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Ultra-Low-Field Spin Manipulation for Precise Flip-Angle and T1-Determination
Kilian Wolfgang1, Frank Seifert1, Silvia Knappe-Grüneberg1, Jens Voigt1, Eva Al-Dabbagh1, and Isaac Fan1

1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany


Two distinct methods for precise flip angle determination for hyperpolarized rare gas samples are presented and were performed in ultra low magnetic field environment (μT). The repetitive coherent excitation method is rather fast and allows for preserving most of the initial polarization whereas the incoherent excitation method is time consuming but determines the relaxation parameters T1 and T2 inherently.


The use of free spin precession of gaseous samples at ultra low-fields (μT) for high sensitive magnetometers was already proposed in the early work of Cohen-Tannoudji1. Due to the very long spin coherence times of several hours13 hyperpolarized rare gases are prominent candidates. For the SQUID detected magnetometry the spin excitation was predominantly achieved by hard switching of the B0 field non-adiabatically introducing free spin precession4. To get the full flexibility of spin manipulation likewise in standard pulsed NMR we introduced two complementary methods to determine the flip angle achieved via AC excitation. As a first application the determination of the longitudinal spin relaxation of hyperpolarized gases in glass cells at ultra-low magnetic fields is shown.


Within a shielded room two crossed Helmholtz coils of 1.6m diameter were arranged to generate a constant B0 holding field (1μT,y) and perpendicular to a weak alternating B1 field y (likewise Fig.2 in Ref.4). On top of the B0 Helmholtz coil a Maxwell coil was wound to shorten T2 by applying a gradient of By/y90nT/m. A sealed glass cell filled with 3He:Xe:N2 gas (715:143:72 mbar) and a small droplet of Rb, was polarized in a remote lab and transported within a battery powered solenoid into the shielded room and put in the center of the Helmholtz coils right underneath the cryostat housing the liquid helium cooled SQUIDs sensing the magnetic flux change in zdirection. Fluxgate measurements of B1 allow to calculate the flip-angle α=γτB+1 for a given pulse duration τ.

To measure the effective flip angle we used two complementary pulse schemes. Fig.1a shows the repetitive coherent spin excitation with TRT2. This allows to measure the free spin precession while turning the magnetization vector stepwise around the Bloch sphere and thus to deduce the flip angle α per step. To study these measurements further we modeled the B1 frequency dependence with a custom Bloch-McConnell simulator. The second method (Fig.1b) implements fully incoherent repetitive excitations with two different TRtimes. With a fixed TR the measured initial FID amplitudes decay mono-exponentially with an effective relaxation rate 1Teff=1T1+1Tα with 1Tα=ln[cos(α)]/TR. Thus using two different TR and deducing the effective decay time for each series one can calculate α as well as T1 from such a measurement:



For the coherent spin excitation a superposition of the concomitant B1 field zcomponent and the 3He spin precession signal is detected during the AC pulses (indents and spikes, Fig.2a/b). In between two AC excitations the free spin precession signal is measured. The phase of the spin signal and the excitation signal is changing by 180° when the spin signal is reaching a minimum. This is also seen in the Bloch simulation as long as the excitation frequency is not too far from resonance (Fig.\,3). By analyzing the simulated data one can show that the flip angle could be deduced precisely by fitting the function A_0 \sin(n\,\alpha) to the amplitudes of the free spin precession up to the first maximum (Fig.\,2c/d). As this measurement does take just one or two minutes and could be stopped when minimum spin precession signal is seen, i.e. most of the initial polarization is preserved, one can perform consecutive measurements afterwards as shown in Fig.\,2\,a/b.

From the error propagation of the formula for calculating \alpha for the second method it is seen that two distinct T\!R- times have to be chosen leading to an experiment time of several hours (Fig.\,4). However, this measurement already implies the T_1 determination, which would be an own task for the first method. In addition this method also allows to determine the achievable T_2^\star time, which shows up to change over time. This latter effect is not jet fully understood but is assumed to be tight to the remaining longitudinal polarization and not perfect spherical shape of our glass cell. In Fig.\,4b three measurements from two different polarization runs using the identical sample are shown.

Discussion and Conclusion

The repetitive coherent spin excitation allows a fast determination of the effective flip-angle with the ability to save most of the longitudinal polarization for consecutive experiments. As an all in one solution the non coherent repetition of AC excitations allows for deducing all the relevant parameters T_1, T_2^{\star} and \alpha. All this is essential for a precise T_1 determination and lays the basis for further dedicated spin excitation.


We thank T. Chupp and S. Degenkolb from the University of Michigan for providing the glass cells filled with the gases and Rubidium.


1 Cohen-Tannoudji C, et al. Detection of the static magnetic field produced by the oriented nuclei of optically pumped ^3He gas. Phys Rev Lett. 1969;22:758-760

2 Bohler CL and McGregor DD. Transverse relaxation in spin-polarized ^3He gas due to dc and ac magnetic-field gradients. Phys Rev A, 1994;49: 2755-2758

3 Heil W, et al. Spin clocks: Probing fundamental symmetries in nature. Ann Phys. 2013;525:539-549

4 Gemmel C, et al. Ultra-sensitive magnetometry based on free precession of nuclear spins. Eur Phys J D. 2010;57;303-320


Fig. 1: For both schemes the AC excitation was generated by a programmable function generator set to play out 34 sine cycles starting and stopping at zero voltage with a pulse duration of \tau\,\approx\,1\,s. For the repetitive coherent excitation the T\!R-time was exactly 4\,\tau (a). For the incoherent method (b) we used ten repetitions with a relatively short T\!R\,\approx\,800\,s and another ten with a substantially longer T\!R\,\approx\,5000 – 7000\,s.

Fig. 2: Repetitive coherent AC excitation measurements: (b) consecutively performed with half the B_1 pulse amplitude than (a). The detected SQUID signals show that there is hardly any polarization loss due to these measurements. The local minimum of the free spin precession signal amplitude between the change of indent and spike during AC excitation show that f_1 is closely set to f_L and reliable flip angle analysis could be performed (c,d).

Fig. 3: By adding a fraction of the B_1 field to the simulated transversal spin signal the AC pulses are seen by the spikes for 0<t<11\,s and indents afterwards due to a 180° phase change of both signals (left). This is still true for a slight off resonant B_1 (middle). This pattern change allows to identify off resonant conditions where the magnetization is no longer completely tilted to the transverse plane (right) not being applicable for flip angle determination.

Fig. 4: Repetitive AC excitations with two distinct T\!R times. In (a) the band-pass filtered (f_c\,=\,32.5\,Hz, BW\,=\,2\,Hz) SQUID signal is shown. In between the blue AC excitation pulses and the the green gradient switching pulses the FID is seen. The initial FID amplitudes are extracted and fitted to a mono exponential decay for each T\!R yielding two effective relaxation times from which the real T_1 time and flip angle \alpha is calculated (b).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)