Zhipeng Cao1,2, Xinqiang Yan1,3, and William A. Grissom1,2,3
1Vanderbilt University Institue of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
With a constructed 8 channel transmit array and a
tunable 2 channel-to-8 coil compression matrix, the array-compressed parallel transmit pulse design is demonstrated on 7T MRI
through B1+
mapping and accelerated spiral excitation. Results showed more accurate excitation pattern can be achieved with the compression matrix hardware and compressed parallel transmit pulses than two-channel CP-mode pulses.INTRODUCTION
Many-coil transmit arrays are desirable in parallel
transmission, since with many coils multidimensional pulses can be shortened,
more uniform RF shims can be produced, and SAR can be more effectively
controlled. However, the high cost and the large physical footprint and cabling
requirements of the corresponding power amplifiers required to drive many-coil
arrays has limited the number of transmit coils/channels used in
practice, and most ultra-high field MR scanners in use today have only 2 or 8
transmit channels. To overcome this limitation, array-compressed parallel
transmission (acpTx) has been recently proposed [1,2] in which a large number
of coils (
Ncoils) is
connected to a small number of channels (
via a hardware compression matrix of tunable attenuators and phase shifters. While
this concept has the potential to match the performance of a many-coil system
with a small number of channels, it has not yet been experimentally
demonstrated. In this study an acpTx hardware system was built and used to
demonstrate acpTx using two transmit channels/amplifiers to drive an 8-coil
array at 7T.
AcpTx Hardware System:
An array compression matrix was built to implement the 1 channel-to-4 coils acpTx
system architecture illustrated in Figure 1 [2] at 7 Tesla. The matrix takes
two transmit channel inputs, and splits them each to four transmit coils using three
Wilkinson power splitters (Fig. 2C). Each coil’s signal is then attenuated
using an adjustable attenuator (Figs. 2A,B) comprising a power splitter
connected to a power combiner using adjustable transmission line lengths; the
relative length of the two lines determines the attenuation. Finally each coils’
signal is phase shifted by another length of transmission line. A custom 8-coil
head array was also built (Fig. 2D), which incorporated magnetic wall
decoupling [4]. The electromagnetic coupling between any two loops in that
array was better than -15 dB.
AcpTx Pulse Design:
Accelerated acpTx spiral-in pulse waveforms (R=3.3 acceleration factor) and
array compression weights for the hardware matrix were jointly designed using
the method in [1,3]:
minimize ϕ(B);s.t. rank(B(Θi))=1,i=1,2. (Eqn 1)
ϕ is the standard spiral pulse design cost
function [3], B is the RF pulse matrix for all Ncoils transmit coils and pulse time points, and the Θi are coil-to-channel assignment vectors. In
this study, Θi were chosen to split the
array in two circumferentially, mapping four consecutive loops to each input
Experiments were performed on a Philips 7T Achieva scanner (Philips Healthcare,
Cleveland, Ohio, USA). Prior to pulse design, the B+1 maps of all 8 coils were measured using
DREAM [5]. The acpTx pulse design was run (to solve Eqn 1) and the resulting array
compression weights were normalized in amplitude and phase by the weight with
the largest amplitude in each combination, and were then implemented using the
attenuators and phase shifters in the hardware compression matrix. The pulses’ excitation
patterns were imaged using a 3D gradient echo sequence (TE/TR = 2/1000 ms, flip
angle = 5 degrees, FOV = 20x20x20 cm,
voxel size = 3x3x5 mm), and 32 channel-receive (with 3D SENSE
acceleration of 2 in AP and FH directions). For comparison, two-channel
transmit pulses using the same spiral trajectory were also designed for the I
and Q ports of a circularly-polarized (CP) combination of the coils.
3 shows predicted and measured
maps for an arbitrary two-channel compression with two coils’ signals
attenuated (by -3 dB & -5 dB) and with three other coils’ signals phase-shifted
(-40, -60, and -100 degrees). The maps agree closely, indicating that the
hardware array compression matrix functions as predicted. The acpTx spiral
pulse design generated weights with nearly uniform amplitudes, so the matrix only
needed to apply phase shifts in that unique case (maps not shown); however, in
general both attenuations and phase shifts are required. Figure 4 shows the
predicted and measured spiral excitation patterns. The two-channel CP-mode
excitation had higher errors in both the predicted and measured patterns (some
of which are indicated by the green arrows), and there is good agreement
between the predicted and measured patterns in both cases.
In this work, an array-compressed parallel transmit
hardware system was developed and validated. The central component of the
system was a tunable 2 channel-to-8 coil compression matrix. Its ability to
apply array compression weights resulting from array-compressed parallel
transmit pulse designs was validated through
B+1 mapping and accelerated spiral excitation
experiments, and in the latter experiments it was shown that array-compressed
pulses achieved a more accurate excitation pattern than two-channel CP-mode
This work was supported by NIH R01 EB 016695.References
1. Cao, Z., Yan, X. and Grissom, W. A. (2015),
Array-compressed parallel transmit pulse design. Magn Reson Med.
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3. Grissom, W., Yip, C.-y., Zhang, Z., Stenger, V. A.,
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