Emine Can1, Jessica A. M. Bastiaansen2,3, Hikari A. I. Yoshihara4,5, Rolf Gruetter3,5,6, and Arnaud Comment1
1Institute of Physics of Biological Systems, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Radiology, University Hospital Lausanne (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Department of Radiology, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Institute of Physics of Biological Systems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Department of Radiology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Hyperpolarized 13C-labeled pyruvate provides assessment of
real-time liver mitochondrial enzymatic activities directly by labeling TCA
cycle intermediates. However the technique is limited by the requirement of supraphysiological
concentrations due to the low basal concentrations of metabolic intermediates.
In this study we showed the feasibility of detecting liver metabolism in vivo with HP 13C pyruvate
administered at plasma concentrations of at most 7-fold of the basal levels. Different metabolic response to the concentration change shows that the adaptation to
supraphysiological levels can obscure feeding state-depending metabolic
differences in liver.Introduction
administration of hyperpolarized (HP)
13C-labeled pyruvate enables
the direct measurement of real-time liver mitochondrial enzymatic activities by
the incorporation of label into energy metabolite pools.
1,2,3 In
order to obtain sufficient metabolite signal, hyperpolarized
13C pyruvate is
typically infused at doses around 0.3 mmol/kg. This results in blood pyruvate
levels far in excess of the normal level of 50 µM, the metabolism of the
labelled by pyruvate may reflect this supraphysiological condition.
4,5 In
this study we aimed to decrease the administered pyruvate dose in steps, and
subsequently quantify its effect on
vivo hepatic metabolism in fed and fasted animals, using an optimized
formulation of HP pyruvate with rapid automated infusion for higher sensitivity.
In this work we show that the liver metabolism can be measured
in vivo with HP [1-
administered at concentrations significantly closer to the physiological
Materials and Methods
Polarization: Neat
pyruvic acid prepared with trityl radical (Albeda, Denmark) was polarized in a 7 T custom-built DNP polarizer at 1.00 ± 0.05 K and 196.8 GHz using a nominal
output power of 55 mW. After 1.5hr, the frozen sample was rapidly dissolved with 6 ml preheated deuterated
phosphate buffer (~pH 7.5). The hyperpolarized [1-
solution was automatically transferred into a separator/infusion pump located
inside the animal bore.
Animal: Male
Sprague Dawley rats (194±5g) were anesthetized with isoflurane. Femoral vein and artery were catheterized
for substrate administration and cardiac measurements, respectively.
acquisition: A 1mL bolus of 0.023±0.002,
0.067± 0.008 and 0.188± 0.024 mmol/kg hyperpolarized
was administered intervenously in 9 s to fed and overnight fasted rats.
In vivo 13C MRS measurements were
respiration and cardiac gated with a repetition time of 3 s in a 9.4T/31cm
horizontal bore magnet (Varian/Magnex,
USA). 30° BIR4
adiabatic RF excitation pulses with proton decoupling were applied with a
custom-built quadrature
1H/single loop
13C surface coil
placed over the liver of the rat. Acquisitions were performed
with a VNMRS spectrometer (Varian, USA). Liver tissue extracts were obtained by
analysis: The metabolite peak integrals were quantified
and normalized with total
13C signal obtained from summed spectra
analysed using VNMRJ (Varian, USA).
Peak areas of single
spectra were quantified using Bayes (Washington University, St. Louis) to
obtain metabolic time courses. Error bars indicate ± SEM. One-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with a Tukey multiple comparison test was used to identify
statistical differences among dose groups. Differences between groups were
considered significant if p < 0.05. Fed and fasted comparison for the same
dose group was independently analyzed using a Student's t-test.
Results and Discussion
The metabolic conversion
of hyperpolarized [1-
13C]pyruvate into
13C-bicarbonate, [1-
13C]alanine, [1-
and TCA cycle intermediates, [1-
13C]aspartate, [4-
13C]malate, and [4-
13C]malate was consistently
observed with all dose levels (Fig 1). The metabolite-to-total
ratios of the low dose group for fed and fasted states, respectively, were for
lactate : 0.021±0.005
and 0.021±0.003; alanine: 0.029±0.005 and 0.018±0.003; bicarbonate :
0.006±0.001 and 0.003±0.001; malate-C1: 0.002±0.0004 and
0.0031±0.001; malate-C4: 0.001±0.0003 and 0.001±0.0003, aspartate-C1: 0.005±0.002
and 0.007±0.002; aspartate-C4: 0.001±0.0004 and 0.001±0.0002 (Fig. 2). A
significant change in
13C-bicarbonate levels was observed when lowering the dose (Fig. 3).
The lowest dose where TCA
cycle intermediates
could still be
observed was 0.023±0.002 mmol/kg.
We estimate that this dose results in maximum plasma
levels of 0.35±0.03 mM right after
injection, which is
7-fold of the normal physiological level. With its rapid distribution and
metabolic conversion, the infused pyruvate likely has a smaller effect on
plasma levels.4 Fasted animals
showed significantly elevated lactate levels relative to alanine in all three
dose groups as a result of the increased NADH / NAD+ ratio of the
fasted liver. Only low dose injections lead to a significant difference for the
13C-bicarbonate levels between fed and fasted animals (Fig 3). These observations suggest that the adaptation to supraphysiological levels can
obscure feeding state-depending metabolic differences in liver.
We showed the
feasibility of imaging liver metabolism and TCA cycles metabolites
in vivo with HP
13C pyruvate
administered at a dose
of 0.023±0.002 mmol/kg which corresponds to doses lower than is
currently administered in the clinic, with plasma
concentrations of at most 7-fold
of the basal levels. Metabolite ratio differences across fed and fasted
animals show a different metabolic response to concentration changes with a
given nutritional state, and that elevated plasma substrate levels could indeed
alter liver metabolism.
This work was supported by the Swiss National
Science Foundation (PPOOP1_157547), the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training
Network (ITN) METAFLUX and by the Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM) of the
UNIL, UNIGE, HUG, CHUV, EPFL, and the Leenards and Jeantet Foundations.References
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