Kimberly L Chan1,2,3, Nicolaas AJ Puts2,3, Peter B Barker2,3, and Richard AE Edden2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3F.M. Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Hadamard Encoding and Reconstruction of MEGA-Edited
Spectroscopy, HERMES, is a novel method of the simultaneous, separable
detection of overlapping metabolite signals. Classic J-difference
involves the acquisition of two subspectra, with editing pulses applied
to the
target molecule (ON) or not (OFF).
HERMES edits multiple metabolites simultaneously by acquiring all
combinations of OFF/ON for each (i.e. four experiments to edit two
metabolites) and uses a Hadamard-like addition-subtraction
reconstruction to generate
separate edited spectra for each target metabolite. In this abstract,
we describe the method and
demonstrate its application to NAA/NAAG editing, using simulations, and
and in vivo experiments.Purpose
To investigate, through density-matrix simulations, and
phantom and in vivo experiments, the novel approach of Hadamard-encoded
spectral editing.
J-difference editing allows quantification of low-concentration
metabolites, including N-acetyl aspartyl glutamate (NAAG) [1]. A disadvantage of this approach is that one
experiment is required per edited molecule, limiting the number (and SNR) of
edited experiments that can be incorporated into research studies.
In this abstract, it is demonstrated that by using Hadamard-encoded
combinations of editing pulse frequencies, it is possible to design a
multiplexed experiment that simultaneously edits more than one metabolite
(‘HERMES’). Compared to sequential acquisitions,
SNR is improved since the full scan time is used for each metabolite. As an example of the method, a scheme for
separately detecting NAA and NAAG through a single edited experiment is demonstrated.
J-difference editing involves the acquisition of two experiments,
which differ in their manipulation of a target spin system. Frequency-selective inversion pulses are
applied to a target spin in one experiment (ON) to refocus the evolution of a target
molecule’s J-coupling. In the other
experiment (OFF), editing pulses are typically applied off-resonance, and the coupling
is allowed to evolve. The difference
spectrum then only contains those signals affected by the ON pulse. HERMES
acquires all combinations of OFF and ON for multiple independent target
molecules. For two targets, four experiments are needed: A (ON,ON); B (ON,OFF);
C (OFF,ON); and D (OFF,OFF). The
combination A+B-C-D gives the difference-edited spectrum for one target
molecule, while A-B+C-D gives the other.
By acquiring experiments simultaneously, Hadamard-editing of
N species
gives a theoretical
√N benefit in SNR.
Density-matrix simulations were performed at a simulated B0=3T
with sinc-Gaussian editing pulses, ‘GTST’ refocusing pulses (bandwidth 1300 Hz
[2]), 2-kHz spectral width, 2048 points, 8-Hz exponential filter, TE 150 ms, fourfold
zero-filling. HERMES NAA/NAAG editing was simulated as shown in Figure 1. Experiment A (ON,ON) was performed with 10-ms
editing pulses, applied at 4.5 ppm to invert both NAA spins at 4.38 ppm and
NAAG spins at 4.62 ppm. Experiments B (ON,OFF) and C (OFF,ON) were performed
with more selective, 45-ms editing pulses to invert 4.38-ppm NAA and 4.62-ppm NAAG
spins, respectively. To suppress residual NAA signal in the NAAG spectrum, Experiment
D applied 45-ms editing pulses at 4.14 ppm, so C and D are symmetrical about NAA
at 4.38 ppm. NAA and NAAG were simulated independently, and spectra were
reconstructed to generate separate NAA and NAAG spectra (as in Figure 1); only peaks
at ~2.6 ppm were plotted.
HERMES NAA/NAAG experiments were performed on a 10 mM NAA
phantom using a Philips Achieva 3T scanner. Scan parameters matched the
simulations above, with TR 2.2 s, and a 20-Hz exponential filter. Spectra were reconstructed to generate NAA and
‘NAAG’ (residual NAA, since the phantom did not contain NAAG) spectra.
In vivo
HERMES NAA/NAAG experiments were performed in 8 healthy
adults in a 5x3x3 cm3 voxel in the centrum semiovale using VAPOR
water suppression, 384 transients, 5-Hz exponential filter, and prospective
frequency drift correction based on interleaved water reference transients
acquired every 24 dynamic scans. Individual transients were frequency-corrected
based on the frequency of the NAA methyl peak using the ‘Gannet’ program [3],
and reconstructed to give separate NAA and NAAG spectra. Spectra were fitted to a simulated model to extract
a scaling factor indicative of the metabolites’ relative concentrations.
shown in Figure 2, simulations show excellent separation of NAA and NAAG, with minimal
residual NAA in the NAAG reconstruction. Phantom and in vivo data show excellent agreement with the simulations. Figure 3a shows that the lineshape and
intensities of the in vivo NAA and NAAG signals are consistent between participants. Figure 3b shows the normalized fitted
amplitudes (mean NAA = 1) having a ratio of NAA:NAAG concentration of 4.5:1.
This abstract demonstrates that the simultaneous and
separable detection of two metabolites using Hadamard Encoding and
Reconstruction of Mega-Edited Spectroscopy, HERMES, is possible at 3T with
minimal metabolite crosstalk in the reconstruction of two otherwise overlapping
metabolites. There is excellent agreement
between simulations and experiments in the NAA and NAAG reconstruction lineshapes
- the differing lineshapes of the reconstructed NAA and NAAG spectra remain apparent
in vivo. The acquired in vivo NAA:NAAG ratio of 4.5:1,
is in good agreement with literature values [4]. These data demonstrate the capability of HERMES
to separate NAA and NAAG within a single acquisition. HERMES can be applied to
other overlapping edited species e.g. GABA/macromolecules, and, in principle,
extended to more than two compounds by extending the Hadamard encoding matrix.
NIH grants:
R01EB016089, P41EB015909References
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of N-acetyl aspartyl glutamate from N-acetyl aspartate at 3 Tesla. Magn Reson Med 2007;57:977-982.
2. Murdoch JB, Lent AH, Kritzer MR. Computer-optimized
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3. Edden RAE, Puts NAJ, Harris AD, Barker PB, Evans CJ.
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