describing 1/T2 enhancement due to the presence of superparamagnetic particles
agree well with experimental and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation data under the
condition that the particles are monodisperse both in size and magnetization.
We present a 1/T2 distributed model that takes into account the particle size
and magnetization distributions. We average the individual 1/T2 components
exhibited by each group of particle with a uniform particle size. MC
simulations of the model successfully predict 1/T2 within the MAR regime confirming
the implicit assumption that the spins are able to sample all the particles’
radii and magnetizations within the echo time.Introduction
describing transverse relaxation rate (
1/T2) enhancement due to the presence of
superparamagnetic (SPM) particles agree well with experimental and Monte Carlo
(MC) simulation data
1 under the condition that the particles are monodisperse.
Furthermore, they also assume that the magnetization phase of all particles is
the same.
it is well known that some synthesis techniques (in particular chemical
precipitation) produce particles with a wide range of size and possibly magnetization
2 We present a distributed relaxation model that takes into
account the spread in both particle size and magnetization. We test the model
using MC simulation under both the Motional Averaging (MAR) and Static
Dephasing Regimes (SDR).
Model: For a spherical particle with radius R,
the MAR relaxation rate1 is given by (1/T2)MAR=(1645)(ωr)2fτD where f is the particle volume fraction, ωr=√8μ0γM/3, is the rms Larmor frequency experienced by the
proton at the surface of the particle of radius R and magnetization M,
and τD=R2/D is the diffusion characteristic time and D is the diffusion coefficient. For the
SDR regime (1/T2)SDR=(2π√39)ωrf.
a polydisperse sample any theoretical estimation of 1/T2 should, therefore, take into account the individual relaxation
rate 1/T2i of each group (i) containing Ni particles with the uniform size Ri and specific volume fraction fi defined by fi=(4π3)NiR3i/V. Obviously, ∑ifi=f, and V is
the accessible volume.
the MAR regime (1/T2) can then be given by:
τD,i and ωr,i are the individual
group diffusion correlation time (τD,i=R2i/D) and frequency (ωr,i=√8μ0γMi/3), respectively.
In the above distributed model, originally suggested by3,
1/T2 will depend on the average of the
fifth power of the radius (<R5i>).
SDR distributed 1/T2 value is then given
comparison between the model and MC
simulation is shown in Figure 1. For each data point a distribution of particles
of different radii were chosen such that the MAR condition (ω
r τ
D <
1) is satisfied. For example, one distribution of particles included one each
of radii 100, 200, and 300 nm abbreviated as [(1,100), (1,200), (1,300)]. The combinations
of particle numbers/sizes are shown in Table 1 (Figure 2). The distributed model predicts
the values successfully.
the particle size distribution is widened to cover both motional regimes the
model (that combines both equations 1 and 2 above) fails (Figure 3). The SDR
limit 1/T2 value exhibited by the
large radii particles dominate over those of the smaller particles. Combinations
of particle size included radii smaller and larger than the value
R=600 nm satisfying (ω
r τ
D =
introduced variations in the particles’ magnetization values (in addition to
their size). Physically, these could ensue due to different magnetization
phases or indeed different chemical compositions of the particles. The first
data point in Figure 4 shows
values for two particles of different size and equal magnetization: [(1,100; 1.0),
(1,200; 1.0)]. The magnetization value = 1.0 corresponds to ω
r =2.36×10
rad/s. The value of the magnetization of the small particle was increased by 5%
and 10% in the other two data points:
[(1,100; 1.05), (1,200; 1.0)] and [(1,100; 1.10),
(1,200; 1.0)]. The model agrees well with MC simulation within the MAR
5 confirms that the model-based estimates (using
<R5i>) yield larger values
4 than
estimates using the fifth power of the mean radius value (
<Ri>5). The latter
is what is commonly used when the size distribution is not available.
work addresses the important
issue of polydispersity of the nanoparticles
4,5. We recall that relaxometric
parameters depend on the fifth power of the radius while magnetometric parameters
depend on the third power of the radius so small errors in the determination of
particle sizes can significantly affect the determination of relaxation rates. We
tested a distributed relaxation model using MC simulation for both motional
regimes. The model ascertains that relaxation data can be averaged according
to the population of sizes. This intrinsically assumes that the spins are able
to sample “average” all particles’ sizes within the measurement time. This is
only true for the fast diffusion regime and explains why the model works well
under the MAR conditions and not under the larger particles scale. Furthermore,
we have successfully tested averaging according to magnetization, an important
issue when considering surface/core nanoparticle structures which often results
in samples with a range of M values.
work is investigating the effects of echo times,
D, and larger values of both
and its dispersity, in addition to combining both regimes.
Research Foundation (NRF–31S087).References
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F Moiny, RA Brooks. Magn. Reson. Med. 2002; 47:257-263.
2. JWM Bulte,
RA Brooks, BM Moskowitz, LH Bryant, Jr., JA Frank. Magn. Reson. Med. 1999:42:379-384.
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Roch, I. Lucet, D. Pouliquen, M. Anseau, R.N. Muller. Proceedings of the 4th
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Roch, R.N. Muller, P. Gillis, J. Magn. Reson. Imaging. 2001;14:94-96.
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