Gerd Weidemann1, Frank Seifert1, and Bernd Ittermann1
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany
The possibility to reduce implant
heating is an added value option of parallel transmission. An orthogonal-projection
method (OPM) is presented to reduce the E fields at the tip of wire type
implants by using voltage vectors orthogonal to the vector inducing the worst
case RF current at the protruding end of the implant. Experiments confirm that
the minimization of RF current at the protruding end leads to a distinct
reduction of the electric field at the tip of the wire. Low-hazard steering
conditions for n-element pTx coils
can be determined in real time during an MR investigation from the measurement
of only n complex valued RF currents
at the protruding end of the implant.Purpose
The possibility to reduce implant
heating is an added value option of parallel transmission (pTx). An approach to
control the heating of wire-type implants by using pTx voltage vectors from a
subspace orthogonal to the worst case steering vector was suggested and its
virtue demonstrated for a 7T pTx coil using FDTD and thermal simulations [1]. Now,
the value of this concept for minimizing the RF current in a wire using in-situ
RF current measurements is tested. Instead of determining modes with low
coupling to the implant [2] the worst case current is determined experimentally.
An insulated copper wire (diameter 2 mm)
was mounted in the head section of an ASTM like body phantom filled with tissue equivalent
liquid based on TWEEN 20 (ε = 62.7 and σ = 0.81 S/m,
measured at 128 MHz) with the tip (10 mm without insulation) pointing towards
the central axis of the phantom (Fig 1). The head section of the phantom with
the wire was placed inside an 8-channel 3T pTx coil (Rapid Biomedical). Calibrated
RF current measurements were performed by a home-built Rogowski coil inside a
toroidal shield with a slit which ideally is only penetrated by the magnetic
field from the RF current in the wire [3]. A time domain electro-optic
transducer (PH-0655, Seiko Giken) and a 10 m optical fiber to the controller of
the OEFS sensor system outside the RF cabinet was used for readout. The signal
was recorded with a high speed PCIe transient recorder card (M3i.4142, Spektrum)
in a Linux host computer triggered by the MR sequence. The E field at the wire
tip was measured using a 3-axis time domain sensor (OEFS–S1B, Seikoh Giken)
together with the aforementioned system.
First, the complex valued current
induced by each coil element for equal transmit voltage amplitude (UTx = 20 V) and equal phase was measured (Fig 2). Weighting the voltage amplitudes
with the ratio of the induced currents and setting the phases for coherent
superposition (Fig 3) yields the maximum current for a given input power, i.e.
the worst case. Currents in the implant can effectively be suppressed by an
orthogonal-projection method (OPM), i.e. by using only voltage vectors
orthogonal to the worst case vector [1]. By projecting, e.g. the CP mode vector
onto the seven-dimensional orthogonal subspace (Fig. 3) good image quality can
be combined with low induced currents [1]. For both
the worst case and the OPM-optimized vector an axial profile of the E field is
measured in the vicinity of the wire tip in the central tube of the phantom
(i.e. in a distance of 18 mm).
Results ans Discussion
worst case voltage vector generates the maximum current per transmitter forward
power of 19.3
0.5, about twice as much current as the
regular CP mode (8.9
0.5). The OPM-optimized voltage
vector reduces the normalized current at the protruding end of the implant to
0.5, i.e. by a factor > 20 compared to the CP mode. This is achieved without
much loss in image quality [1]. In spite of this reduction at
the protruding end non-zero currents elsewhere along the wire are in principle possible.
It was thus measured in how far the reduced current leads to a reduced E
at the tip of the wire (Fig 4). For the worst case condition the electric field
is dominated by the component E
y parallel to the bent wire tip. This is no longer
true for the suppressed current. The OPM optimization reduces the total
electric field by a factor of 2 and the current generated E
y component
by a factor of 3, thus reducing local heating by almost an order of magnitude.
The minimization of the RF current
at the protruding end of the wire by the described OPM method causes a distinct
reduction of the electric field at the tip of the wire while maintaining good
image quality. Consequently, the method can be used to determine low-hazard steering
conditions for a pTx coil in real time during an MR investigation of patients
with protruding wire type implants as neurostimulator leads, catheters or guide
wires. For an
n-element coil this
requires only
n complex valued RF
current measurements at the protruding end of the implant but no simulations or
model assumptions.
This work was funded by European
Metrology Research Program (EMRP) grant HLT06. The EMRP is jointly funded by
the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union.References
[1] Seifert F, Weidemann G, Ittermann B "Q matrix approach to control implant heating by transmit array coils" Proc. ISMRM 23(2015)3212.
[2] Etezadi-Amoli
M, Stang P, Kerr A, Pauly J, Scott G "Controlling radiofrequency-induced currents in guidewires using parallel transmit" (2014) MRM
[3] Weidemann G, Seifert F, Hoffmann W, Ittermann B "RF current measurements in implanted wires in phantoms by fiber optic current clamps" Proc. ISMRM 23(2015)1865.