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A 7-Tesla Transmit with 32-Channel Receive-Only Array Head Coil for fMRI
Matthew Finnerty1, Derick Petrey1, Paul Taylor1, Luke Beery1, Tsinghua Zheng1, Xiaoyu Yang1, Hiroyuki Fujita1,2,3,4, Se-Hong Oh5, Ken Sakaie5, and Mark Lowe5

1Quality Electrodynamics, LLC, Mayfield Village, OH, United States, 2Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Department of Radiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 5Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States


While fMRI at 7-Tesla can provide clinically relevant increases in functional sensitivity over 3-Tesla, it also typically uses visual and audio stimulation devices that require additional space accommodations inside the RF coil. In order to accommodate a wider range of stimulus devices than possible with high filling factor designs, a head array coil utilizing a volume transmitter and 32 receive elements for 7-Tesla was constructed inside a versatile mechanical package to support fMRI and other applications.


Despite challenges, fMRI at 7-Tesla can provide clinically relevant increases in functional sensitivity over 3-Tesla.1 In some examples of previous studies,2-4 receive surface coil arrays with high filling factors were combined with a separate local transmitter to take advantage of the higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) available at 7T. However, fMRI studies typically employ visual and audio stimulation devices that require additional space to fit inside the coil. In order to accommodate a wider range of stimulus devices than possible with high filling factor designs, a head array coil utilizing a volume transmitter and 32 receive elements for 7-Tesla was constructed. The coil utilizes a mechanical package that has an inner profile to support headphone audio stimulus devices and a z-position adjustable mirror for fMRI. Furthermore, as imaging at 7T has become more commonplace, there has been a need for RF coils that support different applications, research, and faster workflow. To that end, the mechanical package was designed with an outer diameter that can fit within higher-order B0 shim coils, a superior-side access opening for EEG leads, and a split-top design for easier patient setup.


The 32-channel receive-only head array spans an S-I length of approximately 21cm and consists of two separate halves. The posterior half contains 20 elements of approximately 5x7cm arranged along 3 rows with the loops in a 7-6-7 configuration. The anterior half contains 12 elements, of which 10 are approximately 5x7cm (6 along the dome, 4 along the sides), and 2 larger elements (approximately 12x11cm) around eye openings (Fig 1). The receive elements are still sample noise dominated , so the SNR reduction attributable to coil losses in these larger receive element sizes is negligible per the definition of coil noise figure, given by NFcoil=10log10Rs+RcRs, where Rs and Rc are the noise resistances due to the sample and coil respectively.5 Overlaps were adjusted to minimize the coupling between neighboring elements at the 7T 1H frequency of 297.18 MHz. A partially shielded, high-pass, circularly polarized birdcage transmitter was used.

The internal dimensions and profile of the mechanical formers were designed to accommodate audio stimulus headphones (Avotec) (Fig 2). An opening at the dome region of approximately 3.5cm diameter was added to allow access from the superior side, such as for running EEG leads. The outer diameter of the coil is approximately 37cm to allow mechanical compatibility with higher-order B0 shim coils (Resonance Research), while fitting onto a detachable base that fits the system table under standard use. To assist with workflow and patient comfort, the coil has a split-top design and includes a z-position adjustable mirror (Fig 3). With limited space for the electronics, an ultra-compact, low noise, pre-amplifier 6 developed for 297.18 MHz was used and properly positioned relative to the B0 field as to maximize its performance.7

A Siemens MAGNETOM 7T system at the Cleveland Clinic was used for testing.


High resolution T1-weighted images were obtained from a healthy volunteer scanned with the 7T 32-channel head array (Fig 4). A visual task fMRI (flashing checker board) using a BOLD EPI sequence was also performed (Fig 5).


A 7T transmit with 32-channel receive-only head array was successfully constructed in a mechanical package accommodating a wider range of stimulus devices for fMRI. Initial results from healthy volunteers were obtained and a visual task fMRI (flashing checker board) was performed. Future work will involve comparing the performance of the coil to other known coils and investigating a design that supports parallel transmit.


This work was in part supported by the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, Grant Award 2R44EB007094-2 and the 2010 Ohio Third Frontier Medical Imaging Program Award.


1. Beisteiner, R. et al. “Clinical fMRI: Evidence for a 7 T Benefit over 3 T.” Neuroimage 57.3 (2011): 1015–1021.

2. P.J. Ledden, et al., “Twenty-Four Channel Receive-Only Array for Brain Imaging at 7T”, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 14, 422 (2006).

3. G.C. Wiggins, et al., “A 32 Channel Receive-only Head Coil And Detunable Transmit Birdcage Coil For 7 Tesla Brain Imaging”, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 14, 415 (2006).

4. P.J. Ledden, et al., “32 Channel Receive-Only SENSE Array for Brain Imaging at 7T”, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15 (2007).

5. Kumar, A., W. A. Edelstein, and P. A. Bottomley. “Noise Figure Limits for Circular Loop MR Coils.” Magnetic resonance in medicine: official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61.5 (2009): 1201–1209.

6. H. Fujita, et al., “A 3T Head Transmitter Integrated with 3D Parallel Imaging Capable 16-Channel Receive Array Coil”, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15, 3254 (2007).

7. C. Possanzini and M. Boutelje, “Influence of magnetic field on preamplifiers using GaAs FET technology”, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16, 1123 (2008).


Figure 1: Receive array layout. Note: Dome elements are curved to fit housing profile (not shown).

Figure 2: Posterior half mechanical profile showing subject with audio stimulus headphones (Avotec). Note the opening in the dome (superior side) allowing access (such as for EEG leads).

Figure 3: Mechanical package.

Figure 4: High resolution T1-weighted images of health volunteer. Sequence parameters: MP2RAGE (Siemens WIP #900), TR/TE/TI = 6000/2.99/800/2700ms, 0.75mm3 iso-voxel, 192 slices. Courtesy of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

Figure 5: Visual task fMRI (flashing checker board). Sequence parameters: BOLD EPI, TR/TE = 2000/21ms, 2.0mm3 iso-voxel, iPat = 3, 45 slices, 160 vols. Courtesy of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)