Wyger Brink1, Jeroen van Gemert2, Rob Remis2, and Andrew Webb1
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Circuits and Systems, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
The design
of passive dielectric pads can be an exhaustive procedure with many degrees of
freedom to address. In this study we developed a constrained inverse design
approach based on the contrast source inversion method. The procedure can yield
design guidelines efficiently, enabling automated design of dielectric pads.Purpose
shimming can address
inhomogeneity at high fields, with various applications in body imaging at 3T
and neuroimaging at 7T. Obtaining a suitable design for the dielectric pads,
however, remains a non-trivial task as many degrees of freedom need to be considered
during the design, such as their geometry and composition. A recent study presented
an inverse design method, by alternatingly updating the (unknown) material
distribution to minimize the target field error, and subsequently solving for
the associated fields by evaluating a forward problem.
1 The contrast source inversion (CSI) method has previously
been shown to be a more efficient method in electromagnetic inversion, avoiding
the need for evaluating a forward problem in each iteration.
2 The CSI method also allows for appropriate
regularization, by incorporating constraints on the reconstructed permittivity.
In this work, we present a procedure based on the CSI method to obtain the
required pad design.
The CSI method aims to minimize the target field error in the region-of-interest (ROI; Dr) and the object error in the pad domain (Dp). The target field error functional is defined as follows:
F_{\rm r} ({\bf w})=η_{\rm r} \parallel B_1^+({\bf w})-B_1^{+,{\rm target}} \parallel_{D_{\rm r}}^2
where B_1^+({\bf w}) = B_1^{+,{\rm inc}} + {\bf G}_{\rm r}^+ {\bf w} is the B1+ field generated by the contrast sources {\bf w}=\chi {\bf E} within the pad domain. The object error functional is written as
F_{\rm p} (\chi,{\bf w})=η_{\rm p} \parallel \chi {\bf E}^{\rm inc}-{\bf w}+\chi {\bf G}_{\rm p} {\bf w} \parallel_{D_{\rm p}}^2
which ensures that the field values satisfy Maxwell’s equations. {\bf G}_{\rm r}^+ and {\bf G}_{\rm p} are the Green’s tensors relating electric current to B1+ and electric field, respectively.1 The contrast sources {\bf w} and contrast \chi are alternatingly updated using a conjugate gradient scheme to minimize the combined error functional F=F_{\rm r} +F_{\rm p}.
The CSI method was constrained to reconstruct only positive permittivity values by forcing the negative real part and the imaginary part of to zero. In addition, the reconstructed permittivity distribution is forced to either zero or a target permittivity value by means of regularized thresholding.
The method was evaluated in a two-dimensional model corresponding to a neuroimaging scenario at 7T. The incident field was generated by a circular array of line sources surrounding a transverse slice of the heterogeneous head model ‘Duke’ (IT’IS Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland).3 The target field is defined as 1 μT within a manually drawn ROI, and a phase exchange method was applied on the target B1+ field to retain the convex nature of the functional with respect to the contrast source quantity.4
Fig. 1
illustrates the reconstructed permittivity when the CSI method is executed
without and with positivity constraints on the reconstructed permittivity. The
unconstrained CSI method results in both positive and negative values for the
optimized permittivity and conductivity distribution, which clearly does not
represent a distribution of passive material,but does illustrate the ability of
the method to arrive at the desired target field. When the solution space is constrained
to positive permittivity values only, a physically valid (εr>1) and
passive (σ>0) permittivity distribution is obtained, however at the cost of a
slightly reduced B1+
homogeneity within the ROI.
Fig. 2
illustrates the optimized permittivity distributions when the permittivity distribution
is constrained to have a fixed relative permittivity value of 100, 200 or 300. The
feasibility of such homogeneous permittivity distribution is much improved
compared to the variable distributions shown in Fig. 1. It is clear that when
the permittivity is higher, a smaller amount of material is required, which is
in line with previous studies.5
The results
obtained in this study suggest that the CSI method is a very powerful candidate
to solve the nonlinear optimization problem associated with the design of
dielectric pads. Although the positivity and target permittivity constraints
are implemented in a rather ad-hoc manner, the method converges very quickly
and in a stable manner. Other means of constraining the permittivity can also
be integrated into this approach.
6 All schemes reach convergence
within less than 10 seconds, which means that this approach is a suitable
candidate for extension into 3D.
We have
presented an efficient CSI method for the inverse design of dielectric pads.
This approach yields an automated procedure to provide the required pad
geometry for a given ROI and permittivity, and can be extended to 3D in a
similar manner.
This research was funded by the Nederlandse
Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), STW Project #13375.References
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