Ultrashort echo time magnetization transfer (UTE-MT) imaging and modeling – magic angle independent biomarkers of tissue properties
Yajun Ma1, Hongda Shao1, Michael Carl2, Eric Chang1, and Jiang Du1

1Department of Radiology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Global MR Application & Workflow, General Electric, San Diego, CA, United States


Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers such as T2 and T1rho have been widely used in the evaluation of osteoarthritis (OA). The principal confounding factor for T2 and T1rho measures is the magic angle effect, which may result in a several fold increase in T2 and T1rho values when the fibers are oriented near 55° (the magic angle) relative to the B0 field. This often far exceeds the changes produced by OA, and may make definitive interpretation of elevated T1rho and T2 values difficult or impossible. Magic angle independent MR biomarkers are highly desirable for more accurate assessment of OA. In this study we report the use of two-dimensional ultrashort echo time magnetization transfer (UTE-MT) imaging and modeling for magic angle independent assessment of the tissue properties.


Magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers such as T2 and T1rho have been widely used in the evaluation of osteoarthritis (OA). The principal confounding factor for T2 and T1rho measures is the magic angle effect, which may result in a several fold increase in T2 and T1rho values. Magic angle independent MR biomarkers are highly desirable for more accurate assessment of OA. In this study we report the use of two-dimensional ultrashort echo time magnetization transfer (UTE-MT) imaging and modeling for magic angle independent assessment of the tissue properties.

Materials and methods

A classic two-pool (i.e. water and macromolecular proton pools) MT model was introduced by Henkelman et al. for continuous wave MT (2). With this model, a long continuous MT RF pulse is needed to drive the two-pool system to the steady state. This may not be possible with typical MRI hardware systems and may also cause a very large SAR. To accomplish MT imaging on a conventional clinical scanners, Ramani et al. employed a continuous wave power equivalent (CWPE) method for pulsed wave saturation and applied this technique to image the brain in multiple sclerosis (3). By fitting Ramani’s model, a variety of parameters such as the T2 values of both water (T2w) and macromolecular protons (T2m), macromolecular proton fractions (f), proton exchange rates from macromolecular to water (RM0w) pools and recovery rate of longitudinal magnetization of water pool (Rw) can be obtained.

Human Achilles tendon samples dissected from cadaveric human ankle specimens (n=3, thickness=1.5cm) were harvested for this study. Data were acquired with a 2D UTE-MT sequence on a clinical 3T scanner (GE Healthcare Technologies, Milwaukee, WI). The UTE sequence employed a short rectangular pulse (duration=32µs) excitation followed by 2D radial ramp sampling with a minimal nominal TE of 8 µs. The MT preparation is consisted of a Fermi shaped RF pulse (duration = 8 ms) followed by a gradient crusher. The UTE-MT imaging protocol included: TR=100ms, TE=8 µs, FOV=4×4 cm2, matrix=256×256, slice thickness=3mm, five MT powers (i.e. 300°, 600°, 900°, 1200° and 1500°) and five MT frequency offsets (i.e. 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 kHz), respectively, with a total of 25 different MT datasets. The same protocol was applied to each tendon sample twice, one with the fiber parallel to the B0 field and the other with fibers oriented 55° relative to the B0 field. Two-pool UTE-MT modeling was performed on both datasets to investigate the angular dependence of each of the MT modeling parameters.

Results and discussion

Figure 1a shows the sagittal views of the tendon images acquired with a clinical GRE sequence (TE/TR = 4/16.7 ms) with the two angular orientations. The two arrows besides the specimens indicated the orientation of the fibers in the specimens. The SNR of the data with angle = 55° was significantly higher than that of the data with angle =0° due to the magic angle effect. Figure 1b shows the corresponding axial UTE-MT images of the same tendon, with the imaging plane perpendicular to the fiber orientation.

Figure 2 shows the results of two-pool UTE-MT modeling. The images in the first and second rows are the results obtained with the two angular orientations. Both Gauss and Super-Lorentzian spectral absorption lineshapes for the macromolecular proton were investigated. The fitting residuals of Super-Lorentzian lineshape were slightly less than Gauss lineshape, with both results very similar to the previous work (4).

The physical parameters obtained from the two-pool MT modeling are shown in the Table 1. While T2 increased by 95% with the Gaussian lineshape and 500% with the Super-Lorentzian lineshape due to the magic angle effect, changes were less than 9% for macromolecular proton fraction and 20% for RM0w, and no changes are observed in Rw. This suggests that UTE-MT modeling parameters such as f, RM0w and Rw can be used as magic angle insensitive biomarkers of tissue properties.


UTE-MT modeling can provide a variety information about tissue properties, such as the macromolecular proton fraction and exchange rate between water and macromolecular protons which are much less sensitive to the magic angle effect compared with T2 values of the water protons. These magic angle effect immune parameters may be useful markers for disease identification. UTE-MT modeling can be applied to both short and long T2 tissues such as the Achilles tendon, ligaments, menisci, bone, calcified cartilage and superficial layers of cartilage, may provide a comprehensive magic angle independent “whole-organ” approach for evaluation of joint degeneration. This may have a major impact on early detection in OA, monitoring disease progression, and assessing response to therapy.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Du J, Chiang AJ, Chung CB, Statum S, Znamirowski R, Takahashi A, Bydder GM. Orientational analysis of the Achilles tendon and enthesis using an ultrashort echo time spectroscopic imaging sequence. Magn Reson Imaging 2010;28:178–184.

2. Henkelman RM, Huang X, Xiang QS, Stanisz GJ, Swanson SD, Bronskill MJ. Quantitative interpretation of magnetization transfer. Magn Reson Med 1993;29:759–766.

3. Ramani A, Dalton C, Miller DH, Tofts PS, Barker GJ. Precise estimate of fundamental in-vivo MT parameters in human brain in clinically feasible times. Magn Reson Imaging 2002;20:721–731.

4. Hodgson RJ, Evans R, Wright P, Grainger AJ, O’Connor PJ, Helliwell P, McGonagle D, Emery P, Robson MD. Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging of the Achilles Tendon. Magn Reson Med 2011;65:1372–1376.


Figure 1. Clinical gradient echo imaging (A) and UTE-MT imaging (B) of a cadaveric human Achilles tendon sample which is oriented parallel (left) and 55° (right) to the B0 field.

Figure 2. UTE-MT modeling using Gauss (left) and Super-Lorentzian (right) spectral absorption lineshapes with the Achilles tendon sample oriented parallel (upper row) and 55° (lower row) to the B0 field.

Table 1. Two-pool MT modeling of the cadaveric Achilles tendon data.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)