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Noise-corrected exponential DWI using multi-acquisition MRI facilitates quantitative evaluation of whole-body skeletal tumour burden in patients with metastatic prostate cancer.
Matthew David Blackledge1, Nina Tunariu1,2, Zaki Ahmed2, Julie Hughes2, Raquel Perez-Lopez1,2, Dow Mu Koh1,2, David J Collins1,2, and Martin O Leach1,2

1CRUK Cancer Imaging Center, Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 2MRI, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom


We evaluate the potential utility of storing all imaging acquisitions from whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI (WBDWI) studies. This provides the possibility of using weighted least-squares fitting to obtain maps of ADC uncertainty, invaluable to clinicians wishing to report confidence in ADC estimates. Furthermore, we describe for the first time a novel post-processing technique that combines ADC and ADC uncertainty information into a single computed image: noise-corrected exponential WBDWI. We demonstrate that this technique provides excellent contrast between bone metastases and background healthy tissue, but does not suffer from the same T2 shine-through and/or coil sensitivity artefact present in conventional DW-images.


Whole-body magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging (WBDWI) is rapidly gaining popularity as a visual tool for diagnosis and monitoring of patients with metastatic bone disease from a range of primary malignancies [1]. WBDWI images acquired at two or more b-values provide quantification of disease status via measurement of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) at each voxel location. Common radiological practice simultaneously utilizes both high b-value images and ADC maps to perform diagnosis and staging of disease. However, ADC maps are typically noisy and the degree of confidence in measured values is unknown during radiological review. Typical WBDWI measurements consist of multiple excitations (3-6) at each b-value, each of which are acquired in three orthogonal directions to account for diffusion anisotropy. Vendors typically export only the average of all acquired images at each b-value (9-18) to improve image signal-to-noise ratio and remove the effects of diffusion anisotropy.


In this abstract we investigate the utility of storing all single acquisitions in WBDWI scans. We demonstrate the potential for estimating maps of ADC uncertainty from these data and discuss a new post-processing methodology for WBDWI examinations, namely, noise-corrected exponential diffusion-weighted imaging (nc-eDWI).


Patients: Three patients with metastatic disease from prostate cancer. The research study received local ethics approval.

Imaging: Images were acquired on a 1.5T MRI scanner (MAGNETOM Aera, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany). Parameters for the DWI scans included: b-values = 50/900 or 50/600/900 s/mm2, orthogonal diffusion encoding directions, STIR fat suppression (TI = 180ms), Slice Thickness = 5mm, GRAPPA image acquisition (reduction factor = 2). Images were acquired on a moving table in 4 stations comprising of 40 slices each to cover the entire torso. Images at each station were acquired 3 times, each with 1 signal average (NeX), and data from the individual diffusion encoding directions were exported individually. The final data set therefore consisted of 9 images acquired at each slice location at each b-value.

Image analysis: ADC maps were generated using a weighted linear least-squares fit of the logarithm of the image intensity at each voxel location [2]. The weighting applied at each b-value was calculated as the reciprocal of the log-signal variance from repeat measurements at that b-value, that is (Fig. 1) w(b)=1Var[lnS(b)] In such a regime the maximum-likelihood estimates for ADC and the logarithm of the signal at b = 0, lnS(0), are given by (^ADC,^lnS(0))=(bTWb)1bTWswhere s represents the N-vector of log signal intensities at each voxel location, W=diag(w1,w2,,wN) and b represents a Nx2 matrix, the first column being filled with all b-values used to generate s and the second filled with 1’s. The 2x2 covariance matrix for these estimates is given by Σ=(bTWb)1 such that the variance in ADC estimates is obtained by σ2ADC=Σ11. Maps of σADC can be generated and viewed alongside whole-body ADC maps to inform on the confidence of estimates within certain regions. Furthermore, to combine both sources of information into a single image we define the noise-corrected exponential diffusion weighted image (nc-eDWI) as a computed image [2] with the following signal intensity (Fig. 2): Snc(a,bc)=exp(aσADC)exp(bc^ADC)Note that the computed b-value, bc and ADC uncertainty weighting, a, are both user defined. Using in-house developed software, we provide an interactive environment such that the user may alter these parameters in real-time. We use a 3×3 median filter on σADC maps to reduce the presence of noisy outliers.


Figures 3-5 demonstrate three clinical examples of the utility of nc-eDWI in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. It is clear that it is able to remove the spurious discontinuities in signal intensity present at the inter-station interface in normal high b-value whole body DWI studies. Furthermore, it can improve the contrast between normal/metastatic bone, and removes the presence of non-DWI contrast including T2 shine-through, T1-weighting, proton density and coil sensitivity.

Discussion and Conclusions

Here we have investigated the utility of collecting and analysing all excitations from whole-body DWI and shown that, at the cost of additional data storage requirements, we are able to infer maps of confidence in the values of calculated ADC. Such maps enable clinicians to determine confidence in clinical decisions made using quantitative DWI. Furthermore, the use of noise-corrected eDWI provides diffusion-weighted contrast that is unaffected by T2 shine-through and coil sensitivity, thus enabling comparison of signal intensity in pre/post-treatment studies. These methods, when used alongside conventional DWI analysis, will provide a great deal of additional information for clinical review of patients with metastatic bone disease.


CRUK and EPSRC support to the Cancer Imaging Centre at ICR and RMH in association with MRC and Department of Health C1060/A10334, C1060/A16464 and NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and the Clinical Research Facility in Imaging.


[1] Padhani A. R. et al., “Whole-body diffusion-weighted MR imaging in cancer: current status and research directions.” Radiology 2011; 261(3): 700-18.

[2] Salvador R. et al., “Formal characterization and extension of the linearized diffusion tensor model.” Hum. Brain Map. 2005; 24(2): 144-155.

[3] Blackledge MD et al., “Computed diffusion-weighted MR imaging may improve tumor detection.” Radiology 2011; 261(2): 573-81.


At each pixel location within the imaging plane, we acquire 3 excitations in three orthogonal diffusion-encoding directions, resulting in 9 samples per pixel in total at each b-value (bottom-left). These repeat measurements may be used to calculate weights for weighted least squares calculation of the ADC map (top-right) and a map of its corresponding uncertainty (bottom-right). Note that the notation V() represents a variance calculation.

Through the use of the ADC map and its corresponding uncertainty (top-left and bottom-left respectively), we generate a synthetic image (far right) where signal is hyperintense in regions of low ADC and/or low σADC. The level weighting for each component may be altered by the user in real time through modifications of the computed b-value, bc, and the uncertainty-weighting term, a.

An example of nc-eDWI in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer. Notice that nc-eDWI is able to remove spurious discontinuities in signal intensity present at the inter-station interface (red arrows) and can improve lesion-to-background contrast (green arrows).

An example of nc-eDWI in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer. Notice that nc-eDWI is able to remove spurious discontinuities in signal intensity present at the inter-station interface (red arrows) and can remove the presence of normal tissue such as the kidneys and spleen (green arrows).

An example of nc-eDWI in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer. Notice that nc-eDWI can remove the presence of normal tissue such as the kidneys and spleen (green arrows).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)