Electric-LC resonators decoupling approach for monopole antenna arrays at 7T
Xinqiang Yan1 and Xiaoliang Zhang2

1Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis Techniques, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


Induced current elimination (ICE) method could efficiently reduce the element coupling in monopole and dipole arrays, and ultimately improve their SNR and parallel imaging performance. Nevertheless, in current ICE method, the decoupling element has possible effect on the original B1 field, leading to dark spots at the areas near decoupling elements. To address such effects, we introduce a new structure, electric-LC (ELC) resonator, for decoupling monopole arrays. Based on the simulation and experimental results, ELC resonators could also effectively reduce the coupling of monopoles and meanwhile have less influence on the original B1 fields of the elements.


Induced current elimination (ICE) method could efficiently reduce the element coupling in monopole and dipole arrays, and ultimately improve their SNR performance and parallel imaging ability in MRI 1,2. Nevertheless, in current ICE method, the induced current on the decoupling element has possible effect on the original B1 field, leading to dark spots at the areas near decoupling elements 1. To address such effects, we introduce a new structure, Electric-LC (ELC) resonator, for decoupling monopole arrays.


The ELC resonator, which can be used as negative index metamaterials, is equal to two symmetrical loops connected in parallel 3, 4. The currents of two loops are opposite and thus the magnetic fields of the two loops are cancelled out, as shown in Figure 1. In ideal cases, the ELC is a pure electric resonator with neither magnetic nor electro- magnetic (EM) responses. This feature makes ELC resonators promising to reduce the coupling and simultaneously keep the original B1 fields.


We numerically investigated the EM fields of a 2-ch ICE-decoupled monopole array, a 2-ch ELC-decoupled array and a single monopole. For all cases, monopole elements were well matched (S11 <-30 dB) and decoupled (S21<-20 dB). Figure 2 shows the EM field distributions in the transverse plane. During simulations, one monopole was excited with 1W power while the other monopole was terminated with 50 ohm. It is clearly showed in Figures 2A and 2C that the H field and B1 field was disturbed when using ICE decoupling. For the ELC-decoupled array, however, the original distribution of H field and B1 field can be remained (Figures 2A and 2B).

Experimental Validation

To validate the simulation results, we constructed a 2-ch ELC-decoupled and a 2-ch ICE-decoupled monopole arrays (Figure 3). GRE images on a water phantom were measured on a Siemens 7T whole-body scanner. The imaging parameters were: FA = 250, TR/TE= 100/10 ms, FOV= 250Χ250 mm2. During experiments, one channel was used as transmit/receive coil while the other channel was terminated with a 50-ohm load. The slice chosen for MR imaging was is about 3 cm apart from the GND. Similar to previous work 1, the MR image of regular ICE-decoupled array has a dark spot near the decouple element (arrow in red color in Figure 3D) . For the ELC-decoupled array, however, no signal cancellation or dark spot was observed. In addition, we measured the S-parameter plots of the ELC-decoupled monopole array (Figure 4B) and compared them with simulated plots (Figure 4A). The good agreement of S-parameter plots also indicates that the simulation results are reliable and accuracy.


From the simulation and experimental results, we found ELC resonators could also effectively reduce the coupling of monopoles and meanwhile have less influence on the original B1 fields of the elements. However, this approach has several limitations based on our practical experience. Frist, the ELC decoupling is sensitive to the load and its bandwidth is very narrow (Figure 4), thus readjust of capacitors are necessary for each imaging sample. Second, in this specific design, we found MR images on some transverse slices still have dark spots. This can be attributed to the large size of the ELC resonator which makes it is not an ideal electric-only coupler.


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[1] X. Yan, et al, Proc. ISMRM, 3478 (2015). [2] X. Yan, et al, Proc. ISMRM, 3118 (2015). [2] D. Schurig, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 041109 (2006). [3] R. Liu, et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 263504 (2007).


Figure 1 Circuit diagram and current distributions of an ELC resonator.

Figure 2 EM field distributions of a single monopole (A1-A4), 2-ch ELC-decoupled array (B1-B4) and 2-ch ICE-decoupled array (C1-C4).

Figure 3 Photographs and MR images of the constructed 2-ch ELC-decoupled array (A and C) and 2-ch ICE- decoupled array (B and D).

Figure 4 Simulated (A) and measured (B) S-parameter plots of the ELC- decoupled monopole array .The good agreement also indicates that the simulation results are reliable and accuracy.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)