2}_{2}\equiv-C^{*}BB^\dagger C\hspace{8.8cm}\text{(Eq.5)}

We acquire 55 time frames of the prostate using an accelerated 3D time-resolved DCE-MRI6 sequence (256×384×38, 0.86×1.15×3.0 mm3, frame time 6.6 sec). Perfusion parameters from pixels within the prostate were estimated with the: (i) the above VARPRO, (ii) LM, and (iii) DynaCAD. The residual defined as root mean square difference between C(t) and P(t), is calculated using a subset of the time frames, (7 to 55). In our preliminary study, we have performed the VARPRO technique on 15 cases which were matched with the results of LM and DC.


Fig. 1A shows a plot of J as a function of K_{ep} (Eq. 5), for a representative voxel, demonstrating how the optimum K_{ep} can be readily found. Fig. 1B shows the fitted perfusion estimate, P(t) to the acquired data, C(t). Fig. 2A shows the residual, for VP and LM plotted versus iteration. Fig. 2B shows the residual versus absolute computation time. Fig. 3 shows the perfusion parameter maps for a representative prostate study (9x4 mm2 abnormality in left mid peripheral zone suggests presence of significant prostate carcinoma; Brachytherapy performed) using VARPRO, LM, which are similar to maps produced with DynaCAD. Fig. 4A shows a plot of the normalized residual versus the number of time frames used as input data. As shown, after about 30 time frames the residual reaches a plateau. The pharmacokinetic maps according to a few of the subsets are shown in Fig. 4B with K_{trans} on top and K_{ep} at the bottom row.


To attempt to differentiate benign versus malignant tissue, optimum pharmacokinetic mapping of K_{trans} and K_{ep} from 3D DCE-MRI images of the prostate can be performed quickly using the VARPRO technique described here; the results are consistent with those generated using the traditional LM fitting strategy and DynaCAD. Using about 30 time frames (6.6 sec) seems to be sufficient for accurate estimation of perfusion parameters.


I would like to acknowledge the funding from Mayo Graduate School, NIH (EB000212, RR018898), and DOD (W81XWH) grants that have supported this research.


1. American Cancer Society.

2.Tofts P, et al. Estimating kinetic parameters from dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI of a diffusable tracer standardized, JMRI. 1999; 10: 223-232

3. Marquardt D, et al. An algorithm for least-squares estimation of nonlinear parameters. SIAM J Appl. Math. 1963; 11(2): 431-441

4. Golub G, et al. The differentiation of pseudo-inverse and nonlinear least squares problems whose variables separate SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 1973;10(2): 413-432

5. Trzasko J, et al. Estimating T1 from multichannel variable flip angle SPGR sequences, MRM. 2013; 69(6):1787-1794

6. Froemming A, et al. The Application of sparse reconstruction to high spatio-temporal resolution dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the prostate: Initial clinical experience with effect on image and parametric perfusion characteristic quality, ISMRM 2015; #1169


Fig. 1. A: Cost function vs Kep, B: Estimated vs acquired perfusion for one representative voxel.

Fig. 2: Performance comparison for residual versus A: number of iterations and B: absolute computation time for VP and LM methods.

Fig. 3: Qualitative comparison of Ktrans and Kep and maps for VARPRO, (VP), Levenberg-Marquardt, (LM), and DynaCAD, (DC) from left to right.

Fig. 4 A: The normalized residual versus the number of time frames that was used in the analysis, (7 to 55 time frames), B: Pharmacokinetic maps using different subsets of the total time frames, Top: Ktrans, Bottom: Kep.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)