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Ina Vernikouskaya1,2, Alexander Pochert3, Mika Lindén3, and Volker Rasche1,2

1Internal Medicine II, University Hospital of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Small Animal MRI, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3Inorganic Chemistry II, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany


Quantification of 1H MR contrast agents (CA) is limited by the only indirect visualization of the changes of the relaxation properties of the surrounding tissue. Using alternative nuclei such as fluorine (19F) as CA enables direct and quantifiable readout of local CA aggregations, since the 19F signal linearly correlates with its local concentration. However non-uniformity of the transmit/receive radiofrequency fields impact the resulting absolute signal, leading to wrong quantification results. Application of an easy-to-use time-efficient B1+/B1--mapping technique for correction of the 19F signal in vivo is presented in this work.


The 19F concentration in a specific tissue can be quantified by direct comparison of the resulting image intensity with that of a reference sample. However, this approach relies on uniform spin excitation and signal reception. Due to tissue properties and MR coil characteristics, the local deterioration of the transmit (B1+) and receive (B1-) fields between the targeted region of interest and the location of reference introduce errors in the quantified 19F signal. In previous work 1, we applied a fast and accurate method for B1+ and B1- fields mapping, based on the spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) approach 2. This work shows the preclinical in vivo evaluation of the proposed 19F quantification technique with B1+/B1--correction after systemic injection of hollow mesoporous silica sphere (HMSS) nanoparticles loaded with perfluoro-15-crown-5-ether (PFCE) (HMSS-PFCE) 3.


Considering B1+ and B1- effects, the resulting measured signal intensity for SPGR acquisition with selected flip angle (FA) αn is: Iαn(r)=cM0(r)B1(r)sin(B+1(r)αn)(1E1)1E1cos(B+1(r)αn)E2,[1] where M0(r) is the equilibrium longitudinal magnetization, c a constant, E1,2=eTRT1,2, B1-(r) the relative receive coil characteristic, and B1+(r) the relative FA variation. For quantitative imaging, an image intensity I0(r) proportional to M0(r) is required. Neglecting c and E2 in Eq. (1), I0(r) can be approximated by: I0(r)Iαn(r)wss(r,αn)B1(r),[2] where wss(r,αn) is a steady-state factor depending on B1+(r). Moreover, in case of using a transmit/receive coil B1-(r) = B1+(r) allowing to compensate for transmit and receive effects after calculation of B1+(r) from ratio of the signal intensities acquired with two different FAs.

The technique was tested in one NMRI mouse anesthetized using i.p. ketamine/xylazine injection to avoid any signal contamination from inhaled anesthesia gases. About 200µL of the HMSS-PFCE dispersion (theoretical load of 11.23mg PFCE) was injected systemically into the tail vein. A reference probe of 20mM (11.7mg/mL) concentration of PFCE diluted in n-Hexane was placed into the field-of-view (FOV). MR scanning was performed directly after injection (20 to 40min post-injection), 24h, and 96h post-injection. Two SPGR acquisitions with the following parameters: FOV = 3.2x4cm, matrix = 32x40, slice thickness 3mm, TE/TR = 1.7ms/350ms, NEX = 56, and FA = 30/45° resulting in 13min acquisition time per FA - could be performed within the anesthesia time.

19F signal was quantified based on the data acquired 24h post-injection. B1+ mapping was performed on a slice-by-slice approach using previously measured PFCE T1 value of 650ms. Pixel-wise concentration was calculated based on the non-corrected and B1+/B1--corrected signal intensity images acquired at 30° and 45° respectively. Calculation of the total PFCE volume was done by integrating the 19F signal over all slices.


No fluorine signal from the mouse abdomen could be detected directly after intravenous injection of HMSS-PFCE nanoparticles. 24h post-injection pronounced fluorine signal could be detected exclusively in the mouse liver (Figure 1), which was completely gone 96h post-injection. Respective correction data considering transmit and receive effects could be calculated from 30° and 45° data. Resulting concentration maps derived from the signal intensity images acquired at 30° and 45° flip angles before and after correction are shown in Figure 2. An overview of the mean PFCE concentrations in the liver calculated for fluorine containing slices for corrected and non-corrected data is provided in Figure 3. Correction yielded similar 19F concentrations for different FAs, whereas without correction the resulting concentrations differed by up to 25%. The PFCE quantity in the liver as evaluated from the B1+/B1--corrected concentration maps resulted to 9.73mg (for 30° FA image) and 9.59mg (for 45° FA image), corresponding to more than 85% of the injected amount of PFCE. Quantification from non-corrected data yielded high differences between the two FAs and lower absolute values of 7.10mg (for 30° FA image) and 8.23mg (for 45° FA image).


Without correction, the inhomogeneous B1+ profile yielded inaccurate quantification results as obvious by the huge differences of the 19F concentrations derived from two FAs. With the proposed correction, the resulting concentrations were almost independent on the FA indicating good correction of the transmit and receive effects. The PFCE amount in the liver calculated after B1+/B1--correction (~10mg) does still not perfectly match the theoretical value of 11.23mg. Remaining differences may be attributed to actually lower amount of particles in injected solution, non-complete loading of the particles, variations of the particle properties and partly excreted or still circulating particles 24h after injection.


In conclusion, proposed method for correction of B1+ and B1- inhomogeneities enables accurate quantification of local 19F aggregations with acquisition times suitable for in vivo applications without requiring any modifications of the imaging sequence.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Vernikouskaya I, Pochert A, Rasche V. 19F MRI Quantification using B1 Correction. ISMRM 2015; 3697.

[2] Sung K, Saranathan M, Daniel BL, Hargreaves BA. Simultaneous T(1) and B(1) (+) mapping using reference region variable flip angle imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2013;70(4):954–61.

[3] Vernikouskaya I, Pochert A, Linden M, Rasche V. Perfluoro-15-Crown-5-Ether-Loaded Hollow Mesoporous Silica Spheres for 19F In Vivo MRI. ISMRM 2015; 1902.


19F MR images acquired at 45° (1st, 6th columns) and 30° (2nd, 5th columns) 24h post-injection and 1H images overlaid with 19F images acquired at 45° (3rd, 4th columns). Pronounced 19F signal can be appreciated in four slices containing the liver (sl. 3 to 6). 19F signal from the reference is visible in sl. 1 to 3.

19F concentration maps without and with B1+/B1--correction for FA = 30° (1st, 3rd columns) and FA = 45° (2nd, 4th columns).

Summary of the mean PFCE concentrations from four slices containing 19F signal calculated based on non-corrected intensity images acquired at 30° and 45° FAs and based on B1+/B1--corrected intensity images at respective FAs.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)