Fan Lam1, Chao Ma1, Qiegen Liu1, Bryan Clifford1,2, and Zhi-Pei Liang1,2
1Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States
We present a novel strategy to achieve high spatiotemporal resolution for
1H-MRSI of the brain. The proposed acquisition scheme is characterized by: (a)
the use of EPSI-based rapid spatiospectral encoding with an extended k-space
coverage; (b) sparse sampling of (k,t)-space; (c) time-interleaved k-space
undersampling, and (d) acquisition and use of navigator signals for determining
subspace structures. This special acquisition is enabled by a subspace-based
data processing and reconstruction method that can effectively remove nuisance signals
and obtain high-quality reconstructions from sparse and noisy data. Experimental
data have been acquired to demonstrate the potential of the proposed method in
producing time-resolved spatiospectral distributions.Introduction
spectroscopy is a potentially powerful tool for studying in vivo metabolism with/without
the presence of external stimulus, e.g., understanding brain functions and characterizing
tumor metabolism.
1-4 Constrained by the low SNR and low speed of conventional MRSI
methods, existing studies typically use either single voxel spectroscopy or
very low-resolution data, which can resolve only very limited spatially specific
metabolic changes.
1-4 We propose a new subspace-based method to enable high
spatiotemporal resolution MRSI for dynamic metabolic studies. In vivo brain 1H-MRSI
data have been acquired to demonstrate the potential of the
proposed method.
The proposed data acquisition scheme is characterized by: (a) the use of echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) based rapid spatiospectral encoding; (b) sparse sampling of k-space but with an extended coverage; (c) sparse sampling in time; (d) time-interleaved k-space undersampling of dynamic MRSI data; (e) acquisition and use of low-resolution, high-SNR navigator signals for subspace estimation. Figure 1 shows an example of the (k,t)-space sampling pattern for this acquisition strategy.
The proposed data acquisition scheme is enabled by a subspace-based data processing and image reconstruction method that can effectively remove nuisance signals and obtain high-quality reconstruction from sparse and noisy data. More specifically, we propose a parallel imaging integrated subspace-based data processing and reconstruction scheme based on the following model
where ρ(r,f,t) is the time-varying spatiospectral function, vlm(f) and vlns(f) are the bases spanning the spectral subspaces for the metabolite and the nuisance signals (e.g., water and subcutaneous lipids), ulm(r,t) are the dynamic spatial coefficients for metabolites (with t denoting the time axis) while the coefficients for nuisance signals (ulns) are assumed to be temporally unvarying. This model can be viewed as a generalization of the previously proposed subspace model;5,6 it significantly reduces the number of degrees-of-freedom, thereby making accurate nuisance signal estimation and high-SNR reconstruction from sparse and noisy data possible. Furthermore, the model motivates the acquisition of the above described navigator data for determining vlm(f) and vlns(f).5,6
With vlm(f) and vlns(f) determined, we formulate the reconstruction as follows (integrating parallel imaging)
where \mathbf{V}_x are matrix representations of v_{l_{m}}(f) and v_{l_{ns}}(f), \left\{\mathbf{U}_{m,t}\right\} contain the dynamic spatial coefficients for the metabolite signals, \mathbf{U}_{ns} contains the time-independent coefficients for the nuisance signals, \mathbf{S}_c denotes the coil sensitivity profile, \mathbf{B}_t captures the B0 field inhomogeneity effects and \mathbf{d}_{t,c} the data for all the coils and time segments. The terms R_{1t}(.) apply spatial regularization for each time segment5 while R_2(.) applies a temporal regularization jointly to all segments. R_3(.) applies regularization on the nuisance signals (an \ell_2 penalty was used here). The sensitivity maps can be derived from either a reference scan or interleaved data from all time segments. Note that the interleaved data also facilitate accurate estimation of nuisance signals from a set of “fully-sampled” data.
In vivo brain 1H-MRSI data have been acquired on a 3T
Siemens Trio equipped with a 12-channel head coil (IRB approved) to demonstrate
the potential of the proposed method. The imaging parameters for the proposed
acquisition were: FOV = 220x220mm
2, slice thickness = 8mm, matrix size = 64x64, TR/TE =
1000/30ms, and echospace = 1.74ms (for EPSI). Data were continuously acquired for approximately 25 minutes. The navigator data had 16x16
k-space encodings with 512 FID samples and a 2kHz spectral BW. B
0 field maps
were acquired with a matched FOV and 128x128 matrix size. An MPRAGE image was acquired
for localization and extracting edge information for regularization. Figure 2
shows a set of time-resolved reconstructions from x2 undersampled data (<1min
temporal resolution) with comparison to Fourier reconstruction. A temporal
total variation penalty was used for
R_2(.). As can be seen, the nuisance
signals have been successfully removed; the proposed method yields high-resolution
reconstructions with significantly higher SNR than those from the Fourier
reconstruction (with noticeable aliasing artifacts). Figure 3 shows distinct dynamics for the NAA signals from
one voxel in the brain and the noise signals from the background. Careful
validation is needed to confirm whether there is any physiological interpretation for these variations.
paper presents a novel subspace-based acquisition and reconstruction strategy to
achieve high spatiotemporal resolution for 1H-MRSI of the brain. Experimental studies
have been performed to demonstrate the potential of the proposed method. With further
optimizations in acquisition and reconstruction and experimental validation
using known dynamic metabolism models, we expect the proposed method to provide
a useful tool for in vivo metabolic studies of the brain.
This work was supported in part by NIH-1RO1-EB013695, NIH-R21EB021013-01 and the Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship.References
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