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Quantitative Comparison of SNR between High and Low Resolution of 3D Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI)
Byeong-Yeul Lee1, Xiao-Hong Zhu1, and Wei Chen1

1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


Spatial averaging of multiple high-resolution CSI (hrCSI) voxels is commonly employed to gain SNR and improve quantification of metabolites. Using in vivo 17-oxygen 3D CSI, we compared SNR between spatial averaging of multiple hrCSI voxels and a single voxel acquired with low-resolution CSI (lrCSI) with matched sample volume and position. SNR from voxel averaging was much lower than that of lrCSI caused mainly by the increased noise level by spectral summation. This study clearly demonstrates that the acquisition of high-resolution data with spatial averaging faces a large trade-off of SNR. Therefore, it should be taken consideration carefully for the choice of an appropriate voxel size of high-resolution CSI for in vivo study of neurological or metabolic diseases.


To quantitatively examine the SNR implication of multiple-voxel averaging from high-resolution CSI data, resulting in a significant SNR loss compared to a single voxel from low-resolution CSI data with matched spatial resolution.


High-resolution chemical shift imaging (hrCSI) is highly desired for basic and clinical research due to less partial volume effect, thus better specificity for identifying and studying diseased tissue. However, lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) caused by a small voxel size impedes reliable quantification of metabolites, particularly challenging for low-γ X-nuclear MRS, such 13C and 17O spins. As one of solutions to overcome the SNR issue, spatial averaging of multiple hrCSI voxels taken from the region of interest has been frequently employed. In this context, it is interesting to examine if the averaged signal from multiple hrCSI voxels could substantially sacrifice a SNR compared to a large single voxel acquired from low-resolution CSI (lrCSI) with matched spatial resolution and position, and if yes, how much? To address this critical question, we conducted a thorough SNR comparison study of X-nuclear 17O CSI of natural abundance water in phantom and human occipital lobe in vivo with two spatial resolutions.


All experiments were performed at 7.0T/90-cm bore scanner (Siemens) using RF surface coil and 8 healthy volunteers participated this study. The Fourier Series Window (FSW) technique [1-2] was used to acquire all 3D 17O CSI data under full relaxation condition (17O T1 = 4.5ms, TR = 100ms, 1610 k-space scans; spectral width = 30kHz; 9x9x7 phase encodes using two field of views (FOV): (8×8×6 cm3) hrCSI and (24×24×18 cm3) for lrCSI, resulting in 27 times of volume difference. A total of 27 hrCSI voxels’ FIDs (see Figs.1 and 2) were summed in time domain. No line broadening was applied to measure true noise levels and SNR. The RF transmission field (B1+) of 17O RF coil was mapped (Fig. 2) for calculating flip angle (B1+) and its effect on the 17O water intensity. The noise correlation among inter-voxels in the hrCSI was measured. Finally, the effect of point-spread function (PSF) was estimated based on the cylindrical voxel shape from the FSW-CSI method [1-2].

Results and Discussion

Figure 1 shows a typical in vivo 17O CSI distribution of H217O signal and the selection of target voxels of interest used for SNR comparison. Noise and linewidth (FWHM) of single voxel spectra were not significantly different between hrCSI and lrCSI data, and independent on the voxel position. However, the summed spectrum from 27 hrCSI voxels showed a much high noise level as well as higher signal intensity (Fig. 1D) compared to the single voxel spectrum from the lrCSI with the similar sample volume and position (Fig. 1E). The signal level difference indicates that the true hrCSI voxel size was larger than the apparent voxel size due to the spatial overlapping associated with PSF (Fig. 4). The estimated PSF from the FSW-CSI method accounted ~41% signal increase. The B1+ maps shown in Fig. 2 were highly inhomogeneous among hrCSI voxels and had effects on the 17O signal, for example, counting for ~35% and ~33% signal loss for phantom and in vivo, respectively. In addition, PSF induced the noise coherence among adjacent hrCSI voxels as illustrated in Fig. 3, resulting a high noise level ratio (phantom ~7.8, in vivo ~ 9.1) compared to low resolution CSI. With consideration and correction of the PSF and B1+ effects on each hrCSI voxel, phantom and in vivo brain data consistently suggest that multiple-voxel averaging of hrCSI data resulted in a huge SNR reduction (~5.4 times) compared to that of the lrCSI. This experimental result was close to the theoretical prediction of 5.2 based on the relationship between the multiple-voxel averaged SNR (SNRm) and single voxel SNR (SNRs): SNRm=(NumberofMeasurement×SNRs if inter-voxel noise is completely random and independent (i.e., PSF=0), and B1 distribution is homogenous in space. As we demonstrated, this theory might be invalid for practical CSI application commonly with significant PSF and B1 inhomogeneity, especially for a surface coil used in this study, thus, the SNRm calculation should be modified accordingly: Signalm=(27i=1Signali×sin(αi))×PSF Noisem=NoiseCorrelation×NumberofVoxels×σn where σn is the mean voxel noise.


This study demonstrates that the spatial voxel averaging of hrCSI data results in a huge SNR trade-off, which should be useful for selecting an appropriate voxel size of high-resolution CSI for in vivo application. A better strategy is to optimize the CSI voxel size for achieving the desired SNR, rather to averaging multiple hrCSI voxels for matching the same SNR that requires a much long scanning time.


NIH grants of R24 MH106049, RO1 NS070839, S10 RR029672, P41 EB015894 and P30 NS076408


[1] Garwood et al., JMR, 75:244-261 (1987); [2] Zhu et al., MRM, 45:543-549 (2001);


Figure 1 A representative in vivo 3D 17O CSI acquired from the high- (A-C, three image slices) and low- resolution (E). Rectangular boxes show the voxels of interest used for SNR comparison. The spectra shown in [D] and [F] are summed spectrum from 27 high-resolution CSI voxels and the spectrum from single low-resolution CSI voxel, respectively.

Figure 2 In vivo 3D B1+ maps estimated 27 voxels of the high- (A-C) and a low- resolution (E) CSI. [E] and [F] show the curve fitting for estimating the reference voltages for 90 degree RF excitation for each target voxel (dotted box) in the high-resolution and in low-resolution CSI, respectively.

Figure 3 A representative noise correlation map of 27 inter-voxels in the high resolution CSI. Upper and lower diagonal matrix represents correlation coefficients for left and right side of noise in the spectrum. Color bar indicates correlation coefficients.

Figure 4 Point-spread function of the FSW projected on the 2D slice, showing the overlapping ratio between the inter-voxels in the high-resolution CSI (blue), compared to the single voxel of low-resolution CSI (red).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)