Andreas Pfrommer1, Nikolai I Avdievich1, and Anke Henning1,2
1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Institute for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
In this study we investigated the effect of an
RF shield on the mutual coupling between adjacent and non-adjacent array
elements in a simple model mimicking our previously developed cylindrical eight
channel transceiver head array. Both numerical EM simulations and experimental
measurements suggest that at 124 MHz and 400 MHz an RF shield can substantially
decrease S12 for non-adjacent-array elements.Purpose
To decrease the radiation losses of RF coils especially at higher
frequencies an RF shield is used (1). Whereas external circuitry can be easily
applied to decouple adjacent array elements, non-adjacent array elements cannot
easily be decoupled. In this study we investigated the
effect of an RF shield on the mutual coupling between adjacent and non-adjacent
array elements in a simple cylindrical coil array model mimicking our
previously developed eight channel transceiver head array (2).
Both the experimental and simulated setup
consisted of two rectangular window coils (80x100mm²) surrounding a 200 mm long
cylindrical dielectric phantom with given electromagnetic properties (s. Fig 1).
The loops were placed on an FR4-holder with an inner diameter of 211 mm and an
outer diameter of 215 mm. Their centers were separated by an angle of α and a
wire diameter of 1.5 mm was used. The shield had a distance of 40 mm to the holder. The S-parameter
measurements were done with a network analyzer (E5071C, Agilent Technologies). The
reference plane for the two-port calibration was directly in series to the
capacitors number 1 and 2. Cable traps were used, tuned to 124 MHz and 400 MHz. Simulations
were done in CST Microwave Studio 2015. After the acquisition of the 2-port
S-parameter matrix the open-port impedance matrix was extracted and the magnetic (km)
and electric (ke) coupling coefficients could be
any external circuitry the resulting transmission coefficient S12 is
directly related to the coupling coefficients:
The above formula is a result of the
transformation formulas between Z-and S-matrices (3) for two power-matched
series resonant circuits. It
is worth noting here, that the transmission coefficient S12 depends
on the product of the Q-factor and km.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 2 we plotted the measured and simulated coupling factors for a frequency
of 124 MHz and 400 MHz over the entire range of the angle α. For the exemplary eight channel transceiver
head array (2) nearest neighbor coupling is characterized by an angle α = 45°. In this case
the shield modified the mutual inductance by less than 10% at
both frequencies, while k
e was reduced by 25% at 124 MHz and 40%
at 400 MHz. The curve for k
e at 400 MHz was obtained after inductively
decoupling the two loops of our model, because measured and simulated values
did only agree qualitatively but not quantitatively when the two loops were
strongly coupled (k
m>0.05). To evaluate the effect of a
shield on the transmission coefficient S
12 for non-adjacent array elements (90°, 135° and 180°
separation in a 1x8 array) the above equation indicates that knowledge of the
Q-factor is required. The measured Q-factor at 124 MHz was about 55
without and 85 with shield and for 400 MHz we measured 40 and 50 respectively. For such high Q-factors even small values of k
are critical and have a substantial contribution to S
12. Therefore
we increased the scaling of the ordinate in Fig. 2 in the range from 60° to 180°
and replotted k
m in Fig. 3. The shield decreases magnetic coupling
substantially by more than a factor of two for α
> 60° at
124 MHz and to a varying degree for 60° < α < 140° at 400 MHz (for α >
140° the shield has no effect on k
m). How this translates into the
transmission coefficient S
12 is illustrated in Fig. 4. At 124 MHz the shield lowers S
12 by
about 2 dB (90°), 4.5 dB (135°) and 5 dB (180°). The dashed curves indicate the
limiting cases for either k
e = 0 or k
m = 0. We see that
it is k
m which is mostly responsible for the coupling at angles
below 100° and k
e at α=180°. At
400 MHz the usage of a shield can also be beneficial regarding decoupling in
the range between 80° and 160°: At 90° S
12 decreases by almost 3 dB
and at 135° by more than 6 dB.
investigations have shown that the usage of an RF shield can be a helpful tool
to improve decoupling among non-adjacent array elements in a transmit/transceiver
array. Future studies need to be done to see the impact of a shield and its
specific geometry and distance from coil elements on element coupling versus
radiation loss and hence on SNR and transmit efficiency and to find the best
possible tradeoff.
No acknowledgement found.References
(1) Keltner JR, MRM 22:467-480, 1991.
(2) Avdievich NI, Proc. ISMRM 22,2014, p
(3) Frickey D, IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques 42: 205-211, 1994.