DTI can monitor changes in articular cartilage after a mechanically induced injury
Uran Ferizi1, Ignacio Rossi2, Oran Kennedy2, Thorsten Kirsch2, Jenny Bencardino1, and Jose Raya1

1Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Orthopaedic Surgery, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


The development of novel treatment strategies that would prevent joint replacement surgery at young age, as a result of PTOA, is critical. Hours after non-contact rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, high concentrations of PG and type II collagen fragments are found in the synovial fluid. DTI has emerged as an imaging biomarker that can assess both PG content and collagen architecture with greater accuracy than T2 or Na imaging. The current interpretation of DTI measurements is that changes in the level of proteoglycans (PG) affect the mean diffusivity (MD) index from the DTI, while the collagen structure affects the fractional anisotropy (FA).
This study examines the feasibility of DTI, by using biomechanics for simulating a controlled cartilage damage. We find that DTI metrics are sensitive to the early changes in the cartilage as a result of injury. Specifically, the correlations of the mean diffusivity (MD) are statistically significant, but those of fractional anisotropy (FA) are not. The additional validation with histology, as well as a clinical scanning environment make these results important in the translation of DTI to clinical practice.


Understanding the changes in cartilage after injury is key to tracing the irreversible path to posttraumatic osetoarthritis. DTI is sensitive to cartilage PG and collagen and thus is an optimal tool to monitor cartilage degradation. Our aim is to test the value of DTI with clinical scanners to detect changes in articular cartilage after mechanical injury.


Cartilage-on-bone samples were harvested from two patients who underwent knee replacement surgery at the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. From the macroscopically intact areas we drilled nine 4-mm-diameter cylindrical cartilage-on-bone samples.

Histology before and after injury (Week0/Week2): 
Serial histological sectioning was performed with safranin-O. The intensity of safranin-O-staining increases with PG concentration. 8 non-consecutive slices from each sample were graded with an OARSI score (healthy=0 to bone remodelling=6).

Biomechanics before and after injury (Week0/Week2): 
A repetitive stress-relaxation test with a maximum strain of 20% of cartilage thickness was conducted (four 5%-steps). After the test, cartilage overloading/injury was induced at three levels: three at 0N (controls), three at 120N (mild), and three at 190 N (severe), with a strain rate of 0.1s−1 [1]. The stress-relaxation test was repeated two weeks after injury. We use a standard quasilinear-viscoelastic model to fit the stress-relaxation curves [2].

DTI imaging on Week 0/Week 1/Week 2: 
We used a 3T clinical scanner, with an in-house built 4 cm butterfly coil and a RAISED sequence for DTI [3]. We set TR/TE=1500/49 ms, in-plane resolution=0.18x0.18 mm2, slice thickness=1.2mm, BW=300 Hz/pixel, 360 spokes, Δ=19ms and δ=14.45ms. The 2h MRI protocol consisted of two b=0 and two six-direction b=300s/mm2 diffusion-weighted shells. We then fit a cylindrical tensor and calculate the MD and FA.

We then evaluate the correlations between the changes in MD/FA and those in histology and biomechanics.


Fig.1-left shows examples of histology safranin-O stained images. The OARSI score for native baseline cartilages was low, at an average of 0.75±0.36. There was no difference in the baseline OARSI score between the severe (0.61±0.30), mild (0.88±0.41) and negative control (0.77±0.16) groups. The score Week-0-2 change for the severely injured samples was 2.53±1.30, for the mildly injured was 0.64±0.62, and for the controls it was 0.37±0.25.

The DTI maps (fig.1-right) at Week 0/Week2 give the average MD values for Controls 1.34/1.31, for Mild Injury 1.28/1.38, and for Severe Injury 1.36/1.54 (μm2/ms units); for FA they were 0.25/0.3, 0.30/0.31 and 0.25/0.19, respectively.

Fig.2 shows the stress relaxation curves. For severe injury, the slopes ratio was 2.99±0.71, for mild injury1.89±0.39, for controls 0.99±0.14.

Fig.3 shows the ability for both (MD/FA) DTI biomarkers to differentiate between the three time points of the severe injury case. As expected, for the severely injured samples, the MD increases in time, whereas FA decreases. The MD achieves a (statistically-significant) group difference for both Week-1-2, while FA only for Week-2. On average, the severe samples group indicate a Week-0-2 change in bulk MD of 0.15±0.08 μm2/ms and in FA of -0.06±0.03.

In figure 4, the table gives the DTI/biomechanics/histology correlations, for bulk cartilage and specific layers. The correlations concern the before-and-after changes in DTI (MD/FA), histology (OARSI) and biomechanics (`relative’), as well as all the pooled measurements (`absolute’). In the case of MD-biomechanics, the only significant correlation is for bulk and deep layer parameters. In relative MD vs. histology, only the surface layer correlation is significant. This is consistent with the known pattern of cartilage degradation, where the surface is the first to degrade and, with time, the deterioration propagates down the cartilage. In absolute MD vs. histology, all except deep layer correlations are significant. These correlations are similar to previous early cartilage damage studies [3] which uses a larger group of samples (n=43).

Figure 5 visualises the most important result arising from table 1, showing that DTI correlates with both biomechanics and histology. The first subplot shows the relation between the two reference metrics, the change in histology against the change in the biomechanics slopes. The next two subplots show the most sensitive of the two DTI indices, the MD, against biomechanics and the histology. As indicated from the result in table 1, only the MD vs. biomechanics results are statistically significant. Though we do not see significance for the decreasing week-1 FA, there is a clear trend towards lower values. This also suggest that two weeks, rather than one, is a more optimal time for the experiment.


DTI biomarkers promise real-time indicators in the diagnosis and the monitoring of the disease. This study will help us to discriminate not just damaged from non-damaged tissue but also capture early signs of damage.


Research reported in this manuscript was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) of the National Institute of Health (NIH) under award numbers R21AR066897 and RO1 AR067789. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.


[1]: Morel, V., Quinn, T.M., 2004. Cartilage injury by ramp compression near the gel diffusion rate. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22, 145–151.

[2]: Sarver, J.J., Robinson, P.S., Elliott, D.M., 2003. Methods for quasi-linear viscoelastic modeling of soft tissue: application to incremental stress-relaxation experiments. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 125, 754–758.

[3]: Raya, J.G., Dettmann, E., Golestani, A., Block, K., 2013. In vivo DTI of articular cartialge at 3T with a spin echo radial diffusion tensor imaging (raised) sequence, in: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Salt Lake City.


Fig.1:left: The histology for some representative samples; right: the MD (in μm2/ms units) and FA maps.

Fig.2: The mechanical tests for some representative samples, two for each class: no injury (control), mild injury, and severe injury. In this study we use the ratio of the slope in week 0 (before injury) to week 2 (after injury) as a biomechanics measure of the changes in the sample before and after the injury. Regarding the gravity of injury, cartilage overloading was put at three levels: control at 0 N), mild injury at 120 N, and severe injury at 190 N.

Fig.3: For the bulk cartilage: the MD (top panel) and FA (bottom panel). In this box-and-whiskers plot the 25th and 75th percentile are the lower and upper bounds of the box, respectively, the population mean is the red line and the whiskers include all data. The star indicates any statistically significant difference with respect to the population in Week 0.

Fig.4: The correlation between DTI indices and OARSI and biomechanics ratios. `Change' values refer to the MD and FA correlations with the change between the two weeks, whereas `pooled' refers to correlations with both weeks' results pooled together.

Fig.5: Bulk cartilage correlations, plotting changes from Week 0 (pre-injury) to Week 2 (post-injury) in biomechanics, histology and DTI measurements across all samples. The MD is in μm2/ms units, the biomechanics ratio is dimensionless, and the OARSI score varies from 0 (healthy) to 6 (bone remodelling).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)