Chien-Lin Yeh1, Carlos J. Perez-Torres1, and Ulrike Dydak1,2
1School of Health Sciences, Purdue University, West lafayette, IN, United States, 2Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States
able to use MRI to estimate brain Mn accumulation is of high interest in
occupational Mn exposure settings. As a first step towards absolute
quantification of brain Mn concentration in exposed humans using MRI, the
interaction between Mn and Fe and their combined effect to R1 need to be
explored. Our results suggest that a model only assuming independent linear contributions
of Mn and Fe already explains the R1 data well. However introducing a cross
term of Mn and Fe in the equation improves the fits, suggesting a Mn-Fe
interaction. Purpose
Chronic excess exposure to manganese (Mn) in occupational
settings can result in impairment similar to Parkinson’s disease
The accumulation of manganese can be detected by R1 mapping since Mn is
paramagnetic. However, Mn-exposed workers, e.g. welders, usually receive chronic
exposure to iron (Fe) at the same time. Though Fe is primarily studied for its ability
to affect R2, it can also impact R1 and likely presents a confounding variable
when assessing brain Mn accumulation. At
such low concentration of Mn and Fe, further examination on a potential interaction
of the two metals on R1 is needed. We therefore performed a phantom study by
using various combinations of Mn and Fe levels to validate an empirical model
which considers interaction of iron and manganese and its ability to affect
correlation of R1 relaxation rate and Mn contents.
Phantom preparation
In total three groups of phantoms were prepared. Series A consisted
of five tubes that contained various manganese concentrations from 0.002 to
0.012 mmol/L. Series B consisted of five
tubes with iron concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 mmol/L. In series C-F, seven
tubes that had different mixtures of manganese and iron solutions were prepared
in order to determine a potential Mn-Fe interaction (Table 1). NiCl2
and NaN3 was added to all tubes as tissue mimic modifier and as an
antiseptic, respectively.
MRI measurement
R1 measurements were performed on a 3T Signa HDx
scanner (GE) with an 8-channel head coil at 26 oC by using a two-dimensional
fast spin-echo inversion recovery sequence with the parameters: TR=2000ms, TE=8.6ms,
and six inversion times of 75, 180, 350, 650, 1100, 1680 ms. Acquisition matrix
was 128 by 128, field of view was 240, and slice thickness was 3 mm. The R1
rate of each pixel was obtained from these images by least-squares method in
Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA). The equation used to calculate T1 (=1/R1) was :
where S=signal intensity from images, S0=signal of proton density, TI=
inversion time, T1=relaxation time, TR=repetition time, and f=inversion factor.
Modeling of Relaxivity
The following empirical equation was used to test
the relationship between the concentrations of Mn, Fe and the R1 relaxation
rates is as follows:
Here R1 is the measured relaxation rate from the experiment. R0 is the
relaxation rate in the absence of metals. C is the concentration of Mn or Fe in
mmol/L. The relaxivities for Mn and Fe are rMn and rFe,
respectively, representing a linear and independent contribution of each metal.
The relaxivity value reflecting a potential interaction between Mn and Fe is rMn-Fe.
The data was fit with and without this final term and the fits were compared.
measured relaxation rates for all the mixtures of Mn and Fe are shown in Figure
1. All the R1 are within the range of 0.56-1.0 s
-1, which is in-line
with literature
2. Without iron (Series A), R0 was found to be 0.56 s
and R1 values increase linearly with Mn concentration, with a slope r
of 7.7 s
-1. If iron is added (Series C and D),
the R1 value is increased by roughly 0.3×C
Fe, with the slope of the curve
unchanged. Fe presents a similar scenario as Mn: the relaxivity r
Fe was
found to be 0.3 s
-1 in Series B, and the R1 of the
curve increases by roughly 8×C
Mn (Series E and F), with C
Mn being the concentration of
added Mn. The regression model gave a good fitting result (r
even without including the cross term accounting for potential interaction. If
we add the last term into the model, the fitting coefficient increases to r
= 0.993. The relaxivity of the cross
term r
Mn-Fe is 0.97 s
which shows a light but considerable contribution of an Mn-Fe interaction to
the R1 relaxation rate.
results are in line with previous studies showing that the relaxivity for Mn is
around 7 s
3 The mathematical model from
our results suggests that a model including only single linear terms for Mn and
Fe already explains the R1 data with good accuracy. However, our result show
that the fit is yet improved with the introduction of a cross term of Mn and Fe
interaction into the equation. As a first step towards absolute quantification
of brain Mn in Mn-exposed humans, our study suggests an interaction between Fe and
Mn that contributes to the spin-lattice relaxation process. Future experiments
will need to be performed in protein solutions that better resemble the
interstitial brain milieu.
This work was supported by NINDS R01 NS085136 and NIEHS R01 ES020529 from the National Institutes of Health. References
1. Chang Y, Woo S-TT, Kim Y, et al. Pallidal index
measured with three-dimensional T1-weighted gradient echo sequence is a good
predictor of manganese exposure in welders. J Magn Reson Imaging.
2. Stanisz GJ, Odrobina EE, Pun J, et al. T1, T2
relaxation and magnetization transfer in tissue at 3T. Magn Reson Med.
3. Nordhøy W, Anthonsen HW, Bruvold M, Jynge P,
Krane J, Brurok H. Manganese ions as intracellular contrast agents: proton
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