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Metabolic ratios can increase or decrease sample size requirements and statistical significance in magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Sarah E. Hoch1, Ivan I. Kirov2, and Assaf Tal3

1Radiology, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2Radiology, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 3Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel


Metabolite ratios are often used to simplify metabolic quantification. It is often implicitly assumed that they are also statistically favorable when both numerator and denominator metabolites change in opposing manners. Herein, we show that even for such cases, both sample size requirements and statistical significance depend non-trivially on taking the ratio. We conclude that care must be taken when deciding between ratios and absolute quantification during study design.


Metabolic ratios are used extensively magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) literature due to their simplicity and ability to account for hardware imperfections and cerebrospinal fluid content. Different metabolites often shift in opposing directions in many pathologies, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) in which N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) levels decrease while creatine (Cr), choline (Cho) and myo-inositol (mI) increase. On the one hand, it seems that the ratio of two metabolites displaying opposing changes might increase their statistical favorability; on the other hand, metabolic ratios display increased coefficients of variation1 (CVs) compared to absolute quantification due to the combined variances of both numerator and denominator. To adequately decide whether ratios are statistically superior to absolute quantification, CVs alone are insufficient and one must examine the expected change and the CVs simultaneously. Herein we examine metabolite ratios effect on sample size and statistical significance.


Assuming both numerator and denominator are normally distributed, X1~N(μ112), X2~N(μ222), their ratio X1/X2 has been previously derived2. Assuming a coefficient of variation CV2≡σ22CV<0.25 for the denominator, one can perform a series expansion and obtain a normal distribution X1/X2~N(μRR2) with μR12 and σR2R2·(CV12-2·ρ·CV1·CV2+CV22). ρ is the correlation coefficient. Given knowledge of a normally distributed variable in control Xc~N(μcc2) and patient Xp~N(μpp2) populations, the sample size required to observe a one-sided change in the mean Δμ=μpc with statistical significance α and power β is Ns=(z1‑ασp‑zβσc)2/Δμ2 (with z~N(0,1)).


We computed Ns for both NAA, Cr and NAA/Cr, using literature values3 for white matter (WM) NAA (7.7±0.6 mM) and Cr (4.9±0.5 mM) in healthy controls, assuming the standard deviations of both remain unchanged in patient populations. The patient WM NAA and Cr values were varied by up to 30% (NAA decrease, Cr increase) typical of many pathologies. The sample sizes NNAA, NCr and Nratio required to observe the single-sided change between controls and patients for NAA, Cr, and NAA/Cr with a statistical significance α=5% and power β=80% were calculated.

Global WM changes in NAA, Cr and NAA/Cr were examined using data from two previously acquired datasets4,5: a longitudinal study of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) (18 patients, ages 21-45, scanned every 6 months for 3 years), and a cross-sectional mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) study (26 patients, ages 33±11). A Shapiro-Wilks test with a significance level of α=0.05 was used to validate the normality of numerator, denominator and ratio. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed to estimate whether one can assume ρ=0. To examine whether metabolite ratios yield any improvements to statistical significance, an unpaired two-sided t-test was conducted among patient and control groups for NAA, Cr and NAA/Cr.


The (μ(patient)NAA,μ(patient)Cr) plane (Fig. 1) divides in three mutually exclusive regions: Nratio<min(NNAA,NCr) (black), Nratio<min(NNAA,NCr) (gray) and Nratio=min(NNAA,NCr) (white), where all sample sizes were rounded up to the nearest integer. Clearly, a non-trivial relationship exists between numerator, denominator and ratio distributions. For example, when NAA declines by 5% and Cr rises by 5%, NCr=26, NNAA=14, Nratio=10, rendering ratios superior, while a decline of 5% in NAA and rise of 2.5% in Cr yields NCr=104, NNAA=14, Nratio=19, making absolute quantification preferable.

The statistical tests confirmed normality and lack of correlations between metabolites in our cohorts' metaboilte datasets. Reduction in WM NAA and increase in WM Cho, Cr and mI concentrations were observed in several - but not all - time points in MS patients compared with the pooled mean of controls. In contrast, the ratio NAA/Cr differs significantly at all time points between patients and controls, as determined by the t-test (Fig. 2); all time points remain significant even as the significance level is lowered to a strict α=0.01 level. For the mTBI cohort, only NAA and NAA/mI were statistically different between patients and controls (α=0.05) (Fig. 3). Sample size estimations based on the estimated population variance and mean yielded the smallest sample size for NAA, with a slightly higher sample size required for NAA/mI (16 vs. 17).


It is often implicitly assumed that whenever two metabolites’ means shift in an opposing manner, their ratio must improve detection. Herein we have shown that, depending on the means and variances of both numerator and denominator, metabolic ratios can either enhance or diminish statistical significance and sample size requirements in a non-trivial manner. This impacts study design considerations and choice of diagnostic biomarkers. Our conclusions can be considered an extension of previous studies, which have already noted the increased CVs exhibited by ratios albeit without examining their effect on statistical tests.


Assaf Tal acknowledges the support of the Monroy-Marks Career Development Fund, the Carolito Stiftung Fund, the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and the historic generosity of the Harold Perlman Family. This work was also supported by the Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R, www.cai2r.net), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).


[1] Li BSY, Wang H, Gonen O. Metabolite ratios to assumed stsable creatine level may confound the quantification of proton brain MR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2003;21(8):923-8.

[2] Hinkley DV. On the ratio of two correlated normal random variables. Biometrika. 1969;56(3):635.

[3] Tal A, Kirov II, Grossman RI, Gonen O. The role of gray and white matter segmentation in quantitative proton MR spectroscopic imaging. NMR in Biomedicine. 2012;25(12):1392-400.

[4] Kirov II, Tal A, Babb JS, Herbert J, Gonen O. Serial proton MR spectroscopy of gray and white matter in relapsing-remitting MS. Neurology. 2013;80(1):39-46.

[5] Kirov II, Tal A, Babb JS, et al. Proton MR Spectroscopy Correlates Diffuse Axonal Abnormalities with Post-Concussive Symptoms in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2013;30(13):1200-4.


A trinary plot showing when taking the ratio NAA/Cr increases (gray), decreases (black) or has no effect on sample size, N, as patient population NAA levels are decreased and Cr levels are increased (statistical significance and power were set at 5% and 80%, respectively). NAQ is defined as NAQ=min(NNAA,NCr).

NAA, Cr, and NAA/Cr in longitudinally studied MS. The straight line represents the controls' means, while the boxplots represent the patient metabolite distributions. Highlighted boxes represent a statistically significant difference with significance level α=0.05 (green/yellow) or α=0.01 (yellow). While neither NAA nor Cr remain statistically significant throughout, their ratio does

Metabolite data from mTBI patients (blue crosses) and controls (red crosses) for WM NAA, Cr, NAA/Cr, NAA/mI and mI, with fitted normal distributions (N: sample size required to observe shift from controls to patients with α=0.05, β=0.8). Absolute quantification (NAA) offers statistical significance and smaller sample sizes.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)