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Rapid Eddy Currents Insensitive Field Map Estimation for Accurate B0 Shimming
Hai Luo1, Bin Wang1, Gaojie Zhu1, Wenzhou Wang1, Xiang Zhou1, Ziyue Wu1, and Leping Zha1,2

1AllTech Medical Systems, Chengdu, China, People's Republic of, 2AllTech Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH, United States


3D dual echo gradient echo sequence is commonly used to obtain the field map for B0 shimming. The maps contain the true B0 fields mixed with eddy currents induced magnetic field changes averaged over the echo time difference, which compromise the shimming accuracy. A calibration sequence with alternating gradient polarities is proposed to measure the eddy currents term. Quadratic surface fitting is then applied to produce smooth eddy currents calibration maps over the full imaging volume containing only the first and second order components. The actual rapid in-vivo shimming sequence runs later, using the calibration maps to remove the eddy currents influences during the post-processing, with partial Fourier acquisition on phase encoding and slice encoding directions to reduce the scan time. The fast method provides means of eddy currents insensitive shimming, as well as reduced sensitivity to motion.


To develop a method of rapid B0 field estimation for robust and accurate B0 field shimming, which is insensitive to the eddy currents.


Chemical shift based fat suppression techniques as well as spectroscopic applications do not work well without proper B0 shimming. 3D gradient echo (GRE) sequences acquiring a pair of in-phase echoes were proposed and widely used to measure the B0 map1, in which the common effects of non-static field induced by eddy currents2 lead to inaccurate shimming. We propose a robust method of rapid B0 field map estimation, with a single calibration scan in which a full gradient polarity reversal is used to estimate the influence of eddy currents, before the sub-sequential in-vivo mapping scans and the eddy current induced error correction in the post-processing.


Fig.1(a) depicts a routine GRE dual-echo sequence for raw (uncorrected) B0 field mapping, with the so called “fly-back” unipolar gradient readouts to reduce phase inconsistencies due to effects such as gradient delay and eddy currents. Phase difference of the two echoes is the B0 field plus the eddy currents induced field Beddy encoded over the echo time difference ΔTE. As well known, the polarity of Beddy will be flipped if all of the applied field gradients are reversed, as shown in Fig.1(b). The phase difference between images acquired in the two parts of the calibration scan can be written asΔϕpositive=γB0ΔTE+γBeddyΔTE(1) Δϕnegative=γB0ΔTEγBeddyΔTE(2) From which Beddy can then be calculated as Beddy=(ΔϕpositiveΔϕnegative)/2γΔTE(3)In a given MR scanner, the eddy currents patterns are determined by the hardware material and structure, and system tuning including the eddy currents compensation (ECC), while the fast varying field changes form the patients are basically negligible. Thus, the Beddy field distribution measured on a regular sphere phantom in the calibration scan, and later extrapolated onto the full imaging volume can be considered the same as in the in-vivo shimming. The eddy currents calibration combining sequences in Fig.1(a) and Fig.1(b) runs once, before running the actual B0 mapping sequence in Fig.1(a) in vivo. The Beddy map calculated through (1)–(3) then goes through a 3D phase unwrapping algorithm3, decomposed into 0th and higher spatial order terms, while in general the 3rd order and above are negligible. Surface fitting with quadratic basis function is thus generally enough to obtain smooth eddy currents induced field maps over the full imaging space B’eddy. Finally, the extrapolated and refined B’eddy estimation is applied to correct the raw B0 field maps for shimmingB0=(ΔϕpositiveγBeddyΔTE)/γΔTE(4)


The B0 mapping sequences and the processing procedure were implemented on an Alltech EchoStar 1.5T scanner (AllTech Medical Systems, Chengdu, China). Fig.2(a) shows the center slice of a measured 3D Beddy distribution on a 190mm sphere water phantom. The sequence parameters were TR/TE1/TE2/θ=13.4ms/4.5ms/9.0ms/20°, with a 320mm cubic FOV and a matrix size of 32x32x32, zero-filled to 64x64x64. The ECC was turned off to make the comparisons more obvious. Fig.2(b) shows the B’eddy correction map from Fig.2(a) through phase unwrapping and quadratic fitting, with the 0th term discarded as it does not affect shimming. To validate the method’s effectiveness, a proton density (PD) weighted FSE sequence with chemical shift selective (CHESS) fat saturation pre-pulse was acquired for pelvic imaging. The imaging parameters were TR/TE=1800/27ms, ETL=5, FOV380x300mm, acquisition matrix size316x188, and 6mm slice thickness. Only the sequence in Fig.1(a) run in-vivo for shimming, with a partial Fourier ratio of 0.85 in the both phase encoding (PE) and the slice encoding (SE) directions. The total duration of shimming is about 10 seconds. Fig.3 shows the resulting images after applying the shimming results, with (a) and without (b) corrections of the B’eddy map. Fat signal in Fig.3(a) was almost fully saturated, while in Fig.3(b) there are residue non-saturated fats and unintended water suppression from the insufficiently homogeneous B0 distribution.


The proposed calibration method with full gradient polarity reversal estimates the eddy currents induced field distribution with reasonable accuracy, in practical situations from our experiences. It was found that with matching calibration and shimming sequence parameters, the B’eddy patterns stay essentially the same. Moreover, translations of the shimming FOV do not change the gradient waveforms, so that the B’eddy map is not changed. Therefore, multiple shimming protocols with changing shimming volume definitions can share the same B’eddy correction map. In summary, the proposed B0 mapping procedure provides an eddy currents insensitive method without increasing the in-vivo shimming time from the normal mapping methods. This also reduces errors from motion induced phase changes because of the relatively short mapping time.


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[1] Kanayama et al., MRM 36 : 637-642 (1996), [2] Bartusek et al., Meas. Sci. Tech. 21 : 105601 (9pp., 2010), [3] Cusack et al., NeuroImage 16 : 754-764 (2002).


Figure 1. (a) A typical dual-echo GRE sequence for B0-field mapping. (b) The full gradient polarity reversed variation of (a). Together (a) and (b) comprise the calibration sequence for eddy currents induced field map estimation, with the results applied to correct the eddy currents influences in dynamic B0 field mapping.

Figure 2. (a) Example of the measured eddy currents induced field map on a 190mm sphere water phantom, (b) spatial distribution fitting results from (a) with the zero order term discarded. Linear X eddy currents is the main term in this case due to readout gradient placed on X.

Figure 3. Example pelvic images with CHESS fat saturation after 1st order in-vivo shimming, with (a) and without (b) eddy currents induced field map corrections. The residue fat signal in (a) was mostly a result of uneven B1-field over the regions.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)