We propose a method and a system to precisely place the TMS
coil inside the MRI using NMR probes.The positioning can be completed in 0.1 s
with high translation (0.015 mm) and rotation precision (0.0047°) as well as low
bias (~0.8 mm in 50 mm FOV). PURPOSE
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) uses transient magnetic
field to induce local neuronal depolarization noninvasively
1. Allowing both
observation and manipulation, integrating TMS and fMRI in the same experimental
setup can be a valuable tool to study brain connectivity. Compared to TMS EEG,
TMS-fMRI has higher and more homogeneous spatial resolution. More importantly,
TMS-fMRI holds the promise of detecting deep brain responses to exogenous magnetic
field stimulation. The BOLD activation at remote but inter-connected regions has
been successfully detected using simultaneous TMS-fMRI
2. However, positioning a TMS
coil is a tedious but critical job. The position and the orientation of a TMS
coil determine the anatomical site and the effectiveness of stimulation.
Outside the MRI scanner, it is possible to use optical devices to co-register
between a TMS coil and head/brain
3. Optical tracers can also
be used inside a MRI scanner to place the TMS coil if they are not obscured. Alternatively,
functional indices (e.g. thumb movement)
can be used to first locate a functional brain area and then to adjust TMS coil
position/orientation with respect to this reference site
4. However, this approach has rather limited
spatial resolution and needs a precise functional area.
NMR-active droplets have been used to estimate the head position in real
time to provide information for correcting motion related artifacts
5. These droplets can
be immersed in a miniature RF coil to increase SNR. Such field probes can be quickly
localized inside MRI and used to monitor field fluctuations during data
6. Here, we propose a
method and a system to precisely place the TMS coil inside the MRI. Specifically,
multiple NMR probes are mounted on a TMS coil. Their positions were estimated
from spectra of NMR signals measured with the presence of three orthogonal gradient
fields. Our approach has high translation (0.015 mm) and rotation precision (0.0047°)
as well as low bias (~0.8 mm). MRI gradients caused 0.76% (0.38 mm in 50 mm
FOV) measurement error.
Our system consisted of four home-made NMR probes
7. Probes
were integrated to our 8-channel TMS-MRI RF coil array
8 . Before TMS
coil positioning, brain anatomy was measured by a 3D T1-weighted (MPRAGE) sequence. Probe positions were measured
using three gradient echo pulse sequences (Figure 1) with 10 mT/m strength in x, y, and z direction
separately (flip angle = 10°, TE = 11 ms, and TR = 30 ms). A 10-ms readout
after gradient rewinding was used to measure the off-resonance when no gradient
field was presented. After we measured probes positions,
i=1,…,4, the orientation
and the position of the TMS coil was estimated by minimizing the following
squared error.
∑4i=1||((→rimeas−→r)−→R(ri0)||22, where
→ri0 denoted the probe position
when the TMS coil was placed at the iso-center at the beginning of the
→ri0 denoted the unknown instantaneous
translation of the center of TMS coil.
R was an unknown rotation matrix to be
To investigate the stability of TMS coil positioning, we repeated the measurement
100 times. We calculated the standard deviation of TMS coil position
(x,y,z) and angle
(→u,→v). To investigate the positioning error caused by the MRI
gradient, two probes separated by 50 mm were repetitively placed 570 times
evenly over a 3D region of 25 cm x 25 cm x 14 cm. This error was calculated as
the standard deviation of the estimated distance between two probes over
Figure 2 shows
the picture of our positioning apparatus. Figure 3 depicts the definition of
position and orientation of a TMS coil. Standard deviations for
(x,y,z) and
were (9 μm, 15
μm, 6 μm) and (0.005°, 0.004°), respectively. The average
and the standard deviation of the 50-mm probe separation was 50.8 mm and 0.38
mm (0.76% of the separated distance), respectively.
Preliminary results suggest that probes can be used to
achieve high precision positioning of a TMS coil. The bias of the positioning can
be only confirmed to the accuracy of probe separation (50 mm in the current
experiment). For each positioning estimation, the measurement took only 0.1 s. This
can be further accelerated to allow real-timeTMS coil positioning. The error
caused by MRI gradient is expected to be corrected by accurate mapping of the
magnetic field generated by gradients. Ultimately, our approach can be an
accurate and convenient solution of TMS coil positioning inside MRI.
This study was supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 104-2314-B-002-238, MOST 103-2628-B-002-002-MY3), National Health Research Institute, Taiwan (NHRI-EX104-10247EI), and Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan (100-EC-17-A-19-S1-175).References
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