The Effect of Physical Activity on 31P-MRS Bioenergetic Measurements and Assessment of Muscle Quality in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
Ariel C. Zane1, Donnie Cameron1, Seongjin Choi1, David A. Reiter2, Kenneth W. Fishbein2, Christopher M. Bergeron1, Eleanor Simonsick1, Richard G. Spencer2, and Luigi Ferrucci3

1Translational Gerontology Branch, NIH/National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, NIH/National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Intramural Research Program, NIH/National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, United States


We examined the effect of high intensity physical activity on the post-exercise PCr recovery rate (kPCr), testing whether the decline in muscle quality may be attributed to an age-related decline in muscle mitochondrial capacity. In-vivo 31P MRS measurements were obtained before, during, and after a rapid knee-extension exercise. The cross-sectional results in the BLSA show that both age and frequency of physical activity are significant predictors of kPCr. However, neither is significantly correlated with a strength-based assessment of muscle quality.


To examine the effect of high intensity physical activity on the post-exercise PCr recovery rate (kPCr), and test the hypothesis that the decline of muscle quality may be attributed to an age-related decline in muscle mitochondrial energetic capacity.


We investigated the relationship between the post-exercise phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery rate (kPCr), and measures of muscle quality in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) participants (n = 258, age = 72 ± 13 years, male = 120, female = 138). In-vivo 31P MRS measurements were obtained using a 3T Philips Achieva MR scanner (Philips, Best, The Netherlands) and a 10-cm 31P-tuned surface coil (PulseTeq, Surrey, United Kingdom) fastened over the left thigh vastus lateralis muscle; participants performed a rapid ballistic knee extension exercise while lying supine in the bore of the magnet, following a protocol similar to that outlined by Coen et al.1 A series of pulse-acquire 31P spectra were obtained before, during, and after the knee extension exercise. The pulse sequence consisted of adiabatic RF excitation pulses with a 90-degree flip angle, TR = 1.5 s, averaged over four scans, with 6 s between consecutive time points. A total of 75 dynamic time points were acquired, for a total of 7.5 minutes scan time. The duration of exercise was monitored to achieve between a 33 – 66% reduction in PCr signal amplitude; spectra were processed using jMRUI (version 5.0), and quantified using a nonlinear least squares algorithm (AMARES).2,3 The recovery rate for phosphocreatine was calculated by fitting the time-dependent change in [PCr] to a mono-exponential function of the form PCr(t) = PCr(0) + {PCrrest – PCr(0)}{1 – exp(-t/ τPCr)}; kPCr, the recovery rate constant is defined as 1/ τPCr and is accepted as a marker of mitochondrial oxidative capacity.4

One functional metric of muscle quality (Nm/cm2) is defined as the ratio between knee-extension isokinetic strength (isokinetic dynamometer, 30 deg/s), and thigh muscle cross-sectional area (CMA) as measured by CT (computed topography). To account for variations in subject height, we define a normalized CMA, NCMA = [(CMAx/(hx)2]*(hmean)2, where CMAx and hx denote the CMA and height, respectively, for the xth subject, and hmean is the average height from all subjects in the population. Muscle quality is defined by NNMQ = isokinetic peak torque/NCMA.5

The amount of high intensity exercise is defined by the self-reported number of minutes per week spent participating in a high intensity physical activity.

Results and Discussion

The cross-sectional results from the BLSA show that the PCr recovery rate decreases with increasing age (Figure 1), but, along with age, the frequency of high intensity exercise per week is a significant predictor of kPCr in both genders, when adjusting for age, height, and weight (Table 1), suggesting that the amount of intense physical activity modulates the mitochondrial oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle.

Muscle quality, NNMQ, has previously been shown to decline with age; that relationship is demonstrated here again (Table 2).5 However, when adjusting for age and weight (NNMQ is already normalized by height), kPCr does not appear as a significant predictor of muscle quality in either gender. A linear regression model for NNMQ was fit for predictors including age, weight, frequency of high intensity exercise and kPCr; neither the exercise variable nor kPCr were significant (data not shown). These results suggest that while bioenergetic capacity in skeletal muscle can be increased by high levels of activity, kPCr does not act as a limiting factor for max knee extension torque. This work will be extended using other biochemical and functional measures available through the BLSA in an effort to further define the elements of the decline in physical function with age.


Age and frequency of high intensity exercise are predictors of the PCr recovery rate in both genders; frequency of high intensity physical activity appears to be positively correlated with kPCr in men, and negatively correlated with kPCr in women. However, kPCr is not strongly associated with assessments of strength-defined muscle quality in either gender.


This research was supported entirely the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Aging.


1. Coen PM, Jubrias SA, Distefano G, et al. Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Energetics Are Associated With Maximal Aerobic Capacity and Walking Speed in Older Adults. J. Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013; 68(4):447-455.

2. Naressi A, Couturier C, Castang I, et al. Java-based graphical user interface for MRUI, a softwarepackage for quantitation of in vivo=medical magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals. Comput Biol Med. 2001; 31: 269-286

3. Vanhamme L, Van Huffel S, Van Hecke P, et al. Time-domain quantification of series of biomedical magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals. J. Magn. Reson. 1999; 140: 120-130.

4. Conley K, Jubrias SA, Esselman PC. Oxidative capacity and aging in human muscle. J. Physiol. 2000; 526: 203-210.

5. Moore AZ, Caturegli G, Metter EJ, et al. Difference in muscle quality over the adult life span and biological correlates in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Amer Geriatr Soc 2014; 62: 230-236.


Figure 1: Linear regression analyses for a. age vs. kPCr, and b. kPCr vs. muscle quality (NMQ). While a steady decline in kPCr is observed for increasing age, the trends for kPCr and muscle quality are more ambiguous.

Table 1: Standardized beta coefficients and p-values for gender-stratified multiple linear regression models, testing the impact of high intensity exercise (self-reported minutes per week) on kPCr, adjusting for age, weight and height.

Table 2: Standardized beta coefficients and p-values for gender-stratified multiple linear regression models describing the rate of decline of muscle quality, NNMQ. Model 1 adjusts for age and weight (NNMQ is already normalized by height); Model 2 adjusts for age, weight, and kPCr.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)