Sameer Khanna1,2, Nicolas Pannetier1, Jing Liu1, and Xiaojuan Li1
1Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
There has been a lack of statistical analysis to determine which kinetic model
is best suited for analysis of the wrist. This study aims to rectify this by
comparing the most commonly used models: Modified Tofts (MT), Two Compartment
Uptake (2CU), and Two Compartment Exchange (2CX). Goodness of fit is analyzed by reduced chi squared, while statistical signifance between models is determined by wilcoxon signed-rank.Background / Purpose
contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI is used to assess vascular and perfusion changes in
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), creating potential for early disease diagnosis and
treatment response tracking. Previous studies are limited to empirical
parameter calculations, but kinetic modeling can provide more specific
physiological parameters of the tissue (1,2). Various kinetic models are in use
to quantify DCE MRI scans of the wrist. However, there has been a lack of
statistical analysis to determine which kinetic model is best suited for
analysis of the wrist. This study aims to rectify this by comparing the most
commonly used models: Modified Tofts (MT), Two Compartment Uptake (2CU), and
Two Compartment Exchange (2CX). In our study, we applied a novel high temporal-spatial
DCE imaging technique, which is expected to have a more accurate arterial input
function that is crucial for achieving accurate perfusion measurements.
patients with RA (age 59.6±13.1 years, 8 female, DAS28-CRP: 4.0±2.0 and
DAS28-ESR: 4.8±1.8 at baseline checkup) were scanned on a 3.0T MR scanner with
an 8-ch phased array wrist coil in coronal view, 3D gradient-echo sequence with
a pseudo-random variable-density under the sampling strategy CIRcular Cartesian
UnderSampling (CIRCUS) technique (3). Images were reconstructed using combined
parallel imaging and compressed sensing technique, k-t SPARSE-SENSE (4).
input functions were obtained from each patient's radial artery. Four types of
ROIs were defined: normal bone marrow (NBM), bone marrow edema (BME), synovitis
(SYN), and muscle (MUS). These ROIs were divided into two groups based upon their
perfusion characteristics: high perfusion ROIs, consisting of BME and SYN, and
low perfusion ROIs, consisting of NBM and MUS.
Reduced chi-squared ( χ2red)
was used to assess the goodness of fit due to the difference in the number of
parameters used in each model. χ2red can be obtained via the
following equation: χ2red=χ2ν=∑(O−E)2σ2ν, where ν is the number of degrees
of freedom, σ2 is the known variance of the observation, and O –
E refers to the difference of the model’s fit to the signal-time curves.
significant differences were evaluated via the Wilcoxon signed-rank test as we
cannot assume normal distribution of chi values. The W test statistic is
calculated by the following equation: W=∑Ni=1[sgn(x2,i−x1,i)×Ri], where N is the sample size, xi is a measurement, and
Ri refers to a pair’s rank, determined by the absolute difference of the
when a model indicates both statistical significance as well as lower χ2red
values when compared to another model can it be declared superior for a
particular ROI.
For BME and SYN (high perfusion ROIs), both
2CU and 2CX models indicate statistical significance when compared to MT (p
< 0.05). 2CU and 2CX also have lower χ2red values than MT. No
significant difference was found when comparing 2CU to 2CX data.
For MUS and NBM (low perfusion ROIs), 2CX and
MT models indicate statistical significance when compared to 2CU. 2CU has lower
χ2red values than both MT and 2CX. 2CX values also have
statistical significance with those of MT. MT has lower χ2red
values than 2CX.
As indicated
by the lack of statistical significance between 2CU and 2CX for high perfusion
ROIs, both models performed equally well for this ROI type. It is important to note that 2CU is a more
simplified version of 2CX. With fewer parameters needed to calculate, 2CU can
ran faster than 2CX. MT’s single transfer coefficient ktrans is not
robust enough to fit the data as well for high perfusion regions of interest.
This is why MT underperforms when compared to 2CU and 2CX. It is clear that 2CU
is the best model for high perfusion parameters in the wrist.
Regions of low perfusion have low efflux of
plasma. 2CX performs worse for low perfusion ROIs due to complications
introduced by the parameter vascular efflux. Ktrans, a single-variable
parameter that gives information about both influx as well as efflux, causes
issues for low perfusion ROIs due to its oversimplified nature; MT performs
poorly here as well. Since 2CU assumes that efflux is always near zero, 2CU is
the only model to not run into serious issues for low perfusion ROIs. All
models are statistically significant to one another, thus they can be ranked
from best to worst: 2CU, MT, then 2CX.This study provides guidance for model
selection for future studies. Identifying the optimal kinetic modeling
technique will allow for more accurate and specific quantification of pathology,
which has great potential to provide novel imaging markers for early diagnosis
and treatment follow up for RA.
study was supported by UCB Inc.References
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