John Maidens1, Jeremy W. Gordon2, Murat Arcak1, and Peder E. Z. Larson2
1Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, 2Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States
carbon-13 MRI experiments typically aim to distinguish between
healthy and diseased tissues based on the rate at which they
metabolize an injected substrate. Existing approaches to determine
flip angle sequences for kinetic measurements have used metrics such
as signal variation and signal-to-noise ratio, but are not optimized
to provide the most reliable metabolic rate estimates.
Here we present a flip
angle sequence that maximizes the Fisher
information about the metabolic rate. We demonstrate through
numerical simulation that flip
angle sequences optimized using the Fisher
information lead to lower variance in metabolic rate estimates than
existing sequences. We then validate this optimized sequence in
vivo with experiments in a prostate cancer
mouse model.Methods
We model the perfusion of
hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate from the arteries to the
tissue and the conversion from 13C-pyruvate to 13C-lactate
in the tissue using the differential equations [dPdt(t)dLdt(t)]=[−kPL−R1P0kPL−R1L][P(t)L(t)]+[kTRANS0]u(t) where kTRANS is the
perfusion rate of 13C-pyruvate into the tissue, kPL
is the conversion rate of pyruvate to lactate in the tissue, R1P
and R1L are lumped parameters incorporating the T1
decay of magnetization along with conversion to other compounds (e.g.
alanine, bicarbonate). The arterial input function is assumed
to be of gamma-variate shape u(t)=A0(t−t0)γe−(t−t0)/β.
Each time t that images are acquired, we choose flip angles αP,t and αL,t,
which allows us to acquire kinetic measurements with magnitudes νP=P(t)sinαP,t and νL=L(t)sinαL,t. After acquisition, magnetizations of magnitude P(t)cosαP,t and L(t)cosαL,t remain in the longitudinal direction and continue to evolve
according to the differential equation until the next acquisition.
Thus designing a flip angle sequence involves a trade-off between
present and future image quality.
To manage this trade-off in a
principled manner, we design flip angles using the theory of optimal
experiment design, which allows us to select flip angles
such that the estimates of model parameters have minimal variance.1
In particular, we choose sequences αP,t and αL,t to
maximize the Fisher information about the metabolic rate parameter
kPL. The resulting optimal flip angle schedule is
presented in Fig. 1.
validate this technique in vivo, metabolic data were acquired
in a prostate tumor mouse (TRAMP) model using a 3T MRI scanner
(MR750, GE Healthcare). Briefly, 24μL
aliquots of [1-13C] pyruvic acid doped with 15mM Trityl
radical (Ox063, GE Healthcare) and 1.5mM Dotarem (Guerbet, France)
were inserted into a Hypersense polarizer (Oxford Instruments,
Abingdon, England) and polarized for 60 minutes. The sample was then
rapidly dissolved with 4.5g of 80mM NaOH/40mM Tris buffer to rapidly
thaw and neutralize the sample. Following dissolution, 450μL
of 80mM pyruvate was injected via the tail vein over 15 seconds, and
data acquisition coincided with the start of injection. Metabolites
from a single slice were individually excited with a singleband
spectral-spatial RF pulse and encoded with a single-shot symmetric
EPI readout2, with a repetition time of 100ms, a
field-of-view of 53x53mm, a matrix size of 16x16, an 8mm slice
thickness, and a 2 second sampling interval.
Simulation Results
compare the reliability of
kPL estimates between
numerically-simulated datasets generated using:
optimized flip angle sequence (Fig. 1),
constant flip angle sequence of 15˚,
RF compensated variable flip angle
each of the three flip angle sequences, we simulate n=25 independent
data sets, compute maximum-likelihood estimates of
and compare the RMS error of the estimates between the three flip
angle sequences in
2. Working
with simulated data allows us to collect a large number of
statistically independent data sets and provides us access to a
“ground truth” value for the parameter vector, making it possible
to reliably determine the parameter estimation error. We
see that the flip angle sequence optimized based on the Fisher
information leads to smaller parameter estimation error across a
range of noise strengths. The noise strength for the
data collected lies in the center of this range at
In Vivo Results
vivo datasets were
acquired using three time-varying flip angle sequences: an
RF-compensated sequence
a T1-effective
and our optimized sequence based on the Fisher information (Fig.
1). Time-series showing
the evolution of measured pyruvate and lactate magnetization for each
of the three flip angle sequences, along with the maximum-likelihood
fit of our model to the data are shown in
Fig. 3. We
see that the model reliably reproduces the experimental data,
validating the model used in simulation.
Maps of the spatial distribution of
estimates are shown in
Fig. 4.
have presented a method of generating optimal flip angle sequences
for estimating the metabolic rate in a model of pyruvate metabolism,
using the Fisher information about the parameter of interest as the
maximization objective. The resulting flip angle sequence leads to
smaller variance in the parameter estimates due to the optimization. We have demonstrated this first using simulated data
where we can explicitly compare the estimated model parameter values
against the ground truth value. We also performed
vivo experiments to validate
our kinetic model and to demonstrate the feasibility of
metabolic rate mapping using this novel sequence. Overall our results
provide evidence that, for experiments that aim to quantitatively
compare metabolic rates, optimizing flip angle sequences based on the
Fisher information leads to more reliable parameter estimates.
Research supported in part by NSERC postgraduate fellowship PGFD3-427610-2012 and NIH grants R00-EB0120164, P41-EB013598 and R01-EB016741.References
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